Level 5

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(M= Me, C= Carmen, FA= Future Adam, R= Rez, F= Francis, A= Arnold, SV= Savannah, G= Grandpa, and TM= Toymaker)  

After entering level five Rez grabbed my shoulder.

R: Alright you proved to us you're the guy get us through this Adam.

M: But, I--

A: Guy's look is that who I think it is?

Arnold pointed at something in the distance.

Then miraculously I saw the girl I fell in love with it was Savannah. But how did she survive I thought she got a game over? 

M: Savannah!

I ran towards her and I picked her up while spinning her around. Then realization hit me. How could she be alive? She got a game over. I became very suspicious.

SV: Adam, quickly! I found the switch to shut down the game. I also found the exit portal. We can all get out of here right now.

The guy's ran up to us and were just as shocked that Savannah was alive.

M: How did you survive?

SV: There was a glitch in the game. I don't know.

Carmen and my future self looked at her suspiciously.

C: Adam, who is this?

M: This is Savannah, my girlf-- My-my friend. No, she's my--

SV: I'm his girlfriend. Who are you?

C: I'm his sister.

FA: I'm him ten year's older.

M: She gave me the map, the map that got us here.

C: Adam, she's not real. 

FA: And she's lying to you.

I turned and looked at Savannah.

SV: What are you talking about? I've been helping Adam win the game. What have you two been doing? Playing prisoner, and procrastinating that's what.

C: She set you up, Adam.

FA: She set us all up.

SV: I... Adam they're lying. She's been the toymaker's prisoner. She could be brainwashed for all we know? And how do you know that guy over there is you and not just some spy working for the toymaker? Do you wanna win this game or not?

Carmen and my future self walked up to Savannah and swung their arm's at her and their arm's went right through her?!

FA: She's the reason this level's unwinnable.

C: She's the deceiver.

After I learned the truth I felt very hurt and betrayed.

M: Why?

SV: I'm sorry, Adam, but... it's in my programming.

My hand went right through her and I realized they were right.

My future self walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder and I turned to him.

FA: I found out the exact same way.

Congratulations! The toymaker said using Savannah's body.

A picture of the toymaker appeared

TM: You've made it to the end of the game! You won!

We all took a few step's back. Knowing that something wasn't quite right.

TM: Untold riches for all of you! And your prize is you get to stay... Here. 

TM: Welcome to the game.

Suddenly the room started to shake and lightning and pieces started flying everywhere! Giant robot's came out from under the floor. One tried to grab us.

G: Adam, this way. 

We all looked towards grandpa and saw him standing next to the exit portal.

G: This is the way out. All of you quickly!

We all took off in a sprint!

Except Savannah stayed put.

M: Wait! We have to shut down the game.

G: I already did. The switch is right there.

FA: Are you sure?

G: Yes, yes. Go. Quickly, quickly.

FA: Wait! Where's Savannah?

Future me turned around and saw Savannah still standing and ran back to get her.

FA: Hang on I'll be right back.

He rushed over to get her and they came running back.

M: Run, Grandpa!

When future me made it back he told savannah to follow my grandpa he'd keep the door open.

M: Wait older me come with us!

FA: I can't hold it open forever, Adam.


Future me made a quick sprint for the door and made it just before the door closed.

M: We made it.

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