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"Are we sitting comfortably? Good. Welcome! Citizens of Autodale, to this PSA. Children look around the room, look at your father, he likes to read the newspaper and kick his feet up after a long days work. He provides for your family, your father, is pretty. And then children, look at your mother, isn't her cooking splendid? She also keeps the house clean, she reads you bedtime story's every night. Your mother, is pretty. And now children, look at yourselves, your young, you laugh you play, you may, scrape your knees from time to time, you have friends, you and your friends get up to all sorts of playful mischief.

One day, children, you will grow up to become just like one of your parents, and you will build a family of your own, one day, you will be pretty. Now finally my pretty's, look outside at your lovely neighbors, your pretty, Your pretty, Your pretty, but alas children, not everyone is pretty. Some are, Ugly. We don't want, Ugly's, do we children?

You are Ugly, you are Ugly, you are Ugly. We take the Ugly's away, so that you, and your friends, and your neighbors, and your family, can stay pretty. Remember that children. 

And this concludes today's PSA Citizens of Autodale. And children, like your parents, and their parents before them, always remember, to stay pretty."

And have you figured out what this is yet?


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