Level 1

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After the ride, I landed smack face down on the ground, I cringed from the impact. I knocked on the pavement. It felt real in a digital way. "Computer-generated." I said. After laying on the ground I got up and I was wearing a black leather suit with orange add-ons and a circle with a screen was on my chest. I then took a look at my surroundings "Low-res!" I said. After that I tried to use telepathy to contact with Carmen, (Carmen. Carmen can you hear me? It's Adam your brother). I then heard croaking behind me and I turned around to see giant toads on giant pogo sticks. "Pogo toads!" I said.

While I was running away I saw a kid who looked no older than me wearing a red battle suit with matching goggles grabbing gold coins, the toads then shot at him with their tongues making him drop all his coins. After a while I knew he had enough so he grabbed one of the toads tongues and swung it around knocking all the others down. He then started picking up the coins he dropped.

While he was doing that he then looked at me and walked over to me, I then looked down at my foot to see I was standing on one of his coins, he grabbed it and then grabbed a ride from one of the toads. I then decided to try it.

So I jumped up and grabbed a pogo that was being used by a kid in a blue battle suit with glasses. "Hey! Get your own ride creepo!" He shouted. "Sorry! I thought you were a toad" I responded. "New player huh?" He asked. "Yeah new player." I said back. "Well here's a lesson you wont soon forget." he said. He then pressed a button on his shoulder and a device came out and latched to my head. It shocked me and I fell down a hole that had a sign next to it saying exit. "AAAAAHHHHH....!" I screamed.

After a while I then woke up in what looked to be a sewer. A robot head then came up to me. "Stand up." It said. "You fell three stories." it told me. "I survived?" I asked. "Not exactly, that is your life count." It told me. A number nine then came out of the circle on my chest and then turned into a number 8. "After taking heavy damage, you lose a life." it said. "What happens when I hit zero?" I asked. "Game over! When you run out of life, you lose. No replays no restarts." It explained to me.

I then decided to check my watch to see how much time had passed, I then noticed I lost about 7 hours and 21 minutes and I was shocked! "What happened to my 12 hours?! I only have four now." I said. "Time flies when your playing games." the head explained to me. "This is crazy." I said. "You better hurry" it told me. It then dispensed a silver goo, I touched it and then it started lifting me up. I then landed on the ground and saw the two guys I met earlier.

"So who are you?" The one with glasses asked me. "I'm Adam Cortez ex-secret agent of the O.S.S." I explained. "I'm Francis and this is Arnold" The kid in blue told me. "Hi, listen I need to get to level 5. But I only have a few hours before the toymaker takes over the world." I explained. "Level 5?" Arnold said. "Level Five is un-winnable." Francis told me. "I understand that, but I have to save the world..." I explained. "Hey, Rez. This person thinks he's level five material" Francis said to his friend. I then saw a  tall guy with spiky brown hair wearing a yellow and grey battle suit who must've been Rez. "So I hear." Rez said.

"You guys must be... Beta testers?" I said. "One of the first allowed to roam free of these coveted digital hills, my friend, How can I offer service? I'm Rez" he said. He then jumped off the target with his jet boots. "Hi Rez, now about saving the world..." "If anyone's gonna get to the great prize at level 5, it's gonna be one of us" Rez told me.

"Whatever. I want cheat codes, back-door entrances, shortcuts, anything. And I can pay you with bonus packs" I offered as I pulled out a blue octagon with a green grid, which Arnold grabbed. "Implementation of any kind of hack code or cheat boost, will trigger an immediate game over and permanent evac from the game." Rez explained as Francis took out a miniature computer, "It's all in your tech manual." He said.

"You have to play the game by the rules... Or not at all" Rez told me as Arnold crushed my bonus pack. "Alright. how do I get to level two as quickly as possible? Lives are at stake. Please." Rez pointed to a giant target with legs. "See that target? Hit it. You'll bounce straight to the moon." He explained.

"Yeah. I'd suggest a running start. Level 2 is on the dark side of the moon. The only way to get there is by hitting that target and bouncing to it." Francis explained. I then got ready to run. "Not a lot realism in these games, is there?" I asked. I then ran and hit the target and it slingshot me into the air towards space!

"We won't be seeing him anymore, let's go." Rez said. "The less competition the better." Francis said.

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