Chapter 7- Friday

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I met up with Ghajana and Aniqa at breaktime. I told them about the visit from the strange 'spirit'

"Wait, are you telling me, you talked to some creepy ghost dude without recording it? We could have been famous! Jeez Elaynah" Aniqa said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I think the more important question should be, girl how you were not terrified? That thing was floating around like it owned the place, you were half awake and it was DARK!" Ghajana asked.

"I was terrified! And Aniqa come on man! How am I meant to record something if I was too petrified to move? Besides, we have enough attention as it is from strangers. We don't need any more weirdos. Speaking of stalkers, it didn't explain how it got hold of all those pictures."

I mentally facepalmed. That should have been one of the first questions I should have asked. If it was even my stalker.

"Cool! A skilled photographer ghosts. Man, I wish I was there." Seriously Aniqa?

Ghajana gave up defeated and just shook her head. "We better get going, we still got lessons."

Well whatever lesson it was, I wasn't looking forward to it. I followed behind Ghajana and Aniqa hoping they'd lead me to the right lesson.

"Where are you going'? Your lessons that way and up the stairs. You got English." Aniqa turned around and informed me.

Great. More walking and climbing.

"So, how's your stalker thing going? The police catch the pedo yet?" Tanisha yelled out from halfway across the room. Alerting the rest of the class of any 'juicy' details that may be spilt.

I hesitated for a second, can I be asked to tell her the entire story?


"Nah, the police are useless, you should know that. I doubt they are actually doing anything"

"That sucks man, imagine living your life knowing someone is just around the corner observing everything," She says.

At least she had the luxury of thinking that it was even human.

I take out my English book, flipping to a blank page getting ready to write an essay on Shakespeare. But a loose piece of paper gracefully floated to the floor. Groaning, I bent over to pick it up. I read the note

"Meet me on the 28/12/2019, in front of the station on high street.- Cathy"

I did not recognise the handwriting. And 'Cathy'? I don't remember ever meeting someone called Cathy. Unless it was the Blonde Woman.

A man walked into the classroom claiming to be a supply teacher as our English teacher was ill and not able to make it. Honestly, no one cared, everyone was busy changing their seats trying to get to their friends. It was a free lesson. I stayed put as all my friends took their seats around me.

The note was snatched from my hands. I looked up panicked, it was Jaz. Her eyes narrowed reading the paper and then looked up to me scandalised.

"You're a lesbian and you didn't bother to tell us?"

Wait, what.

"Give me that," Raz reached over to see the note. "So Cathy is your new girlfriend?" She said smugly.

"Guys! Come on, why of all things did you assume it was a date?" I said, a bit baffled.

"Yeah.." Ash said, trailing off. Looking just as confused as me.

Jaz looked at me. And then at the note. And then finally said, "Cause I'm bored."

I shook my head, laughing.

"Wait so if this isn't a date, what is it?" Good question, too bad I can't answer it. I looked at the clock hoping to be saved by the bell but we were only 10 minutes into the lesson.

So I did what all teenagers did when they didn't have an answer. I shrugged.

"Wait is this to do with your stalker?" Raz asked.


"What do you mean 'probably' and don't tell me you're actually going to meet her, you might end up kidnapped or something," Ash said worriedly.

That is actually a good point.

"Don't worry, I'll have to talk to the police and they'll deal with it." As soon as I said those words, I knew they were a lie.

They nodded their head and started a conversation about a TV show they have been recently watching.

Next up is science. Good. I can tell Ghajana and Aniqa about the note and see what they think of it.

"I mean you are practically immortal, so you won't end up hurt," Aniqa replied

"True, but what about your parents? There's no way they'd let you go and meet strangers." Ghajana pointed out.

"I can get Humz and Nafs to cover for me. My parents know them and think they are generally 'good' kids."

"Well, now that's sorted, can you please answer the question so I can copy you, cause Mr Malik is giving us glares," Aniqa said, looking a little lost by the heavily worded question on the board. And she was right. Mr Malik was staring at us, making it very likely that he was going to pick on one of us to answer the question.

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