Sexy In Black

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Severus Snape was a controversial science teacher. On one hand, people did learn a lot through Snape, but he was anything but approachable. Snape made it clear through his sneerful voice and creepy facade that he disliked the students just as much as they disliked him.

Class D has decided that all that Snape needed was a big laugh. Today was test day, so they would be sitting in their chairs daydreaming for the day to be over. Not on their watch. The students had planned different things to troll their teacher, but for Vicky Pollard, it was another day at school. Snape marched into the dimly-lit classroom.

"There will be no more item throwing or silly incantations in this class today," Snape said. He grabbed the pile of papers on his desk and passed them around the classroom. His movements ceased when he reached Vicky Pollard's row. "Not another word." Snape slammed the paper on Vicky's desk and continued his round.

Vicky had an outburst. "Don't go giving me evils."

"Is there a problem, Miss Pollard?" Snape asked, looking at him like a concerned relative.

"No, but yeah, but no, but I saw Eric Cartman's dick and it's giving me nightmares."

"Contain yourself," Snape snapped. "Can you for once in your illiterate life act normal?"

"I may not be normal," Vicky said. "At least I'm not boring. And at least I wash my hair."

"Absolute silence is required for this test. I assume you have all completed your essays and you are ready to hand them in." He sneered. "Well, except from Uzamaki, Hyuga, Ketchum, Pollard, and McCormick." Snape's eyes scanned the science class. "Where is Mr McCormick?" Snape's eyes pierced through the class.

"Kenny died again!" Stan raised his hand. "He got decapitated by a Teddiursa."

"Loss of limb does not excuse him. I suppose it doesn't matter."

Kari Yagami was giggling next to one of her friends, Davis Motomiya. "Do you dare me to say it?" Kari giggled.

"Go on Kari," Davis whispered, nudging Kari's shoulder. Kari raised her left hand whilst grinning at Davis.

"Yes, Miss Yagami?"

"Snape, I think you look very sexy in black." Kari announced rushing her words and almost shouting them. At that moment Davis roared with laughter. Naruto gave Kari a slightly dirty look. However, some of the class couldn't help but laugh at Yagami's comment. Snape froze, looking less than amused.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Yagami," Snape said dreary. "Keep your fetishes to yourself. You have a test to do."

"Yeah!" Vicky shouted, clapping for Snape. "About time someone put that slag in her place."

"Nice one Kari," Davis winked at her. He pointed at Vicky and grit his teeth. "You can shut your face!"

"Don't encourage them, Motomiya," Snape said. The science teacher threw a test paper directly at his face.

"One more thing, sir," Davis shouted out, raising his hand. Snape reluctantly stopped again and gave Davis an evil look. "So," the goggle-headed boy began to stutter. "I herd u liek Mudkipz. Is this true?"

"Ode to the Mudkips!" Naruto shouted out randomly. "What the hell, Davis? That was completely random!" Sakura, the pink-haired girl sitting next to him, nudged his shoulder as a signal to remain silent.

"If you're going to make jokes, Motomiya," Snape sneered, unimpressed. "At least make them decent."

"That was a decent joke!" Davis shouted, standing up as he spoke. "You lot thought it was funny? Put your hand up if you thought it was funny." Kari was hiding her giggles through covering her mouth. Kari raised her free hand. "Thank you, Kari!" Davis exclaimed.

"You're welcome, honey!" Kari smiled.

"Did you just call me 'honey'?" Davis asked as red blushing dashes formed on his face.

"I know where you two will be tonight," Vicky said, pretending to be sick.

"Is there something you wish to tell the class?" Snape asked Vicky. "Perhaps it might be useful for the class."

"Ash Ketchum has four kids by five different women."

Davis and Kari glared at Vicky. Ash wanted to retaliate, but was restrained by May and Misty.

"Motomiya and Yagami," Snape snapped. "Can the pair of you leave my classroom? You will both do this test in a lunchtime detention!"

"Still think you're sexy in black, sir," Kari smiled as she left the classroom with Davis.

"Your compliment will not immune you from this detention, Miss Yagami," Snape assured her.

Davis and Kari both left Snape's classroom in silence, holding back their laughter with great difficulty. Snape marched back to the blackboard. "Now that those disturbing two are gone," Snape announced. "You have the rest of this lesson to do the test. Absolute silence, starting now. Anyone who doesn't finish the test will be joining Motomiya and Yagami to finish it this lunchtime."

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