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Jen's POV

"Okay, let's go to the mall" she smiled as she pushed me back out the door. "Okay...?" I questioned as an oddly familiar person walked up the driveway. "No way, He. That's Jayden" Gracie whispered. He was my Ex-Boyfirend "No, why is he here?" I questioned. "Hey" he smiled at us. We dated in 11th grade. "Hi, who are you?" I asked, pretending to be clueless. "Uh, Jen, it's me Jayden." he smiled again. "Oh! Hi" I laughed awkwardly. "H-h-h-h-h" I started but couldn't get it out. Gracie hit my back. "Hoe have you been?" I asked with a small smiled. "Good, good, you?"he asked, scratching the back of his head. I had my moms ring on because she wanted me to have some of her while she was gone. "G-good. Your normal perfesional uh YouTuber" I sorta smiled. "Oh, I see you have Gracie, right now. I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out, cause I thought this was your house?" he asked. I looked at Gracie hoping she wouldn't let me go. "Oh! It's fine. We weren't doing anything special, anyway. Go have fun!" she smiled and pushed me twords him. "Oh, okay, great!" he smiled again. I gave my best fake smiled. "Well, I guess we'll take my car." he smiled and decided for me to follow. I walked back words, mouthing. "WTF! Nooooo" she laughed and waved. "Ready?" he asked turning twords me. I quickly turned around. "Yeah! Perfectly ready!" I fake smiled. He opened the car door for me. "Thanks" I smiled and got in the car. He walked around to the other side and got in. He then turned on the car and started driving. I just looked out the window. He plunged in the ox cord. "Let me see your phone" he smiled. I turned my head twords him. "What?" I laughed. "Let me see your phone. Trust me" he laughed looking at the road. "Fine" I sighed and handed him my phone. "Ooo, who's Will? And Parker?" he asked looking at my phone at a stop light. "The people I have to share a house with for the whole summer" I laughed looking at him. He chuckled. He plunged my phone in and went on my Spottify. He turned on my most use playlist. It only had three songs. Please Don't Go by Jole Adams cane on first. "No, you didn't. Your gonna make me sing" I laughed. He nodded as he drove. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked humming the words "Gold Camp" he smirked. "No, that place creeps me out at night" I complained. He laughed. "I'll protect you." he smirked again. Then my phone rang. Will as calling me. "Sorry" I smiled and answered the phone. "Where are you?" he asked. "With Gracie" I lied. "Like I said I was going" I smiled looking over at Jayden laughing quietly. He could hear the conversation cause the vloume on my phone. "We're going to the Mall." he said as I heard Haylee in the background. "Who's making my friends laugh like they have a crush?" I asked. "Parker." he said simply. "Where are you guys going?" he asked. I looked over at Jayden clueless. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Uh, we're staying in I'll be home by..." I looked over at Jayden again. He put up 3 fingers. I rolled my eyes. "I'll be home by...?" Will asked. "GRASER SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I heard H yell. I laughed. "I'll be home by-" Jayden cut me off. "SHE'LL BE HOME BY THREE" he said and I quickly hung up. "Seriously?" I asked jokingly punching his arm. He laughed. We turned the corner where we met the cemetery. He pulled into it. "What are we doing?" I asked looking over at him. "Hanging out" he smirked. "I'm pretty sure, in your words hanging out means making out" I laughed. "You know me to well." he laughed. We were joking. "So, I see you don't have a boyfriend" he smiled as he stopped the car. "I see you don't have a girlfriend" I smirked trying to avoid the question. "Well played Harvered" he used my last name. I rolled my eyes. He opened the car door and so did I. "So, Perez. Why we here?" I asked not using grammer. "I don't know. Maybe visit our Aunts" he smiled shyly as we walked on the pavement. "I'm down" I smiled. He laughed a little. We now walked on the wet grass. Looking at the tombs. We then found our Aunts'. They were placed next to each other. It's sorta how we met. "I remember when you walked up, placed flowers and stood next to me crying" he said looking at me with a small smile. "Me too. You were just standing there, hazed until I walked up. And a few minutes later you hugged me as I cried into your chest" I said looking up at him. This would actually be the day we meet. "It's almost been 5 years since we met" I said looking back at my Aunts grave. Destany Harvered June 22 1969 - May 27, 2011. He hugged me once he saw a tear go down my cheek. I hugged him back. My arms under his green jacket. He put his head on mine. "I miss these times" He whispered. "I do too." I mumbled into his chest. We brook up because we knew that things would be better. And they did get better. I became a YouTuber. He got a good job. His family was stronger. My mom and dad didn't worry so much anymore. It was for the better and we knew we had to keep it that way. I had gotten over him after a few weeks. We still saw eachother around school and at the Grave yard. He pulled away. "Let's go to the mall" he smiled I nodded whipping my tears, and putting on a smile. We walked back to the car. "I'm a YouTuber too" he smirked as we drove down the road. "Oh are you now?" I asked wiggling eye brows laughing. He laughed he too. "Yeah, I am. Ever heard of JackSepticeye?" he asked smirking. "Ha! Bitch please!" I laughed and he laughed too. He then unplugged my phone and handed it to me. I looked at it. Will had called me 20 times, Parker called 17, Ant 5, and H 3. "Over obsessed boys" I laughed. "Their probably worried though" I said after. I texted all of then saying I'm not kidnapped. When we pulled up to the Mall I saw Will, Parker, H, Mark, Straub, and Graser walking in. "Let's go mess around" Jayden smiled and got out of the car. I did too, closing it as he locked it. I smiled and he smiled as we walked through the parkinglot. When we got inside the guys were no where to be seen, thank God. We walked around, we then came upon the pet store. I looked at the tip Te cats "OMG their so cute" I smiled looking at them. Jayden laughed as I pressed my face on to the glass. "Come one, before you buy one" he laughed pulling me out of the store, holding my hand. We walked around some more laughing. We stopped holding hands. As we were laughing g while walking, I ran into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry" I said looked at the person. "Willlllllllll" I said dragging out the 'l'. "Come one let's go, you apologized to the guy with the really good hair now." Jayden said smiling and taking my hand and pulling me with him. "Okayyyyy" I said not looking back at the guys. I knew Will was just looking as we walked away holding hands.

