The Training

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Squiddy stared at the gym. Behind him, the other Octos oohed and ahhed. The gym was gigantic! It was the size of an Olympic Soccer field, and There was a bold, red line painted in a border 10 meters from the wall. The walls were all decorated with the Elements, all the Elements Council in their animal forms. The ceiling was blue and was dotted with... REAL CLOUDS?!? They floated to and fro to the air conditioning.

"Welcome, all Octos." Wilddragon landed in front of them, turning from dragon to half-form, which was half dragon half human. "The most famous battle in the earliest Octo nation was called Octo Brawling. It was similar to fighting, like what Squiddy and Echo did today. The loser has to go to the Battle nurse, who healed their wounds, and the winner also gets healed and fame. So, how it works, is the two Octos would come out from the passageways on either end of the arena. Then, they will transform into their battle forms. The judge will countdown from 3, then blow a whistle. When the Octos hear it, they attack each other. You can have multiple tries at once, but it may be quickly ruined by the opponent who recovers from shock and attacks you. If an Octo is knocked out of the red line," she gestured at the red border. "the opponent gets a point. Or, the opponent gets knocked out and the other Octo wins. Whoever reaches 3 or 2 points win. I mean, if for the first two rounds, they tied, then there will be a final round, and there will be a victor. At the early times, it was a sport that they always did to become stronger and to win more faster than before when facing real opponents, such as in a war." she stopped and took a deep breath. "Any questions?"

No Octo raised his/her hand."Alright, I will assign two random Octos to battle. Don't worry, I'll heal you right away after the match. So, you, and you."  she pointed at an Octo in front of Squiddy, and another Octo." but the Octo in front of Squiddy didn't move.

"She pointed at you, Squiddy!" Echo hissed in his ear. 

"Oop!" Squiddy hurried out and flew over to one side. The orange-and-red Octo whose name was Sparkzy Fireblaze, zipped over to the other side. 

"Okay! Ready?" Wilddragon called through a megaphone which had magically appeared in her hands. Octos rushed behind the red border line and watched the two Octos excitedly. Squiddy felt brave. 

"Ready!" he shouted, transforming into his Typhoonbringer form. "I am Typhoonbringer!"

"Ready!" Sparkzy shouted, turning into a red-orange-and-yellow Octo with pink stripes across his face, flaming designs on his body. He was holding a flaming sword. "I am Fireshadow!"

"3! 2!1!" Wilddragon shouted. The Octos squealed. Wilddragon blowed into her whistle. Octos screamed.

"Water Vortex!"Typhoonbringer immediately lashed out his trident. A big beam of water with dark blue liquid surrounding it burst out of his trident and zipped towards Fireshadow. 

"Urgh!" he staggered backwards, but still a lot of space between him and the line. "Fire Bolt!" he thrust out his sword, and a streak of fire shot out, homing in on Typh.

"Nuh-uh!" Typh raised his trident and simply lashed away the blast, canceling it. 

"WHAT?! TAKE THIS! Fire Tornado!" he made a weird pattern with his sword, and a huge fire tornado appeared. 

"Water Barrier!" Typh summoned his shield, and held it in front of him. The tornado kept on hitting his shield, never giving up. With every hit, he felt more frail. Sweat beaded on his forehead. 

"Hah! You like that?" Fireshadow summoned more tornados, all trapping Typh in a tornado prison. 

"No!" Typh summoned more barriers, but he felt faint. 

"Fire Rope!" Fireshadow threw a fire rope, and it wrapped around Typh, binding him. His shields grew more faint. "I'm going to knock you out and the victor will be me! All me!"

At the corner of his eye, Typh saw Echo. She looked worried, tears in her eyes. "No! I won't let you! I will not let you knock me out!" Typh cried. He focused on his inner energy. It was growing faint. You can do this, he thought to it. Don't give up. Don't let Fireshadow knock us out! The energy suddenly burst out, burning stronger than before. 

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Typh screamed with determination. He wrapped his concentration around the burst, and let it explode. "Water Burst!" he shouted, wrapping his tentacles tight, then flinging them out, as fast as he could. He felt energy surge around him, rushing out of him. The ropes suddenly melted away, leaving him free from any confinement. The tornadoes around him dissipated, leaving nothing but traces of ash. The blast had knocked Fireshadow high in the air.

"WHA-WHAT??!" Fireshadow cried as he sailed through the air, disturbing the clouds at the celing. Then he landed outside the border. He sat up weakly, putting a tentacle to his head. "Wow. Wow. I just lost a point to him. But, I WILL defeat him." he stood up. "Wilddragon, let the next round begin!"

"Typhoonbringer: 1. Fireshadow: 0." Wilddragon shouted. "Yes, we will start the round. Typh, Fire, please go back to the ends of the ring."

Typh rushed back to the side and glimpsed Echo smiling, wiping away her tears while grinning widely. When she saw Typh looking at her, she winked and mouthed, "You got this." The other Octos cheered loudly.

He nodded back. 

"3! 2! 1!" then, she blew into the whistle again. 

"Fire Bolt!" Fireshadow, full of rage, shot a lot of flames at him. 

"Water Barrier!" Typh held up his tentacle, and a bigger and bluer shield appeared in front of him. It had a water sign on it. When the flames touched the shield, they got rebounded and flew off in random directions and dissipated. "Wow. You really need to chill down. Water Cage!" he pointed at Fireshadow with his trident, and a cage made of water appeared, trapping Fireshadow inside. 

"What is this?" he demanded, ramming into the bars and shooting fireballs at the bars unsuccessfully. 

"Your chill down room." Typh smirked. "But, actually, I don't want you in your chill down room. I want you out of the ring! Aqua Dragon!" he screamed, leaping into the air, reaching his tentacles into the air as reaching for the clouds. A blue aura surrounded him, lifting him into the air, and behind him, a huge water Chinese dragon formed, roaring. Its eyes flashed, and it zoomed towards the cage, snarling.

"Nooooo!" Fireshadow tried to run, but he no way to go because he was trapped in the cage. He screeched as the dragon rammed into the cage. The cage melted, and went to become more parts of the dragon. The dragon whirled around in the air, and dive-bombed towards its target. Before Fireshadow could even scream, the dragon rammed into the ground in front of him, which sent up water droplets flying, including a very surprised looking Octo. Before the Octo could land, which was still inside the ring, the dragon zoomed forwards and rammed the Octo out of the ring. Then it disappeared. 

"Typh! NICE JOB!" Echo's faint voice reached his ears. 

Typhoonbringer transformed back to Squiddy, saying, "I won." then we walked over to the now untransformed Octo huddling outside the ring. "It was nice battling you, Sparkzy." he reached out his tentacle. 

Sparkzy flinched, drawing away from his tentacle. "You were great..." he sighed. "Now I guess that I will have lots of bullies and few friends."

"No!" Squiddy persisted. "You won't! Don't say that!"

"Oh..." Sparkzy looked at the ground. 

"Do you want to be my friend? Me and Echo can protect you from any bullies, and teach you any subjects that you want to build on!" Squiddy suggested.

"That sounds great!" Sparkzy's eyes lit up. Then he took Squiddy's tentacle, saying, "It was nice battling you too, Squiddy."

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