people never change

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People never change.

Fingers still lace together, blood still calls for blood.

People never change.

The galaxies sputter out a million dying eulogies, and the sun burns itself like a tragedy. In and out. Out and in. And in the side of the picture, there's a speck of dust in orbit.

People never change.

A flying fist, and a bruise and cut and a finger pressed onto a cheek. A sad smile. When you bend your wrist to pull loose hairs behind my ear. It happens. Again, again, again. The universe is stubborn. So are you.

People never change.

We kill and we kill and we kill and string our sentences like the cords around our necks. Like nooses, wrapped around our beings. We tip a cup of blood down the sink, and we stare at the empty thing, and we collect and tip more.

People never change.

Sometimes, you can almost bluff yourself into thinking that you want more. Because when you stare above, you can see the network of stars—yellow twinkling lights studded into the sky. And you think, more more more.

People never change.

I could tell you anything. Over, and over again. But you'd still stroke a laugh into the wind, and push my worries away. We are so young and free.

But you forget—you forget that we're so young and wild and naïve and free that we forget. We forget that we are mortal because we want to play God in the universe that is our stage. We forget that we are sad because we always want to be happy. And we forget that we're still alive. And we bleed. And we cry. And we die.

People never change.

Things never change.

Nothing does.


a/n: hi hello this is my life philosophy its bleak and dull and i would like to share it with the world!

stay dazzled,

- C

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