Will's POV

"Hey, its okay dude! Their probably just friends" Straub said standing onfront of me as I watched Jen walk off with that guy, who called my hair really good. I saw them walk somewhere more and laugh. "Yeahzyeah, your right. Just friends" I smiled and we walked the same way to the Apple Store.

Jen's POV

"Dude, I want ice cream" I smiled at him as we were walking twords BaskenRobens. "Ugh, fine, only because I want ice cream too" he laughed. We walked up to the shop and got ice cream. "Thank yooouuu" I smiled putting a point full of ice cream in my mouth as we walked around. "Your Welllcccoommmee, I wish we could do this all the time" he smiled at me and ate some ice cream. "Me too. But things are things for a reason" I sighed. "Aye, at least we were together and had fun times" he laughed. "Yeah! Like the one time when I pushed you into the lake and then you pulled me in" I smiled eating my ice cream. "Ha! Me too" he smiled as we laughed. He put his arm around my waist "Remeber what we were just talking about?" I asked moving his arms to my shoulders. "You make it so....difficult" he laughed. "Yup!" I laughed. I wanna get a new mouse because I'm guessing the boys brook it when I left" I smiled as we were approaching Radio Shack. "Okay, that's fine with me, friend" He emphizised friend. I laughed. We entered Radio Shack. I moved his arm off my shoulder, seeing the guys in there. "She gonna kill us if we don't get the same mouse" I heard Parker whisper to then. We went on the other side of them. I pulled out my phone and texted Will. Jayden was just looking around.

Me: He doesn't know you guys are here and who you guys are.
Will♥: Then introduce us :D
Me: Wouldn't it be weird for my exboyfriend to meet my fake boyfriend?
Will♥: Ugh fine. You have school tomorrow, so when you get home go to bed, also because I don't want to be awake when you come home.

I rolled my eyes.

Will♥: Did you just eye roll me?
Me: Yup!

"You changed the emojie" Jayden said coming up from behind me. I quickly turned my phone off. Will was glaring over at us. "It's always been a heart" I said with a small smile. "And why is it a heart?" he asked as I looked at the mouses. "Because it's just is" I said going red of embarrassment. "No why is it a heart?" he asked standing by me. "Just because" I said taking a new mouse off the rack. "Because?" he asks again. "Because I like him" I said quietly. "Hmm?" he asked pretending not to hear me. "Speak louder" he smirked. "Because I like him" I said loud enough for Will and the guys to hear next to us. A few of them looked at me as I blushed. "Oh, well why not 2 hearts next to Will if you like him" he smiled taking my phone out of my hand. "Excuse me. That's mine!" I said taking it from him and sliding it into my back pocket knowing he wouldn't try to get it there. "Why do you always do that?" he asks being fake sad. "So you can't get it, Pereze" I smirked looking at the box of the mouse. "Ohhhhhhh, burned!" Mark, Ant and H yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Ohhh, typical eye roll!" I smirked at them deciding I'd get the mouse. As I walked past then. "You guys can still get that girl that new mouse you were talking about. She would probably like it" I smiled knowing the girl was me. I payed for it and me and Jayden walked out. "You aggravated me sometimes, you know that right?" I asked looking up at him. "Yup! It's fun" he smiled "Wow, I'm now really aggravated. I need a break" I said looking at my mouse. He knew I needed breaks once and a while "We can go to Gold Camp and look at the city" he suggested. "As long as you try not to kiss me" I smiled as we exited the building. "Promise" he smiled crossing his fingers and we got to the car.

We sat on the ground looking over the city. "Like old times, except your heads not on my shoulder." he laughed a little. "Now it's like old times" I said placing my head on his shoulder, scooting closer he put his arm around me. "I'm moving to NewYork tomorrow" he said blankly. "That's why I went to come see if you would like to hang out one more time. Like old times. Got to see the Grave. Go to the Mall. Then here" he said a little sadness in his voice. "Your leaving?" I asked "Yeah. It as offered a Record Deal. I'll be famous" he bragged. I laughed. "Yeah, just like me."
"Well, I guess"
"Yeah, Will you come back?"
"Maybe. To see my family."
"Not me?"
"And of course you. We can have a double wedding" he laughed.
"I'd like that"
A car came around the corner and up the mountain.
"Their gonna die" I laughed.
"Yup" he agreed
We both laughed. He then stood up and I stood up with him. He face me, holding my hands. "Can I kiss you, one more time?" he asked know it would be his last time being able to have this chance with me. "Yeah" I smiled at him. He smiled and leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back, missing how his lips felt on mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I had my hands on his musculy arms. Our lips moved in sync. We then pulled apart. "I forgot how nice your lips felt" I whispered quietly. "Same" he whispered back. I looked at my watch on my wrist. It was 2:30AM. "We should probably go, it takes 30 minutes to get to Gracie's house." I said not really happy about it. "Okay" he said and pulled his arms away from me. We both walked to the car.

When we got back to Gracie's house it was 3:15. We took longer than we thought. He stepped out of the car with me. "I had fun tonight" I smiled at him as we stood by my car door. "Me too" he smiled. I hugged him. "Next year, let's meet at the Grave stones." he whispered to me, hugging me back. "Okay. Just don't stand me up, you'll be famous" I winked playfully as we pulled apart "I won't" he smiled. "Bye" I smiled sadly. "Bye, see you next year" he smiled sadly and walked away. I got in my car. He drove off and I pulled out of the drive way.

When I opened the door, Parker was sitting on the couch watching a movie eating popcorn. He looked over at me. "Hey" I smiled. He waved and I went up the stairs. I went into my office. There was a new mouse. That reminded me. I left my mouse in his car. Well, at least I have a new one. I put my keys on the desk and walked out. When I walked into my room, Will was asleep on the one twin bed. He saved enough space for me. I quickly got changed into gym shorts and a sports bra. I layed down next to him. He was facing me and I was facing him. He had his eyes closed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "Good night Fake Girlfriend, did he kiss you?" he asked. "Yes, he's leaving for New York today though." I said as I closed my eyes and layed my head in his bare chest as he covered me with blankets. "Good, other wise I'd have to fake punch him in the face for stealing my fake girlfriend" He laughed and I laughed. "I heard what you said" he said as his head was on mine. "I know." I smiled "I like you too" he said tiredly. "Are you drunk?" I asked. "No, why would I be drunk?" he asked laughing a little. "Because you said you like me" I said into his chest. "I'm not drunk. I know what I said. I like you too." he said again. "Oh, no ones ever said that to me other than the guy I was with, but that's beside the point." I smiled. He kissed my head. "I mean it" he said before yawning. "Good night fake boyfriend" I said relaxing and drifting to sleep.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IDK lol love ya all! <3

June 24, 2016 8:23


Words 2790

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