Seven: Emma

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I'm glad I arrived on a Sunday. That is, until my alarm goes off the next morning .I groan as I slap my chip, which means slapping my wrists and having pain shoot up my arm. "Shit!" I groan, clutching my wrist. This. This is why I hate my chip at times.

I manage to uncurl myself and unwrap the blankets from around me to stand up. I don't even clap before the lights are turning on. Frowning I clap my hands and open the curtains, letting in the natural-ish morning light. Who needs inside lighting when I get a view like this?

My room overlooks the canyons behind the Mars' house. The sun peeks out from behind them as if scared to greet everyone. The bottom of the canyons are filled with trees, with birds hopping or flying over and between them. I take in a deep breath, as if seeing the sight can bring me fresh air. I'm glad they were able to save some of the beauty of the natural world even as it was being destroyed.

I tear my gaze away from the window and head into the bathroom. Hanging on the rod from the shower is my school uniform. My brows furrow. How did this get in here? I know it wasn't in here yesterday. A shiver goes down my back. If someone in this house can sneak past me that easily what does that say about my skills as a spy?

I take the outfit down off the rod and place it on the counter, then I undress and run through a quick shower. I know it's not the smartest idea to get my curls wet because they'll never stay down now but I still feel gross from the trip and I don't need that to be my first impression at my new school.

After the shower, with a towel around me I pick up the outfit and scrunch my nose. Seriously? A skirt? I sigh. I guess I'll have to go see my aunt- new principal about getting some pants. Assuming I'd be allowed some pants. I put the outfit on and tie my hair up into a bun. As I'm leaving the bathroom and tugging the skirt down in the back my name floats through my room.

"Yeah?" I call.

"Are you having breakfast before school?" Samantha's voice floats into my room.

I pick up my messenger bag, which sits tossed by the dresser. "I'd like to," I respond when the door slides open.

Samantha takes a step back, her skirt swirls around her. Omg. Her skirt. I think it's shorter than mine. I cough and force my gaze up to her green eyes and not focus on her long legs and the peek from her skirt. She smiles, maybe a little smugness behind it. "Well then, we better hurry and eat before we leave."

I nod. "Yep. Sounds like a good idea."

She chuckles as she spins around, her blonde hair that hangs loose today whips around behind her. It sends a flowery smell to assault my nose. Oh, who am I kidding? It graces my nose and I end up following her like a lost puppy dog down into the kitchen.

"Hi, Emma!" Jax greets me.

Samantha places her hands on her hips. "What? No greeting for your own sister?"

Jax grins and shakes his head.

"Well, I guess you don't get a good morning hug then," she tells him as she heads to the pantry.

His eyes widen. "No hug?!" He jumps out of his chair and races to her. "I'm sorry! Good morning bestest sister in the whole world!"

Samantha smirks. "That's more like it," she says as she bends down and scoops him up. She ruffles his hair and rests him on her hip. "Now, what do we all want to eat?"

"Colored loops!" Jax cheers.

She grins. "Yeah?" Then she looks over her shoulder at me. "Do you want that too? Or do you want something else?"

I shrug. "I'm fine with that."

"Sounds like we're all eating Fruit Loops today." She reaches into the pantry and grabs the box.

"Yay! Colored loops!" Jax cheers.

"You wanna grab the milk for us?" she asks him.

He nods and after she's placed him on the ground he runs for the fridge.

I shift on my feet. "Is there anything I can help with?"

Samantha shakes her head. "Nope. Just sit down while we get everything set up." She places the cereal box on the island and heads to the cupboards beside the fridge.

"Are you sure?" I ask, dropping my bag by the door.

She nods as she reaches up to open the cupboard. Her skirt lifts up a little farther causing me to duck my head and look away before catching a glimpse. "You're a guest," she says over her shoulder. "Let us take care of you."

"Yeah!" Jax agrees. I look over at him to see him pulling the fridge open.

I sigh and take a seat at the island. I guess if I'm to stay here I need to get use to not being on my own.

Samantha places three bowls on the table and starts to open the cereal while Jax closes the fridge, milk in his tiny hands. "How much do you want?" Samantha asks.

I shrug. "Doesn't matter."

She raises an eyebrow. "Alright. Let me know when to stop then." She starts to pour it and it comes out so fast that by the time I say stop it's a little more than half full. "How about you, Jax?" she asks.

Jax has just now placed the milk on the counter and is climbing onto the stool next to me. "The whole bowl!"

Samantha chuckles. "You won't eat all of that."

He crosses his arms. "Yes I will!"

"No you won't." So she fills his bowl to the same amount as mine. But he doesn't seem to notice as he plays with little dinosaurs.

Samantha than fills her bowl before turning to the milk. "How much do you want?" she asks.

