Part 15

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Part - 15

"Stop creating a scene and go home, Madhubala" Rishab ordered.

"He is such a bully!" Madhu complained.

"Who?" Sikky asked as he looked around to see who that asshole was.

"This man!" Still having her face buried in Sikky's chest, she pointed a finger at Rishab.

This man? What happened to that sweet word 'Professor'?

"I hate him so much" she cried.

"Bhai?" Sikky looked at his brother in utter confusion. Why my best friend hates my brother? What did he do?

Rishab gaped at Madhu as he felt a pinch in his heart. Did she just say she hates me?

Madhu gaped at Sikky in shock. Did he just say 'Bhai'?

Shit! Sikky cursed under his breathe.

"Sikky, you said 'bhai'!" Madhu accused him.

"Um... No! I said 'bye'." He waved his hand in front of Madhu's face. She eyed him suspiciously. "Bye, Professor." He said again looking at his brother who stood like a statue. "Come, I will drop you home." Sikky draped a hand over Madhu's shoulders but she pushed his hand away.

"No. I am going to see mama papa." Madhu sounded low and hurt.

"No! You are going home!" Rishab ordered.

"Shut up! And don't you dare order me!" Madhu raised her voice surprising Rishab.

"Bhai, please, you go. I will take her ho..." Madhu slapped Sikky on his cheek. "You lied to me!"

"What?" Sikky looked stunned as he cupped his burming cheek.

"How dare you slap my brother?"

"You called him bhai again!" Madhu accused Sikky completely ignoring Rishab. She didn't want to talk with him.

"Shit" Sikky felt like a fool for being caught.

"Is he your own brother?"

Sikky nodded his head.

"And why did you hide it from me?"

"We decided not to tell anyone except principal sir." Rishab told with a shrug.

"What? Uncle Bittu knows about this? But why didn't he tell me?"

Betrayal! She couldn't tolerate that. She wanted to throw punches on the brothers' faces! Hmm... Their faces... Now she could see some similar feature.

Their noses and lips match but their eyes are different. Rishab's eyes are sharp, dark and intense. Attractive too.

Sikky's eyes are soft and gleaming.

"Now answer me, why did you slap my brother?"

"Because he didn't tell me that he was your brother!"

"For that you will slap him? Apologize to him. Now!"

"I told you not to order me, Mr. Kundra!" She roared and they had a staring match.

"Bhai, leave it. Let her go."

"Yeah go! Get lost you two!" She yelled and turned around to run away but Rishab swiftly grabbed her hand and effortlessly threw her over his shoulders and started walking to the parking lot.

"Put me down!" She shouted and dangled her legs. "Put me down!" She drummed his back with her fists.

Sikky followed them laughing hard. He found the whole situation funny.

Rishab slid her down his body only when they reached her car.

"Keys" he held out his hand for her car key. She glared at him.

"I will have that coffee today which you offered me a long time ago!" Rishab said with a smile.

"Keys, please" Sikky made a puppy face.

"You are no more my friend so you better stay away from me." She warned him and took her car key out from her clutch. "I am not going to give you two a ride! Take your asses home on your own!" She said and got into the driver's seat.

"Drive safe, darling" Sikky said half teasing and half serious.

Madhu and Rishab glared at him for two different reasons.

"She is not your darling, idiot!"

"I don't need your concern, idiot!"

She revved up the engine and drove off.

"What happened, bhai? Why was she mad at you? Did you say something to hurt her?"

"I might have..." Rishab shrugged not wanting to dwell on it now. He would apologize to her later and also make her apologize to his brother for slapping him.

If it was a boy, he would have brawled with him for hitting his brother.

But it was Madhu. His baby girl. So he couldn't fight her in any real way. 

"I feel so bad for keeping this secret from her. I should have told her when we got close."

"Close?" Rishab frowned.

"Yeah! We really got close in a short span of time. She means so much to me and to think I hurt her..." Sikky sighed. "I deserved that slap from her for trying to fool her again."

"Madhu means so much to you, Sikky?"



"I don't know whether she will talk to me again or not, bhai"

"She will. She can't stay mad at you."

"Yeah right. I am her best friend so she can't be mad at me for long. But you..." Sikky laughed finding his situation funny. "You are going to be her most hated professor." He joked.

"I know and I don't care." Rishab lied. "C'mon let's go home."



Rishab didn't sleep, not even for a wink. He kept thinking about Madhu, the way he behaved with her, the words he said to her, the words she said to him and the relationship between her and his brother and he knew everything was wrong. He wanted to make everything right.

He got up from his bed with a purpose and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Bhai? Going somewhere?" Sikky asked when Rishab came to the dinning room dressed in formals.

"Yeah. College." Rishab replied with a frown as he wonder why his brother wasn't ready yet. Sikky was still in his night cloths and sipping his coffee.

Radha came out from the kitchen and asked "You have college today? It's saturday, right?"

"Shit!" Rishab didn't realize that. He was desperate to go to college and see Madhu. "I forgot"

Sikky chuckled. "Sit and have your breakfast, bhai."

"No... Um... I have some work to do. Mom, I will be back by lunch time." Saying that he rushed out.

He parked his car little away from Madhu's house, across the road and waited for her to come but to his disappointment she didn't step out of her house at all.

Don't girls have beauty parlour appointments or shopping to do on weekends? Sure, they do! Then what happened to Madhu? Why is she not out? What is she doing now in her room? Is she still upset over what happened yesterday?

Hours passed and he was getting restless and bored of this waiting. It made him feel like a creepy stalker. "I should go home!" He decided and started the engine but turned it off when someone opened the huge gate of her house. Voila! Bittuji walked out wearing a pair of shorts and T-shirt showing off his protruding belly. He looked funny.

Bittuji crossed the road and walked towards his car. Rishab quickly ducked his head hiding himself from his line of view and prayed not to get caught. When he didn't hear the knocking sound at his window as anticipate, he slowly lifted his head and looked ahead. He saw Bittuji jogging to the park which was little away from where he had parked his car and someone, might be his friend, joined him and they talked sittting on a stone bench.

Seems like their banter will go for hours.

I could use this time to go see Madhu. 

But, but, but, he didn't have the courage to go and knock at her door so he kept his eyes transfixed on her balcony hoping to see a glimpse of her.

Damn this lazy girl who is not ready to take her bum out of her bed and come out for me! 

Nearly two hours later, Bittuji jogged back to his house.

"I should really get the hell out of here." Rishab thought but he just couldn't.

He felt hungry as he didn't eat anything throughout the day.

He had been getting calls from his brother which he didn't bother to answer.

He just wanted to see his baby girl once at least.

Sighing he put his head on the steering and dozed off.

When he woke up it was dark outside.

Shit! I had slept off. Did I miss to see my girl?

What time is it? He checked the time on his wrist watch. It showed 22:50

Omg! It's late. I should get back home. Maa will be worried.

His car came to life when he twisted the key. "I will come back tomorrow to see you" he told to himself looking at Madhu's house. He took an U-turn and steadied the car before releasing the clutch and putting his foot on the accelerator. He casually looked at the rearview mirror and saw her running to his car as she screamed something. He pulled his car over and rolled his window down.

"Stop!" He heard her scream as he watched her through the side mirror.

"Stop!" She screamed again.

"So you made me wait deliberately? Too bad, baby girl." He shook his head smirking.

He was about step out of his car but stopped when she ran past him.

"Hey! Where are you going? I am here."

"Kulfi, stop!" She was running behind a mobile Kulfi vendor.

Kulfi? Seriously? For a stupid kulfi, she ran as if her life was in danger.

Yaar! She is really crazy!

Rishab sat in his car and watched her chat with that kulfi vendor.

"Why do you make me run everyday?" She asked the kulfi vendor with a pout.

What the fuck?

"I like you running for me."

Who is this overfriendly dick?

"Not for you idiot. For your kulfi, I run like a mad girl." She playfully slapped the kulfi vendor and giggled.

Girl! Don't giggle at him like that. He might get turned on.

"Alright. Here is your regular." He took a malai kulfi from the ice box and gave it to her.

"I want one more. No, two more." She showed two fingers to him. 


"I am upset..."

"So you want to binge on ice cream?" He asked as he gave her two more kulfis and she paid him money.


"Do you have an eating disorder, girl?"

"No, Tarun?" She giggled again.

What? She knows his name? And she is giggling again. God! This is too much. I can't withstand anymore of her act. I should confront her.

"Good. Enjoy your kulfi."

"Sure. Good night." Waving him bye she walked back.

Rishab got out of his car and followed her to her house but she continued walking.

She crossed the road and headed to the park. She sat on a swing and open one of the kulfi packets and slipped it into her mouth. "Hmm" she moaned with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the delicious sweetness.

"Hey! What are you doing here at this time of the night?"

"Ah!" Madhu shrieked and mindlessly threw her kulfi at him in defense. It hit on his torso and fell on the ground.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Rishab apologized as he wiped the creamy kulfi off his blue shirt.

"What the... What are you doing here?" Madhu looked buffled.

"I was in the area." He put his hands in his pocket and bowed his head. "Came to see a friend" well, he wasn't lying but still couldn't see her face. "I was driving by this side and that's when I saw you flirting with the kulfi guy." He accused her, now looking at her.

"I wasn't flirting with him. He's my friend. Wait! Why am I giving justification to you? And why do you care whether I flirt with him or not?"

He shrugged. He himself didn't know why he cared so much for her.

"Mr. Kundra, stop behaving like my daddy."

"What?" He shrieked. "No, no, no! I am not..."

"But you behave like one!" She cuts him off.

I give her a 'daddy' feel? Ah! Hell! No!

But why does she get that feel?

Is it because of our age difference? But there is no big age gap. Just 6 years right?

No, dumb boy! Age is not an issue here. She clearly told you it's the way you behave. You behave like one overbearing, overprotective, controlling and strict father. She doesn't like that about you.

But I can't help it.


I don't know. Maybe I really see her as my daughter. Is that why I call her 'Baby girl?'

Oh this is so confusing.

"Mr. Kundra!" She brought him out of his thought.

"Call me 'Professor'" he insisted.

"We are not in college."

"Then call me 'Rishab or RK'"


He shrugged. He would love to hear her utter his name in her sweet voice.

"No! I can't call you by your name."

She bloody calls that kulfi guy by his name but not me? Why?

"Hey c'mon!"

"No, you are too old and it won't be respectful to call you by your name or any other nick names."

Too old?

What does she think my age is?

Too old?

Do I look like an uncle to her?

Too old?

Is that why she got this daddy feel?

Too old?

So age is also an issue here?

"Hey, I am just 25. Well, turning 26 in a couple of months but that's not big difference, right?"

"For a 19 year old girl it is a big difference." She said as she tore another kulfi packet and started devouring it.

"You are being silly" he got so pissed and slumped on the empty swing beside her. "And you are not going to share one kulfi with me?"

"I already wasted one kulfi on you. I am not going to wast another as well."

"It's going to melt." He pointed the unopened packet in her hand.

"I can drink it."

"Cool" he looked away as watching her lick kulfi was tempting him to kiss her.

Kiss? Fuck! No! I shouldn't think like this. She is my student. And I give her a daddy feel.

Daddy? Like seriously?

"I was 8 and Sikky was just 2 when our father left us."

"Left you for another...?"

"Left the world. He died of cancer."

"I am so sorry."

"Ever since then I tried to be a father more than a brother to Sikky."

"Yeah. He told me once that he never misses his father because he has you."

"He did?"

She nodded.

"You are of Sikky's age and you don't have a father too. So maybe that's the reason why..."

"I have a father so you don't try to take his place." She got mad at him and threw the kulfi stick at him once again. This time it hit shirt sleeve and fell down.


Angrily she opened the last kulfi packet and was about to slip into her mouth but stopped.

"You have it." She offered him

"You sure?"

"Yes. I don't want to throw this one on you and waste it too. At least you have it fully."

"Well, thank you." He gracefully accepted it. He was too hungry. He didn't lick it. He took three big bites and finished it off.

"Are you hungry?" Madhu asked him concern.


"You didn't eat dinner?"

I didn't eat a single meal today. I was busy stalking.

"I will go home and eat."

"We have some leftovers. You wanna have that?"

"You are inviting me to your home? But I thought you were mad at me?"

"Yes, I am but you are hungry. Nothing is above someone's hunger. So come, I will feed you." She stood up and took his hand in hers.

"How sweet." My baby girl! He let her lead the way.

... To be continued!




And thanks!

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