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Rootkit awoke to the birds' peppy and loud chirps. The sun was barely rising yet, the horizon was a dusted blue and gray blended together, like someone had taken gray ashes and the color of a blue sky. 

He stretched and got up, still weary from sleep. He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light. Rootkit groomed his Pelt, Though not very well, not many cats would be up yet. He couldn't awaken his siblings, or his mother,  only rational choice was to go to the clearing. Just another one of those same old days, nothing special.


Rootkit thought, If only I was. But I am, I'm..I'm...Rootkit? Rootkit sighed, and it seemed hopeless. He left the nursery, going into the wide clearing of the Dawnclan camp. The dawn patrol was preparing to leave, and he saw a small hunting patrol leaving camp as well. His father, Sunwhisker, was already leaving. He decided to talk with the Elders, they were always awake early. He grabbed two mice from the fresh-kill pile, padding slowly over to their den, which was tucked in the corner of camp, between and behind the apprentice's and warrior's dens.

 Rootkit pushed his way through the Bracken and gorse, a small shard of wood grazing his ear for the millionth time. He made his way through with a last hiss of annoyance, and pulled out the wooden shard, which, by the way, would start leaving marks if it kept happening. The Elders looked slightly alarmed, but their expressions calmed when they saw it was Rootkit. He often awoke early, And this was a main occurrence. " Good Morning, "

 Rootkit meowed, dipping his head respectfully to each elder and naming them as he went, " Dawnwing, Seedstrike, Eagleflight, Turtleface. " This time, his Great-grandmother, Dawnwing, responded. " Good Morning To you as well, Rootkit. " Rootkit laid down the mice, and Turtleface glanced at him suspiciously, " Did a hunting patrol already arrive back? " " No, " Rootkit responded, " One just left, and these mice were fresh. And on the plus side, the Warriors And Apprentices won't have to worry about you all being fed . " Seedstrike chuckled. " Rootkit, you are a smart, responsible kit. You'll make for one heck of a Warrior. " 

The other Elders murmured in agreement, And Rootkit grinned softly at their praise. " Thanks. " 

The sun was beginning to rise more now, and up the small slope in the Elder's den, then there was a small hole you could slip out of, and climb up a small hill to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful, and Rootkit loved it almost as much as watching the Sunset. Only Dawnwing and Seedstrike went with him, while it seemed Eagleflight and Turtleface were always more tired, and hungry, too. Rootkit shrugged it off, he didn't mind one bit. He sat there on the small hill once he was up there, taking in the beautiful sights, and letting the soft, cool morning Newleaf breeze ruffle his fur. The two Elders were also silent, as they took in the gorgeous sight. He could see the entirety of the camp from here, and more cats were beginning to emerge from their dens. First Woodstar, then Emberyowl And a few senior warriors. More time passed and some apprentices were leaving their dens and preparing to go and train. Apprentices....that's right!

" Dawnwing, Seedstrike, I need to go get ready for my Apprentice ceremony today! I'll see you later! " He dipped his head again to both of them, And cautiously climbed down the stony hill, landing with a small thud and swiftly padding to the nursery, where he could wake Jaykit, his best friend, and Fidgetkit, Rootkit didn't know. 

They were all born from different litters, but since there were only three of them, there had to be an explanation. 

And there was. 

They were born relatively around the same time, but, born during The Great Fox Massacre. Hordes of fox attacked, and his and the other kits' littermates were more adventurous, or braver than them then, so when they left the den for even a few seconds, when the Foxes left, their siblings' small, bloodied bodies were found. 

But Rootkit didn't want to relive that. He barely even knew them, so he had mixed feelings about it. He raced swiftly over to Jaykit, prodding him softly on his ears with his pale furred Paw. He felt his friend turn his head and let out a short, loud yawn. Jaykit had blinked open his silvery blue eyes, gazing up at Rootkit. 

" Geez, can't a cat get any sleep around here?" His friend protested. " Jaykit, our apprentice ceremony? " Rootkit fixed his yellowish gaze onto Jaykit. " Oh, oh, right! " Rootkit never throught he could ever see a cat get up so swiftly. " I'll go wake Fidgetkit! It's starting right after sunrise, right? " Rootkit nodded hastily. " Yes, and I just watched most of the sunrise! Hurry! " Rootkit meowed as Jaykit scampered over to wake the fuzzy brown Tom. 

Rootkit began grooming himself, smoothing out his ruffled tortoiseshell fur, getting as much as he can. He tried to prod awake his mother, who was sleeping, again. She was pregnant with another one of Sunwhisker's litters. After the Great Fox Massacre, her and Sunwhisker had gotten another litter, to have more than one living kit. She would not wake up. Rootkit sighed and finished grooming himself best he could, and padded over to Fidgetkit and Jaykit.

 He heard the bustle of more of his clanmates awakening and preparing for their ceremony. Jaykit was still grooming himself, and Fidgetkit had barely woken. Rootkit was beginning to get impatient, and he padded over quietly, to let Fidgetkit wake on his own accord, but he began grooming his denmate's pelt. Fidgetkit looked a bit startled at first, but then the smaller Tom calmed down and let Rootkit's soothing rasps slowly wake him. When Rootkit was done, his mother began to awaken just as Woodstar called the clan meeting. The three kits padded swiftly out of the nursery, saying a quick goodbye to Paledapple, Twiglight, and Featherclaw.

 " May all cats old enough to see the sunrise, gather for a clan meeting under the Highbranch. " Woodstar's  commanding yowl rang out. Rootkit waited at the foot of the young tree, tilting his muzzle up only slightly to see his leader and deputy on the low-hanging branches of it.

 This was it.

 Finally, a chance to prove himself as a valueable asset to the clan—————. 

A loud yowl of distress interrupted his thoughts.

Woo! Excluding these, 1109 words! I hope you guys like the story, and I hope you all are doing great!!! You are awesome, and can someone please explain to me what a Pizza Roll is. I have never had one.That's it, Gremlin,


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