Chapter 9 - Saturday

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An alarm woke me up. I raised my head to see that it is only 8 am. I felt my eyes droop until sudden realisation hit. I forced myself to get up and get ready with a sense of purpose. I changed into an outfit and ate breakfast (which was an apple and water). I went to my parents' room and said "Bye, I don't know how long I will be. Just call me if you want me back home."

I walked to the bus stop to find Nafs already present.

"hey, you know I really appreciate this."

"No problemo, I needed some fun in my life anyway."

The bus came to a stop in front of us, we both stepped in, knowing after this, there is no return.

Okay fine, maybe I was thinking of backing out.

We met Humz in High Street with some tall guy standing next to her.

"Hey, Humz!" And nodding towards him, "And this is?"

"Iram, at your service." I raised my brow at that. Iram who?

"Iram... your boyfriend, Iram?" Nafs says

"Well, how many Irams do you know Nafs?" Humz finally speaks up.

Nafs raises her hand in defeat.

"So guys, she told me to meet her in front of the Train station. But-" I paused looking at 'Iram', "How much does he know?"

"As much as I do, he is my boyfriend. I felt bad keeping secrets. Besides if I was going to drag him into this, he might as well know what is happening." Humz answered looking a little sheepish.

I nodded my head in understanding. What's the worst that can happen.

"Right, so we have a tiny problem. It's so minuscule I didn't notice it," I said preparing myself for their reaction. "We don't know when 'Cathy' will show up. So we might be stuck here all day."

"Elaynah!" Nafs groaned.

This time it was me who shrugged sheepishly.

"We should find a shop to sit in with a glass window. So we can be on the lookout for the woman and be warm and cosy at the same time." Iram said.

So he is more than a pretty face. I gave him a respectful nod.

We decided to sit at Pepes, the smell of chicken wafting around the shop. I was suddenly hungry. Come on Elaynah, focus.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw someone looking right at me. I turned my head, and our eyes met. It was a girl no more than 23, with haunting eyes and black lips. She got up and walked up to us. She looked right into my eyes, asking "You saw it, didn't you?"

And on instinct, I knew who she was talking about. The ghost in my room. "Yes," I whispered. She nodded as if already expecting that exact answer.

"She'll be here soon enough," with a nod towards the station, she walked away and out of the shop.

"Well, that was weird,"Humz said, leaning relaxed on Irams shoulder.

Nafs and Iram nodded in agreement.

And from where I sat, I got a glimpse of blonde hair. Involuntarily I stood up to get a better look. It was the blond woman. It was Cathy.

"She's here. What do I do now?"

"Go to her, we'll be here watching if anything goes wrong," Nafs assured me.

"Yeah, we don't know if she will stay if we all go and gang up on her," Humz added.

I guess with all the supernatural involvement, I think the conversation will be better private. With one last glance, I followed in the emo girls footsteps.

When I reached the station, Cathy looked up at me.

"I see you have bought some friends with you." I nod, there is no point in lying.

"Am I correct to believe you met with the spirit, and it has explained to you the certain uniqueness in you?"

Again, I nod.

"To answer your question, the stalker is not your brother. It is another spirit. Much like the one you already met."


She handed me a package, "Here, this is the polaroid camera it has been using. You can say I've had a word with the spirit for terrorising a poor teenager."

"Thank you, I guess. But who are you?"

"I am Cathy. A friend of yours. A friend of the spirits. We're alike you know. I'm an immortal just like you."

"Oh, so we'll be in touch?" I hesitated, "And how old are you exactly?"

She giggled like a child, "You don't ask a lady her age," She said, "But since I am no lady, I'll tell you I'm going on 203."


"You should be getting back to your friends."

"Yeah.." Glancing at their faces smashed on the window, causing me to laugh. They are certainly doing a good job of watching me.

When I looked up, she was gone.

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