Mission - Error

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*A/N this song has no relation to the story, but you should still listen to this song since they have very good English for Korean speakers and they're BTS*

I woke up earlier that usual and noticed that Yoongi's arms were around me, I carefully and slowly took them off me and went to the bathroom.

"I should change my hair if dad let's me" I said tiredly and went to go take a shower.

I heard the door open as I finished showering.

"Hey, what do you wanna eat?" I saw Yoongi say as I turned a bright red. He immediately closed the door and said to tell him when I finish.

When I did finish, I went back into our room, got my phone and went to go find Yoongi, who was making Udon (ooo dah n)

"Jagi-ah, should I dye my hair?"I asked him for his opinion

"Maybe, but you should ask your dad for his permission. Also why do you want to change it?" The Udon was finished so be brought it over along with bowls and chopsticks then began to eat.

"I just had my hair like this for a long time, and even Tae and jungkookie have already dye their."

"Oh okay, but is it just because you want to fit in or....?"

"Of course not! Why would you think that?" I started to pout because of what he said.

"Well whatever decisions you make, I'll still be here for you and love you" I started to lightly blush and continued to eat the food.

When we were done eating, collected the dishes and started washing them.

"Hey Yoongi, do you mind if I call my dad and see if i can dye my hair?"

"Yeah of course, why did you ask permission? Were you thinking that I'll be jealous if you talking to other guys~?"

"NO! I'll just take the call. Bye." I went into the master bedroom, which were my dad's and sister's, since she's still young. I called my dad wondered if he would pick up even though he's in a business trip.

Brring brring


"Hi dad"

"Ah~ Jiminie, what are you doing calling me so early? Did something happen to you guys?"

"No appa, we're doing fine and yo-Suga knows how to cook a lot of food so we're good."

"Oh okay, so what did you guys call me for?"

"Well this morning I thought about changing my hair color...... Is that okay with you?" I asked nervously

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I'll let you do it but are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure appa, and I'll send you a picture of what I changes it to, okay?"

"Okay, but be safe the both of you!"

"Okay, and be safe with your trip appa. Bye!"

"Bye, I love you guys both!"

End Call?

I ended the call and went back to the living room and saw Yoongi sit on the couch and watch tv.

"YOONGI!! We could dye our hair!!!"

"Really, wow. You have such a nice father."

"I know, but when do you wanna go out to the salon?" I asked as I started to sit down next to him

"I could set up an appointment with the nearest one, would you like that?"

I nodded my head 'yes' and went to go change into a tan long sleeved shirt with some words that read 'Be Born' and some black jeans along with a jean jacket.

Yoongi came in and changed into a white long sleeved shirt with some art that looked like a square and some black jeans.

We got all the stuff we needed and I waited for Yoongi to set up the appointment which didn't take too long.

He called an Uber, paid and was dropped off at the hair salon to dye our hair.

While I was waiting, I had Yoongi hold my phone and told him to take a picture of me when I get called up.

When I did get called up I sat in the chair and said that I wanted my hair to be, and I said orange. After an hour or so, I was finally finished. Then it was Yoongi's turn and he asked for a very light blond hair.

I took a picture of him before his hair was dyed and shared it to the others.

It was a long wait, so I could understand how he felt. I went through my phone and saw that Yoongi had taken a picture of me when I had my black hair. I shared it you Hyungs and others as well.

I waited for Yoongi to finish and while he was getting his hair dyed, I just played a lot of games on my phone. I also took a picture of me in my new hair color and wore my jean jacket over my shirt.

And once again, I shared it to the others and my dad. When Yoongi was finished, I offered to take a picture but he said no.

"So Yoongi, where do you wanna go now?" I said while we exited the building and walked to somewhere.

"I don't know where, but do you want some new clothes? I have a lot of spending money, so why not?"

"Okay!! What mall do you wanna go?" I was very excited about going to a mall because my clothes were usually uniforms and clothes my dad or mom or any relative that picked out for me.

"Um, I'll look up the nearest mall and we can shop there, okay?"

"Okay, but do you know what people would call this~?" I asked as I begin to blush

"What?" He started to look up nearby malls and found one nearby then looked at me.

"A date, silly~!" I said as he shaped his mouth as an 'oh'.

"Well, since we're on a date~........ Can I duck you later~?"

I begin to redden all over my face and body until he laughed a bit at me

"Nah~, I'm just messing with you. Let's go, it's just a few blocks away" he started to leave until I stopped him

"It's okay" I faced down

"Hmmm? What are you talking about?" his back was facing me and then we had begun to walk together.

When we got to the mall, I was very excited and I started to drag him all over the place to explore the new region.

"Yoongi, over here!! I found a ice cream shop inside here!!" I went in and wait for Yoongi to come and when he did he ordered ice cream for the both of us and right after that, I wanted lunch.

We continued walking around the whole mall and saw an actual clothing store with a lot of people.

Yoongi dragged me into the store and I saw a lot of comfy, casual, and fancy clothes and a huge variety of other kinds of clothes.

"Go pick something out and try it and I'll tell you whether you can have it or not."

"Okay, will you be waiting here?"

"Yes, of course. Why would I leave you?"

"Umm, just wanted to know."

"Oh okay, well I hope you look beautiful in the clothes you pick out."

"Okay!" I kissed him in the cheek as he sat down in a small sofa and left to find a lot of clothes.

I ended up with a lot of plain white shirt, jackets, sweaters, button up and some short sleeves shirt and placed it in a shopping cart then went all the way back to Yoongi.

"Yoongi, I fini- oh you're sleeping?"

I inched my face closer to Yoongi's and begin to whisper in his ear.

"Yoongi, if you wake up I'll reward you~"

It didn't work

"Yoongi-Hyung, there's a spider on you~"

It didn't work

"Yoongi-oppa, I don't love you. I love Taehyung-ah and I'm cheating on you"

This did work

"What!" He jolted up off the small sofa he was sleeping on and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"You're cheating on me with Taehyung!?"


"You're lying aren't you" he tighten his grip on me

"No! I only said that just to wake you up!!"

"Oh okay, but I don't want you to hang around Taehyung alone, okay?"

"Okay" his grip began to loosen and then he let go of my shoulders.

"So is this all you got?"

"Yes, why?"

"No, it's okay. It's still winter, so you would have to get a lot of long sleeve clothes."

"I know, but wasn't a bit hot yesterday?"

"I guess, but I don't want you sick"

"Don't worry, I'll be strong for you"

"Thank you~" he kissed me and then said to go to the cash register to buy the clothes

After all of that, we went home and place my clothes in the closet but we changed into comfortable clothes first. Then Yoongi started on making dinner while I looked at the comments on the pictures I posted.

PrincessJin: Omo, is that really you?! You guys look so handsome

YourHope: aww you guys look so cute

Joonie: Nice colors

KookiesAndCream: Support!!

AlienTae: Omo,it's mint ice cream and an orange!

J.G.F.: You look so handsome, Jimin!

JamJimin: thank you guys! ♡°♡

"Jimin, What are you smiling at?" I heard Yoongi in a curious voice

"Hmm? Oh I'm just looking at the comments of the pictures I posted"

"Okay, well dinner is done. Wanna eat?" He said as he placed a pot of goodness on the table

"Of course! I love food!" I exclaimed as I sat down in a chair

"I thought you love me" Yoongi said while standing next to me

"I do, but it's food~"

"That I made. Do you love me or my cooking?" As he put his hands on his hips

"Cooking!" I said jokingly


"I'm just kidding! I love you hyung~!

"I love you too Jimin" then he kissed me and sat down across from me and we began to eat.

When we were finished, I collected the dishes then Yoongi came again and wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear.

"Jimin, I'm bored now~"

"Well go entertain yourself, I'm washing the dishes."

"Jimin~ please"

"No, we already went shopping"

"Jimin-ah, please~"


"Yes Jimin~"

"I hate you"

"I love you too"

A/N: Word count: 1744
That's a lot!

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