Chapter 22

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Evan's POV

"Okay Evan tell us how you felt towards those murderers and what they did to you?" My shrink asked me while everyone stared at me ready to listen do what I'm gonna say. Miniladd looks at me with a curious expression with his huge forehead facing straight at me.

"I prefer not to Mr. Peterson." I responded with a serious face to my shrink. "Why not Evan?" He asked again looking down at me. "Because I don't want to forget about them." I responded looking into his green eyes.

"Okay! How about you tells how you feel about your murderer? Tells us a bit about him." Mr. Peterson asked Mini who almost spit out water from his water bottle. "W-What? Oh yea of course um..." Miniladd thought for a while then took a deep breath.

"I felt somehow safe and cared around him...not wanting him to leave me. He would make me smile, laugh, and sleep peacefully without any nightmares. He wasn't just an ordinary murder, he was protective, lovable, and caring. He would always kill the people that try to hurt me. One night I managed to escape his grasp, but when I was running away some guys pushed against a wall in a alleyway and tried to rape me. He found me screaming out for help and calling out his code name which is Wildcat or IAmWildcat. He killed both of them and took me back to his hide out while I cried against his chest. He calmed me down by telling me that everything will be okay. Then more later on when I was still with him, he kissed me and took my virginity...he said 'I love you' and I also said back I love you. I miss him dearly wanting to feel his strong body and his love all over me." Mini finished talking already hugging himself.

"Do you still miss him?" Our shrink asked him. Mini just nod his head yes as an answer. "He sent me his pig mask and helmet from all the way the asylum that he was out in." Miniladd said looking up at us and showed a small smile.

He also fell for his own murderer just like me. I fell for Delirious while he fell for Wildcat that I don't even know who he is.

A knock was heard on the other side of the door so Mr. Peterson let the person come. A guard walked inside with a cardboard box. "Evan got a package from the Rosewood Asylum." The guard said handing the box to my shrink. "That's where Wildcat is..." I heard Miniladd mumble that.

The guard left leaving us alone here again. My shrink gave me the box and said, "Come on open it, we need to know what they gave you."

I rip the tape off and open it. My eyes widened seeing what's inside. "What is it Evan?" Miniladd asked me anxious to know what I'm seeing. I reach down and pull out the familiar blue hoodie from Delirious. Tears start to form in my eyes already sliding down my face. Look inside the box to check if he gave me anything else and that's when I saw the familiar looking Jason's mask. I pull it out seeing a few scratches on it.

I hug them tightly while Miniladd wrapped an arm around me. My shrink looked at the stuff in my arms and finally realized who they belong to. "Are those from one of the murderers?" He asked me. "'s the main murderer that I fell in love with. The one that save my life." I said with cracked voice. An alarm started to play on Mr. Peterson's phone telling us that today's session is over.

The rest of the day I stayed in my room wearing his blue hoodie and mask. That means he is okay and is taken care of in the asylum with the rest. His sweater and mask still has his scent.

I miss you...

I said in my head hoping that he will respond back, but thirty pass by and nothing came.

Delirious please respond...I'll think of a way to get you and the rest out of there.

I said again in my head, I know that he can read my thoughts with his telepathic powers. He is a psychic.

I heard a small tapping sound on my window seeing that same owl from last time. "OPEN THE FUCK UP BITCH!!!" He yelled out which made me groan and sit up, opening the window. He flew inside and rest on my bed. "What the fuck you want know you pathetic owl?" I asked him. "First of all I'm not pathetic and second of all my name is Vanoss you fucker!!" He yelled at me pecking my knee which made me yelp.

"Okay then Vanoss...why did you came and disturb my chance of being able to communicate with my lover?" I asked him with an angry annoyed tone. "I found out what your what your other ability might not like it, but it's part of who you are so yeah." He said. I just nod confused not knowing what he is even saying because he doesn't make any fucking sense! I take Delirious sweater and mask off putting on the bed softly.

"I'm part of your second unknown ability." He said which made me immediately get up. "Fuck this shit I'm out!" I said heading towards the door.

I heard him sigh and then heard a fast swooshing sound. I turn around and saw him glowing bright gold like if he was some kind of spirit and then he darted straight at me. I scream and closed my eyes immediately passing out when I get hit by him.

I wake up on the floor blinking my eyes open adjusting to the darkness around me. I sit up feeling a bit weird. "What the hell happened? My head hurts..." I touch my head and noticed something odd with my hands. My eyes widened and scream seeing that my hands aren't ordinary human hands anymore. They were...TALONS!!!

I get up and walk up to the mirror seeing the most horrifying thing in the world. I had the head of an owl and my hands were talons. I look like a god damn monster.

(A/N: That's what he looks like right now. Give me credit if you're gonna repost my drawing because I drew this with my bare fingers)

"What the hell?! There is no way this is my other ability. First is able to communicate with animals and now I can turn into a human owl monster!" I place my new hands on my face griping the feathers of my face, but immediately pull my talons away because I scratch my cheek a bit.

"Wait where are you Vanoss?!" I asked looking around for him.

'I'm in you you mother fucker!!!'

My eyes widened hearing him in my head. "What the fuck?!"

'I'm part of you now. I was your second ability.' He said in my head.


The bust open with an annoyed Miniladd. "Shut the fuck up OH MY GOSH!!! LA CHUPACABRA!!!" He started yelling grabbing my pillow and starting to hit me with it while I just curl up on the ground screaming.

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