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Me: *I open my eyes to an unfamiliar room I look at my arms and see I'm hooked up to IV's* Wh-where am I

???:Good morning darling you've been out for quiet a while

Me: *I look to my left and see pretty mixed girl with one blue eye and one white eye I sat up* Wh-who are where am I where are the girls

???:Easy dear *puts hand on my shoulder


???:Calm down honey you just woke up from a coma and I don't know who mean by girls

Me: *I growl and ripp the ivs out* Forget it I'll find the myself *stand up but fall back down in pain* AH

???:TRIXX GET IN HERE *bends down* come on darling let's get you back on the bed

Me:NO I need to find the girls

Soon a boy with white hair walks in

Trixx:Tricia what's *he looks at me* Oh shit

They both help me back on the bed and Trixx hooks my Ivs back up

Trixx:It's good to see that you're awake

Tricia:It seems she has no memory of what happened

Me:What are you talking about I was in my bed at home then I wake up here

Trixx:Not true I found you life less in Racine by the vines you're lucky to be alive

Me:Wh-what I..I don't understand *holds head*

Tricia:I'm sorry darling but you lost two of you're friends

My heart sank're lying

Trixx:No we saw them I tried to save them but I couldn't I'm sorry

I scream and cover my face crying while Tricia holds me this can't be happening *my eyes widen* wait my Destiny Girls device I can contact to see if any of the girls made it

Trixx goes over to desk then returns holding my device

Trixx:You mean I was wondering what it was when you passed out it kept blinking

He hands me the belt I open it and try to contact the girls but they didn't answer

I try contacting the boys but still nothing

Me:Come on please answer I can't lose any of you

I call them over over but nothing I drop my device

Trixx:I'll go get Lunar you girls change into some other clothes

Tricia nods as Trixx leaves

Tricia:I'm sure their okay darling come on lets you cleaned up you've been laying here for a while

I nod and she takes me to the bathroom and helps me clean up

???:Hey Trici I brought her some clothes

A girl in dreads walks in

???:Hey I'm Lunar


Tricia:Oh what a beautiful name

They help me in my clothes and wrap my chest and left leg up

Me:Ah shit

Lunar:Yeah you were banged up bad

Tricia:Lunar now is not the time any way come with us you must be hungry

They lead me up stairs to their home I see two boys playing video games with a girl behind
them they look at me

???:Wait she lived *a boy with a mohawk drops his controller*

The girl behind him hits him in the head

???:Shut the fuck up Micheal

Michael:OW what the Jewel

Jewel:Be nice

The start bickering

???:Shes kinda hot

Michael:Zerk leave the zombie alone plus she won't stoop that low


Lunar rolls her eyes

Lunar:Come on we made you a sandwich and Tricia made tea for you

She lead me to the table

I sat there stearing at my food and drank

Me:Thank you but I don't think I can eat or drink anything I'm to worried about them

I rub my arms sighing with my heart pounding

Trixx:So you part of Destiny Girls and were partners with the Delta Boys

I look at Trixx shocked

Me:H-how did you

Trixx rubs his neck then sits beside me and holds my hand


I pull my hand back

Me:What the heck are you doing creep im taken

Trixx sighs

Trixx:He's gone they're all gone while in the lab I look up you're profile to see if I could find you're friends to call them but they I'm sorry Libby they died

My heart sanked and my eyes were full of tears I stood up and glared at Trixx

Me:You're lying they're not dead I was with the other day at beach I just saw them they're not dead

Trixx stood grabbing my shoulder

Trixx:Libby calm down before you make you're self pass out

I push him off

Me:You don't know who the fuck you're talking about asshole we've been threw hell and back literally there is no way there dead

Tricia holds me by my shoulders

Tricia:Darling you need to breath you're not in the right state

I growl then fall to floor crying

Me:I can't lose them my best friends and only boy I've ever loved they mean more to then anything else in this please I can't lose them

I burry my face in my knees and cry thinking of the Delta Boys and the Destiny Girls not knowing it was our last time together

Lunar rubbed my back and moved my out of my face

Lunar:It's okay boo we're here you can stay with us for as long as you need

I wipe my tears and look at her

Me:Thank you Lunar

She smiles and Trixx nods

Trixx:My room is at the end of hallway if you ever need me

He stands up and goes up stairs

Tricia:Oh we must set the guest room up for you

I shake my head

Me:No no it's okay I don't need much

Tricia shakes her head

Tricia:I'm taking no an answer

With that she runs up stairs

Lunar:She's always like that

I laugh

Lunar takes my to the living to play video games with Micheal Jewel and Zerk I helped take my mind off what happened when night fell Tricia had my room set up with some clothes too

I smile to myself when I walk-in the room
closing the door behind me I took off my shorts
and shirt and slipped on a baggy night shirt I lay on my bed and covered up I turned off the lamp and turned to my window "Good night boys good night girls I love you" I close my eyes and soon fall asleep my memories of the boys and girls flood my head til I see them by killed one by one and I can do nothing about the vines hold me back as my friends and lover are killed in front of me I shot up

I put my hand over my heart and cry I lost my friends and lover in one day


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro