Part 8

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Part - 8 (unedited)


"Rishu, you are not going to eat?" Radha, Rishab's mom asked seeing him twiddle with his spoon.

"Haan... Maa... Yeah I will eat" he said distractedly.

"What's wrong, bhai?" Sikky asked with mouthful of food.

"I was thinking about Madhu... " he blurted out.



Radha questioned. Sikky exclaimed.

For Radha it was a new name. For Sikky it was concern. He worried for his new found friend. If his brother was thinking about her that too with a sad look then it must be something bad right? Sikky thought.

"What about her?" Sikky asked

"Who is she?" Radha asked.

"Nothing" Rishab said not knowing what to tell them. He didn't think it's right to share about Madhu's personal life. "She shared few things with the trust she has on me so I guess it's not fair on my part to tell it to others" Rishab decided.

"Who is she, Rishu?" Radha repeated.

She isn't going to let this go, is she? Rishab thought inwardly rolling his eyes.

"Your lover?" Radha asked bluntly when she didn't get any proper response from her son.

Rishab choked on his food.

"What! NO!" it was Sikky who yelled before Rishab could deny. Rishab turned and gave his brother a look. "Why is he getting so hyper? As if she is his lover? Is she?" Rishab wondered.

"Are they really dating each other? Is that why Sikky is getting late to home? Is he chatting with her only daily till wee hours? Is that why he looked so worried for her in the classroom?" so many questions raised in Rk's head. He remembered how affectionately his brother was cupping her cheeks and whispering something? He didn't know why but he didn't like what he saw or what he was thinking now.

"Rishu!" Radha snapped bringing him out of his reverie.

"Haan maa?" he asked.

"So haan? You love her?" Radha beamed. She was happy that her son found her life partner.

"No, Maa" Rishab shook his head.

"Mom, Madhu is my classmate. She is bhai's student. How can you think a professor will love his student mom?" Sikky asked in disbelief.

"Yes, she is my student and I should remember that well" Rishab reminded himself in his head.

"How do I know she is your classmate. Your age girl? When he said her name I thought she was his girlfriend" Radha defended.

"For that only I am saying you to hear out fully before you jump into conclusion" Sikky said. Radha grinned sheepishly.

"So what about her bhai?" Sikky asked again bringing Rishab back from wherever he got lost.

"She was upset today. Mom, you know she is a nice and sweet girl. She lost her parents when she was 12 years old and still she hasn't recovered from that shock I guess. Mom, tell me a way to help her. I really care for her, care for my student" Rishab pleaded taking hold of his mother's hand. Radha closely noticed his eyes. It wasn't just care but more than that. She could tell that much from his expression.

"Is she an only child?" Radha asked.

"Yeah, mom" Sikky beats Rishab in answering.

"Then she must be pampered and showered with unconditional love." Radha stated.

"I guess so, Mom"

"Then she needs someone to show unconditional love towards her. She is yearning for love, Rishu"

Rishab looked at his mother speechless.

"You nailed it, mom!" Sikky praised her. He couldn't help but stand up from his chair and go around the table to hug his mom. "You were just bang on. She needs love, mom. True love" Sikky boosted.

"Is he indirectly letting us know about his love for Madhu? Is that why he is championing what mom said?" Rk frowned wondering.

"May be mom is right. She needs true love. My brother will give her the love she is yearning for" Rk thought and tried to smile but he couldn't. He felt it strange to think Madhu with his brother. But who else could look after such nice girl than his brother? Agreed his brother can be a goof ball at times but he was a sweetheart too. Rishab tried to reason his aching heart.

"Rishu, you don't worry about her. She will be fine. She got Sikky as her friend. You know about our funny boy. He will make her life joyful" Radha said to Rishab with a cheerful smile as she ruffled Sikky's hair.

"Yes, mom. I will take care of her" Sikky vowed.

"Mom is right. Madhu needs someone so lively, friendly and enthusiastic like my brother. Not someone so dull and boring, bookworm like me." Rishab couldn't help but think everything negative.

"Oh and soon she will find her lover" Sikky winked at his mom. Sikky said that thinking of the guy she was stalking.

Rishab frowned. Soon? So he hasn't confessed his love to her yet? Of course he wouldn't have. It's just early days. May be my brother is making her fall for him and make her confess first. Rk thought.

"Mom, I am done here. Now, I have to go prepare notes for tomorrow's class. So shall I?" Rishab asked his mom's permission to leave the dinner table.

"Sure, sweetheart" Radha smiled.

"Don't forget to take your medicines, mom" he reminded her before running upstairs to his room.


(Next day in College)

"Hi" Trishna said shyly to Sikky.

"Hi Trish" Sikky beamed.

"Did you check the event list in the notice board?" she asked.

"Yep." Sikky nodded.



"Shall we give our names in couple dancing?" Trishna asked blushing slightly.

"Whoa! Really? You want me to be your dancing partner?" Sikky asked. Trishna nodded her head.

"I love dancing... So I thought..."

"Amazing! I love dancing too. We will give our names to Rishab Sir or Dipali ma'am during lunch break"

"Cool. Now I will go to my place?"

"Trish, I told you to sit with Madhu and I. So please."

"Okay" Trishna agreed.

"Morning, Madhu" Trishna was the first one to notice Madhu entering into the class.

"Morning" Madhu smiled.

"How are you, Madhu?" Sikky asked holding her by her shoulders.

Madhu gave him a bemused look. "What? You are asking as if I am sick and about to die?" she mocked him.

"Ah! You arrogant mouse. I was being nice with you but you are showing attitude" Sikky scolded. She rolled her eyes and sat on her bench.

"You checked the event list? In what all events you are going to participate? You surely a dumb girl to participate in debate, quiz or oratorical competitions. So you better participate in solo singing or dancing" Sikky teased her.

"I am not going to participate in any damn event." Madhu shouted making few heads turn her way and they muttered 'mad girl' before turning their heads back to position.

"Move, I am going. I don't want to sit with you and attend the class" Madhu hits him with her bag and ran out of the room.

"What's wrong with her? Did I ask something wrong?" Sikky asked to Trishna. She just shrugged.


"Bittu uncle, I am not going to come to college for the next three weeks..." Madhu barged into Bittu's office barking but stopped when she saw professor Kundra sitting there.

"Prof. Kundra. Good morning" she softly greeted him giving him a toothy smile.

"Morning, Madhubala. You didn't go to your class?" he asked checking his watch.

"Um.. No... I... came to meet my uncle"

"Oh, he is in the washroom. Sit, he will come now. Even I am waiting to meet him"

"Oh, why? You have anything to complain about me?" She asked panicking. Not that she was scared of her uncle but she will feel bad if her professor had any complains about her. You see, she was in her best of behaviour these days so it will hurt her to get any bad remarks from the person she liked and respected right?

"No, Madhubala" he laughed. "It's not about you... Well, it is" he was there waiting for Bittu to talk about her but not to complain about her behaviour.


"Madhubala, why do you always bunk the class? You can talk with your uncle later right?" he asked to change the topic.

"It's economics class. Dipali ma'am doesn't like me so I always stay away from her"

"Why doesn't she like you?"

"Don't know... She always snaps at me and I get mad and simply walk out of the class" she said with a casual shrug.

"Madhubala, it's not the way to behave. You simply can't walk out from her lecture and expect her to like you"

"Even I have walked out of your class like some two times? But still you like me right?" she asked grinning.

"I like all my students. You are nothing special to me" he lied.

"Ouch! That hurts" she pouted.

"What were you shouting when you entered the cabin?"


"That you don't want to come to college for the next three weeks?"

"Oh... Um... I... I want this cultural program to end..."

"You won't be participating?" Rishab asked shocked.

"No, I won't. I don't like all these dancing, singing and other events"

"Don't lie, Madhu" Bittuji said walking out of the washroom.

"Bittu uncle, you shut up"

"Madhubala! He is your uncle, respect him"

"You are not my daddy and I am not your little girl to teach me manners"

"I told you often don't take that tone on me" Rishab warned.

"Sorry, professor" she apologized for losing her temper.

"Bittu uncle, I need to go on a short holiday trip. I don't want to be here... I just want to get away from here... " Madhu said ignoring Rishab's steady gaze.

Bittu didn't like her suggestion. He turned towards Rishab for help.

"Why don't you want to participate in any of the events, Madhubala?"

"I said I don't like, professor. Why don't you take no for an answer?"

"Principal Sir, you said I am in charge for girls and I get to select a student representative right?"

"Yes" Bittu smiled knowing where it was heading to.

"I want Madhubala as student representative. She will be helping me in organizing the program"

"No" Madhu shouted as she stood up thumping her hands on the desk.

"Yes and you are not going to take a single day leave for the next three weeks unless you really fall sick" Rishab ordered.

"Please, try to understand me, Professor"

"What's your problem? Explain me... I will try to understand then"

Madhu remained silent so Bittu decided to enlighten Rishab.

"Madhu was humiliated in last year's college cultural"

"I see. May I know what happened last year?" Rishab asked.

"Last year, St. Zachary college and our college were on tie. We couldn't decide which one among the two colleges will win the over all winner's trophy. There was only one contest left. Solo singing. We didn't have female solo singer so I literally forced Madhu to participate to save our college grace."

"Hmm... You sing well, Madhubala?"

"No, I don't" she lied.

"Yes, she does" Bittuji said the truth and Rishab believed his words.

"She went to the stage but didn't sing." Bittu sighed remembering how she stood still on the stage just crying. "We lost the trophy. She became a laughing stock to all. St. Zachary college students mocked her and our college students blamed and bashed her..."

"Thank you Bittu uncle for embarrassing me now" Madhu angrily said and picked up her backpack from the floor and turned to walk out but Rishab called her.

"Yes, professor" she asked clutching her bag to her chest.

"I still want you to be the student representative and you are contesting in solo singing this year and I am sure you are gonna win it"

"Professor, please try to understand my feelings." she begged him.

"My decision is final. You are singing. You will choose the song or you want me to select one for you?"

"I can't sing. I can't sing. I can't sing." she shouted angrily gritting her teeth and pushed all the articles from the desk to the floor.

"Stop behaving like this Madhubala. And stop being stubborn"

"You are the one being stubborn. I hate you. I hate you professor" she cried.

"Professor Rishab, I would like you to know the reason why she didn't or couldn't sing... Then I am sure you won't force her" Bittu interjected.

"Bittu uncle! There is nothing to tell... "

"Madhu, I am just helping you..."

"Why the hell no one is listening to me?" Madhu screamed but both the men ignored her.

"My Madhu sings really well. She learned carnatic music since she was 6 years old. When she was twelve years old she contested in 'Voice of India' contest. You must have heard about that successful musical show."

"Yeah, even now my mom and I watch 'Voice of India' show on TV" Rishab said.

"Madhu was the title winner then..."

"Oh wow. Really? You won 'Voice of India' title Madhubala? And you say you can't sing? How ridiculous is that?" Rishab laughed but stopped hearing what Bittu said next.

"Her parents died on the same day she won the finals." Bittu stood up from his chair and went to Madhu. She stepped back and shook her head. She was mad at him so she didn't accept his offer to comfort her. She moved back till she hits the wall. She leaned her back against the wall and looked upwards to try and stop her tears.

"The show was hosted in Hyderabad. Madhu and I spent some 3 to 4 months there in Hyderabad from the date of audition till finals. Madhu missed her parents so much but they couldn't leave the college and come there. Madhu forced her parents to come and see her live performance at least in the finals and not to see it on TV."

"They promised me to come but they didn't. They didn't keep up with their promise" Madhu whispered softly as if talking to herself.

"They died in a plane crash"

"I know" Rishab remembered Madhu telling him that her parents died in a plane crash when she was 12 years old in the temple.

"From that day she stopped singing" Bittu said with a painful sigh.

"You were right professor" Madhu said turning her to look at Rishab. "I am really stubborn and adamant. If I hadn't forced my parents to come and see my live performance then they wouldn't have died. I wouldn't be this miserable. I wouldn't be alone..." she covered her face with her hands and started crying loudly this time.

"Madhubala, it's not your fault. Please don't cry." Rishab placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Now you won't force me right?" Madhu asked hopefully. Rishab took a minute to decide.

"I don't have to participate in solo singing competition right?"

"I am afraid you have to sing" Rishab made his decision. "She has to sing again and start a fresh life." he thought

"Alright! I will be the students' representative. I will give my name in singing contest... But I won't sing. I will just stand on the stage like a pole."

"I know you will sing" Rishab said confidently.

"I won't. You don't know how stubborn I am"

"And you don't know how stubborn I can be."

"Bittu uncle, this year also our college is not going to get the over all winner's trophy"

"And I will make sure you won't be the reason in case we lose the winner's trophy."

Madhu scowled at him.

"Sir, I have something else to discuss with you but that can wait for another time. I have class now. Madhubala, shall we go?" he was actually going to her class only.

Madhu fumed in anger.

"Your favorite professor's class, won't you attend?" Rishab asked with a teasing smile

"I won't" Madhu said and crossed her arms over her chest and stood rooted to the ground to show her protest.

"Then you are coming" he took her hand and tried to drag but she didn't move.

Rishab sighed. "You are going to stand still here?"


"You sure?" he asked again.

"100% sure"

"Well then I will bring my other students here too and I will take class here in Principal sir's office and I am sure Principal sir will not have any objection. Right Sir?"

Bittu nodded his head affirmately. He was really impressed with the way he dealt with Madhu when no one ever dared to swallow her attitude and stubbornness.

"Okay fine. I am coming to the class. Lead the way, professor" she thought to let him walk first and shut the door behind him and lock it.

"Nah! Ladies first" Rishab gave her shoulder a gentle push.

Madhu gave him a final glare and then stomped off to her class.

"Thank you, Sir" Rishab thanked Bittu for his co-operation. Bittu smiled. Then he followed Madhu to the class.






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