Part 11

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Part - 11

MM College Cultural Fest

"Morning Miss. Bhatia" Rishab politely greeted Dipali when she walked into the staff room along with Mukkund, student representative for this college fest. 

Dipali flipped her hair over her shoulder showing attitude and walked past him, ignoring him.

Rishab smirked. Ah, finally she got the message!

"Good morning, sir" Mukkund wished him. Rishab nodded his head with a smile. 

"Where's that useless girl? Has she come to college or not?" Dipali growled at Mukkund. 

"I don't know, ma'am" he shrugged. 

"She has come much earlier than you and now helping the decoration committee" Rishab replied. 

Dipali gave him a glare and turned her face other way.

Very good woman!  Don't show your bitchy face to me! That would spare me from puking.

"Mukkund, go get that girl for me, now" Dipali ordered. 

What this woman has against Madhubala? 

Two minutes later, Madhu jogged into the staff room chewing gum. 

"Sir, you called me?" she went straight to Rishab. She had no business to deal with Dipali. 

"Hey, you" Dipali snapped her fingers. "Come here" 

"Yes, ma'am" Madhu was in good mood today so she decided to be nice with her. 

"Go get me something to eat from the restaurant across the road" Dipali ordered.

Hey, this is wrong! Why would she get your food? She is not your servant! She bloody owns this college. 

You tell her that girl! Rishab looked at Madhu and tried to convey this message but she wasn't looking at him. 

"Something means? What, precisely?" Madhu asked casually chewing her gum and forming it into a bubble and let it pop nosily. 

"Spit that shit, Madhubala" Dipali ordered. 

How rude?

Why don't you send that boy ogling at your breast to buy your food?

"Okay, ma'am" Madhu quickly rolled the gum in her mouth and took it her hand. "I'll throw it out. Now, tell me, ma'am, what would you like to eat?"

"Mukkund, did you have breakfast?" Dipali asked him in concern. 

"Yes, ma'am" 

Why are you being so nice and humble today, girl?

Show your attitude to her because she is being an ass to you!

"Oh no! I thought we could eat together" Dipali casually placed her hand on his shoulder and caressed it. He grinned.

Bitch and bastard!

"Ma'am?" Madhu asked impatiently. 

Dipali ignored her and turned to Mukkund. "Mukkund, my boy, you have given name in economic quiz, right?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"I want you to win first prize in that and make me proud."

"Sure, ma'am" he smiled confidently. 

"Quiz is the first event right?" 

he nodded his head.

"Good. Now go prepare for it." she slapped him on his back twice before letting him go. 

"Ma'am" Madhu called again.

"What are you still doing here? I told you to get my breakfast" 

"You haven't told me yet what you want to eat" Can I get some shit for you?  

"One cheese toast sandwich and strawberry milkshake" Dipali said.

"Okay, ma'am" Madhu saluted and turned to leave but stopped. Her business wasn't finished yet. 

"New hair cut, ma'am?" Madhu asked sweetly. 

Dipali nodded and tossed her hair once again over her shoulder as glanced at Rishab through the corner of her eyes but to her disappointment he wasn't admiring the beauty of her hair but he was looking at the shapeless slime Madhubala. 

"Feather cut, ma'am?" Madhu asked, sweetly again as she walked around Dipali's desk. 


"Wow, you have beautiful hair, ma'am" Madhu gushed as she stood behind her and smirked before sticking the bubble-gum she was holding in her hand to her hair. 

Shit on feather! I like it!

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Just feeling your hair. It's so soft and silky and glossy." Madhu tangled her hair with the gum.

Job done! she clapped her hands in satisfaction. Looking forward to see you in bob cut, ma'am! And I know you will look absolutely ugly in bob cut! Madhu laughed inwardly imagining Dipali in bob cut. 

Rishab put his fist in his mouth, stopping his laughter. He had noticed what Madhu had just done. 


"Enough admiring my hair. Now run and get my breakfast. Oh and after that I want you to sit at our college entrance and help the students in the registration desk." 

Sit under the sun and get some tan, you ghost! Dipali thought gritting her teeth. 

"Alright, ma'am" Madhu bowed and ran out, not before winking at Rishab, making him sit upright on his chair, shocked. 

Did she just wink at me? 

How very brazen? Winking at a professor? 

But I like it! 

She is cute and funny and lovely. 


The day was dragging and tiring but still the energy of students were high and electrifying, well, after all it was their happy day. They got the much needed break from books before their exams so why would they waste it without having fun? 

"Hey, where have you been? I was looking for you since morning." Sikky asked Madhu when he finally caught her at the back stage.

"I was on my toes since morning. All thanks to Devil Dipali." Madhu said, pissed. "Next is duet dancing contest, right?" She came to the back stage in search of Sikky and wish him luck.


"Where's Trishna?"

"She is in the makeup room. Doing her last minute touch up."

"Oh okay"

"Madhu, why don't you change your clothes, wash your face and brush your hair?" Sikky suggested.

"Why? Do I look too bad"

"Yep! Don't you want to look good in front of..."

Professor Rishab? She thought.

Yes, I do want to look good for him.

" ... Actor Siddarth Malhotra? Your favorite hero? You are going to welcome him with the bouquet, right?"

"Yep! I am so excited to see my dream hero."

"Then go deck up, girl" 

"But... I want to be here for you and Trishna. I want to see your performance."

"Ours is the last performance so I am hoping you will be back by then?"

"Sure. What should I wear?" She had brought extra clothes and kept them in her uncle Bittuji's office.

"Do you have any Indian outfit?"

"I have a white and baby pink banglori lehenga choli"

"And you will look pretty in that" he approved.

"Really?" Madhu asked showing her dimples.

"Let your hair loose"

"As always" she giggled. She didn't know to braid her hair properly or do any other hair styles.

If not loose hair, all she could manage well was a ponytail.

"I am so nervous. I need you here to cheer me, Madhu. So come soon, please." he hugged her for moral support.

"Aww, baby! Don't be nervous. Just give your best and win 10 points. We need it to top the table." Madhu said hugging him back.

Rishab who had come to the back stage to discreetly see his brother and wish him luck had witnessed their exchange of hugs.

He couldn't help but envy his brother.


Because he got to hug her!

He could bloody hug her!

But I couldn't!

And I want to rip his arms apart for hugging her but I can't, because he is my baby brother.

And you shouldn't feel like this, Rk!

Madhu is your student!

Madhu is your brother's girlfriend!

And you should stop stalking her!

It's creepy!

Yes, since morning he was stalking her and making sure she was okay, making sure she had her lunch, making sure she wasn't exerting herself.

Why do you care for her, Rk?

Who is she to you?

He didn't have answer for those questions so he shook his head and walked away.


"What are you doing here, Madhu?" Bittuji asked when Madhu barged into his office.

"Uncle, I want to change. You go out."

"Okay, baby" he stood up to leave.

"Uncle, one sec"


"This time I am giving the bouquet to Actor Sid and welcoming him."

"Of course"

"Last time also you said the same but suddenly you jumped in from nowhere and gave the bouquet to actress Vidhya Balan, fooling me." She scolded him.

"Oh baby, I am sorry but you know I am a great fan of her so I... On an impulse... I... Pounced in..." He grinned sheepishly.

"Okay forget it! But this time don't do such mistake! I will really get so mad if you do!" She warned him.

"No messing up this time, baby"

"Oh and quickly arrange for a huge bouquet of white and pale pink roses."

"We already have some huge bouquets of red roses."

"Nope! Throw that bouquets on Dipali's face and bury her. I want a new bouquet that would match my lehenga color"

"Alright, darling."

"Repeat the colors?" She tested him.

"White and pink?"

"White and pale pink"

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Hmm... I want Prof. Rishab to sit on the stage with you and the other guests." She wanted to honour him.

"No worries. I will drag him along with me to the stage"


"Shall I leave now?"


"What now?"

"That Dipali..."

"Your economics professor?"

"Yes, the very same. She shouldn't step on the stage. Throw her somewhere at the back of the gallery!" Madhu sternly ordered. "I hate to see her face" Since morning she was acting nice and tolerating her rude attitude only to please her professor Rishab. She acted as one obedient student in front of him, the way he always liked to see her. Well, of course she did some mischief but she could tell he didn't mind them.

"Why are you so mad at her, baby?"

"That nasty piece of shit was barking orders to me all day as if I was her slave!" Madhu roared. "Why don't you just kick her out of MY college?"

"Baby, she is good at her job, isn't she?"

On what freaking job she is good at? Man-eating? Yeah, she is brilliant at it!

"Her job is to teach economics but all she's doing is touching and teasing adolescent boys! She is seducing those fools with... Her walk. Her shake. Her face. Her lipstick. Her backless blouse. Her low hip saree." She said everything in a breathe feeling raged and disgusted. "I don't like a thing about her. I just wanna puke on her face."

She even has her evil eyes on my professor too!

I wanna kill her!

The bitch!

"But she is my best friend's daughter"

"So what?"

"Please, Madhu. For me, tolerate her."

"I don't know for how long I can tolerate her." Madhu sighed.


"Uncle, my best friend's dance performance is in 10. So I want to get ready before that." She said dismissing him.

"Okay, baby. I love you."

"I don't love you much at the moment because you refused to sack her." Saying that she gently pushed him out of his office room and locked the doors.

... To be continued!

I know its a very short update... Just 1800 words... I usually don't post an update with less than 2500 words... But this time I am doing it... Well, I kinda got bored and feeling lazy to type anymore... I am sorry... But I promise to post the next update long and soon... Maybe on Sunday! ;)





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