"Not very much." So she pours a splash in and I tell her to stop.

"Not a fan of milk?" She slides the bowl and a spoon over to me.

I nod as I shove a spoonful in my mouth. "If there's too much it makes the cereal to soggy but if there isn't enough than it's too dry."

"That makes sense." She fills both hers and Jax bowl up before passing Jax his and putting everything away. "That's why you stir it and make sure you get everything a little wet." She stirs her cereal before taking a spoonful.

I scrunch my nose. "That just... seems wrong."

She grins and flicks her spoon in my direction. "And that's how I feel about there not being very much milk with the cereal. It's not an even ratio."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." But a grin fights to take my face.

Jax just devours his cereal, completely ignoring us.

When we're all done eating Jax takes the bowls and spoons and puts them in the dishwasher.

"Alright buddy, do you need to use the bathroom before heading to school?"

He looks over at me before turning back to his sister and stomping his foot. "I'm a big boy! I don't need to!"

"Well, I do," I say. "I just need to brush my teeth and then I'll be good to go."

Samantha nods. "Sounds good. We'll be down here." As I leave I hear her turn to Jax and say something about him peeing and brushing his teeth. I just shake my head and grin.


Once we're all good we crowd into the limo. "Do you always drive around like this?" I ask.

Samantha rolls her eyes. "Unfortunately."

"What do you mean unfortunately? Do you know how many people would love to ride around like this all the time?" I know it beats the old hovercar mom drives that never seems to work.

"I guess." She looks down at her hands. "It's just... I don't like the attention it brings me."

I snort before I can stop myself.

"What?" she asks, staring daggers at me.

"Sorry. I just... why wouldn't you like the attention?"

"When it's the same attention you've gotten your whole life and it's all about your parents it... it gets old." She leans back and looks out the window. "It's always about them and asking what new project they have going." She sighs. "And this time is going to be worse than the last few times."

"Why's that?"

She looks at me, and I swear I can almost see the cogs turning in her head. "Because this time it's something no one has ever seen before."

Which is cryptic. But that's why I'm here. To discover what she means by that. "What do you mean?"


The drivers hologram face pops up in the middle of the aisle. "We have arrived at Jaxs school," he says, his voice echoing around us.

Jax cheers and hurries to unbuckle himself. As he hops out of his car-seat Samantha passes him his bag. The door of the limo slides open, letting in bright light and air. "See you after school," Samantha says.

"Bye!" Jax hops out of the limo.

"Bye, Jax!" I call after him, but he doesn't say it back so I assume he didn't hear me. The door slides closed.

"Are you ready for your first day?"

I blink. "I've been to school before."

She shakes her head as a smile sits on her face. "I didn't mean like that. I more meant are you ready for your first Mercia school day?"

"Oh. Then, yeah. I am."

She grins a toothy smile. "Great! Then let's head to school!" And the limo juts forward.


It's huge. That's the first thing I notice. Then I notice everything else about it. A manicured lawn, windows lining each wall, allowing for us to look into the classrooms. The building is lined in a shiny steel while the walls are an off white. A student parking lot off to one side and the teacher lot on the other side. My old school was one floor, one parking lot and looking like it was falling apart. This one is three floors, two parking lots and looks like a newborn baby.

"Alright, so we should probably head to the office first to get your schedule, your locker combo and see who your guide is."

"You're not my guide?" I ask as we make our way into the building.

She shrugs. "I'm not sure."

I nod. Great. So on top of having to keep any eye on Samantha and get any information out of her that I can I might not even have her as my guide.

"I'm sure I will be though," she says, side eyeing me. "It wouldn't make sense if I wasn't."

I nod.

Once inside we turn one corner and we're already at the office. Samantha walks in as if she owns this place. The lady looks up from her computer and smiles. "Sam! I wasn't expecting to see you today."

Sam? She leans against the counter, both her arms sit crossed resting on it. "Morning Bridgette. I'm actually here because we need to find out some information for Emma."

The lady looks behind her at me. "Oh! You must be the exchange student!"

I nod.

"Great! I have all your information right here." She spins around in her chair, grabs a folder from a table and spins back around. I head over to the counter as she holds out the folder to me. "That has all your schedule information, your locker number and combination for the first time."

"Thanks," I manage a smile. "Um... do you know who my guide is?"

Her forehead crinkles. "Your guide?"

"Yeah. To show her around the school and stuff," Samantha pipes in.

The lady chuckles. "We don't assign that. So you girls can do whatever you want."

"Oh," echoes from both our mouths.

"Well, thank you, Bridgette."

She nods and smiles. "Have a good day girls!"

"You too."

As we leave the office we look over my schedule. I smile when Samantha says; "Looks like we have the same classes! What a coincidence."

"Yeah, what a coincidence." A smirk lingers on my face.

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