Fourteen: Emma

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The chip is cold and smooth under my finger, where when I touch my skin it's warm and a little bumpy. I've had this chip for as long as I can remember. We've never been able to purchase a new one for me. And I was fine with that.

But now? The chance to get an upgrade is appealing. My chip is so slow and can take forever to load some days. But... what if he takes my old chip and finds all the apps I use for spying? I've been careful to hide them and any information and instructions I have but a tech genius could find them easily.

"Emma?" I turn my head towards Sam, who is now the last one in the car with me. Where did everyone else go? "We're here. Are you coming?"

I nod, the words catch in my throat as the worries continue to swirl in my head. My aunt, my parents, will be so disappointed in me when they found out I've given up information for a new chip. Even though I didn't want to.

Taking a deep steeling breath I step out of the car. Now's not the time to let my nerves break me. I'm about to go into the corporations of the Mars company! I'm in their headquarters! I've just been given the greatest chance to gather any information I can. It's all at my fingertips as long as I can sneak away from the Mars' family and find my way through the building.

"Alright." Mr. Mars claps his hands. "We'll head in, drop Jax off at the daycare center and then we'll give you a tour before upgrading your chip."

I nod. The sinking rock in my stomach is only going down farther.

"Wonderful." He spins around, Jax skips along in front of him singing under his breath. Mrs. Mars follows after them, giving me and Sam the rear.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks as we enter the cool building, the air hits me in the face as I enter.

I nod. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" An unwanted chuckle surfaces.

She lifts a brow. "Because you seem like you really don't want the upgrade."

Dang it. How does she see through me so well? "Of course I want it. Who wouldn't?"

She continues to look at me with a disbelieving face. I duck my head away from her unrelenting stare.

"Bye!" Jax calls. He runs up to me and hugs my legs before doing the same to Sam.

"Have fun," Sam tells him with a pat to his head.

He grins up at her. "I will!" Then he's running into the room, the two of us forgotten.

"Now, where shall we start?" Mr. Mars asks.

I shrug.

"Maybe show her the computer room?" Sam suggests.

My eyes light up and the rock lifts a little. "Computer room?"

Mr. Mars nods. "It's where all our coders work all day."

"I'd love to see that."

He grins. "Wonderful-"

Someone coughs. We all turn to find someone wearing a white lab coat standing beside us. Their gaze slides past me and Sam and ends on the Mars.

"What is it?" Mrs. Mars asks them. She crosses her arms over her chest.

The person's eyes flick to us once before settling back on Mrs. Mars. "There's a problem, Mrs."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Mars eyes narrow.

"I mean-"

She throws a hand up to stop them. "No. It's fine. I'll come and see for myself." She turns to us. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the tour, but work is always calling." She chuckles. "I hope you enjoy the place, Emma."

I nod. "I hope the problem isn't a huge one."

She sighs. "Me too." She turns and starts walking down the hall. "Alright. Lets' go."

The assistant scrambles to follow her, and I try to keep my eye on them but they both turn a corner before I can figure out where exactly they're going. I go to follow them but Mr.  Mars clears his throat and steps in front of me before I can. A frown forms on my face as my gaze drifts up to his own.

"We'll by heading to the computer lab. Which is that way." He points to the hallway right next to the daycare, which is headed in a different direction than what Mrs. Mars went.

"Oh." I look at it. "I thought we'd be following Mrs. Mars and seeing what the problem is?"

The only sign I receive of his anger is his eyes widening. "That would just stress her out to have someone watching her make a decision." I open my mouth but he beats me to talking. He grabs my arm and starts leading me down the hall. I try to rip my arm out but he's grip only tightens.

"Father, why don't I show her around and you go help mother?" We both turn around and stare at Sam.

I turn back just in time to catch his brows dip. "I'm sure your mother doesn't need help. And why would you-"

"You never know when they might need another set of eyes." There's a harshness to her tone that wasn't there before. But before I can question it, Mr. Mars drops my arm. He smooths the front of his suit.

"You're right." He looks down at me quickly. "I'll leave you to show her around, Samantha."

"Of course." I almost expect her to bow, but she doesn't.

Mr. Mars tells me I hope I enjoy the tour before walking the same path his wife had taken. I turn to Sam, the two of us now alone. Her arms crossed over her chest. "Do you really want a tour of the place?"

My mind screams yes, but would a regular exchange student really want that? "I'd like to look around," I say, trying not to sound too interested nor too uncaring. I don't think it works.

She lifts an eyebrow. "Alright then. I'll show you to the computer room and some of the workshops. Then I can take you around the city before my father upgrades your chip."

I look down at my wrist, the shiny silver sticking out against my dark skin. I had almost forgotten about the upgrade. "That sounds good to me." I look up at her with a tight smile before she can question my hesitation.

She grins. "Great. Let's get started then." She goes to step around me, but I reach out and grab her wrist. The one with her chip before she can.

"Before we go, can I ask what your parents went to do?"

Her gaze flicks over to the hall they disappeared into. She sighs before turning back to me. "I can't, Emma. That's not either of our business."

She's lying. "Does it have to do with the new robot?"

She looks at the hall again, this time she bites her lip. I want to stop her from doing that. "Emma... I can't... I'm not sure."

Again, she lies. "Why can't you tell me, Sam?" I drop her wrist, an idea forming in my head.

Her eyes widen. "Really? I barely know you."

Shit. So that was the wrong thing to say. "Sam- I was joking!"

Her eyes narrow. "Fine. Let's just do this tour." She spins around, her blond hair hitting me in the face. The scent of the sea flowing in it.

I follow Sam down the sleek metal halls of the office. We don't speak, nor does she look back at me, even when I try to break the silence. Why did that set her off? It was just a joke. Plus, I only need her trust for a little bit. I don't even need her to trust me. I just need to stay close to her. Close enough to smell her hair that smells like the sea? No. Would I like that? Yes. Why would I like that? I have no idea.

My face grows hot and I don't get a chance to hide it before she stops before a set of glass doors and looks at me. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Just excited!"

She raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything as she holds the door open. "This here is the main computer room," she says.

My breath is taken from me the moment I step into the room. Rows upon rows of computers. Not many have people sitting and working but there's so many of them. All the newest high tech computers too.

"For the most part this is where all the coding for games, cars, apps and microchips happen," Sam says. Her gaze turns sad.

"What's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "It's nothing."

I raise a brow but she stays silent. "Does the programming for the new robot happen here?" I ask to try and break the silence.

She shakes her head. "No that happens on the first floor." Her gaze sweeps the room, sorrow dancing in it.

I smirk. She doesn't even realize the information she just gave up.

"Shall we move on?" she asks, turning back to me, the sorrow in her eyes now gone.

I shrug. "Sure."

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