A Little Problem

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"There she is. The Avengers Tower."

Cam announced.

"Now used to store everyone's junk."

Del looked up at the tower.

"Why are we here again?"

Jane asked.

"We're just making sure no one's poking around in there."

Cam led them to the doors and used his super secret SHIELD gaget to unlock them.

Conner disappeared and came back 15 seconds later.

"It's clear. Except for a few rooms and I couldn't get into. I looked around for a key but I couldn't find anything."


Del narrowed her eyes.

"When you're on a team you have to work with everyone. You can't run off on your own."

"But running is what I do Del. It's literally in my blood."

Alexia snickered while Lyra rolled her eyes.

"Come on guys."

Cam led them inside.

It was poorly lit and dusty.

"I hope our punishment doesn't involve cleaning this place out."

Alexia squinted and tried to prevent dust from getting into her eyes.

"I could probably get it clean in about twenty minutes."

Conner commented.

"We don't need to keep hearing how amazing you are Conner."

Jane narrowed her eyes at him.

Conner shrugged.

"I can't help it if I'm-"

He couldn't finish his sentence because he tripped over a cardboard box and fell flat on his face.


Alexia laughed as she helped him up.

Cam and Jane shook their heads.

"Hey! Look at this."

Lyra reached down and took something out of the box.

"What is it?"

Del asked.

Lyra suddenly burst out laughing.


Conner asked.

Lyra held out a small photograph.

Conner took it and he and Alexia looked at it.

Both started cracking up.


Del snatched the picture and immediatly joined them in laughter.

"What's so funny?"

Cam asked.

Del held up the photo for him and Jane.

"Oh my gosh..."

Cam stared at the photo before cracking up.

"Is that Barton?"

Jane asked between laughs.


Lyra answered.

"I can't believe he was on Dancing With the Stars!"

Conner exclaimed wiping tears from his eyes.

"I am so showing this to

Del placed the photo of a dancing Hawkeye into her pocket.

Alexia was digging through the box.

"All this stuff belonged to Clint. I guess he dumped it here."

"I wonder if Tony has a box like this."

Lyra wondered.

"Hey guys! We need to focus."

Cam snapped his fingers.

"Come on Camo."

Conner said.

"What else are we going to do while we're here? It's not like anyone would break in just to look at some old junk."

"What if there's not just "old junk" here?"

Jane asked.

"What do you mean?"

Alexia looked up from the box.

"Think about it. Why would Fury send us here just to make sure no one has been going through the Avengers' junk?"

"To get us out of the Avengers Building so that they can get your punishment ready."

Conner answered.

Jane sighed.

"Ok, that and maybe the fact that there is something here that they've been hiding from the bad guys who may be trying to find it."

"Huh. I see your point."

Conner turned to Cam.

"What do you want us to do?"

"We just need to check the place out and make sure that no one's here."

He motioned for them to follow him.

"Why did the Avengers ever dump this place?"

Lyra asked looking at the tower in awe.

"Secrecy reasons."

Del answered.

"Having a giant tower with your logo on it is like painting a giant target for your enemies."

"Good point."

Lyra looked around at all the old boxes and wondered if one of them contained something dangerous.

"Hey Cam! There's one of the doors I couldn't get into."

Conner pointed out.

They all walked over to it.

"This was my dad's old lab."

Del informed them.

"Let's get in there!"

Alexia turned to Cam.

Cam tried to use his device to open the door but it didn't work.

"That's weird."

He tried again.

"This should be working."

Cam looked at the device in frustration.

"I can open it."

Conner ran off, and then reappeared, crashing into the door and knocking down.

They looked inside and saw Conner on the floor holding his head.

"Owowowowowowowowow. Bad idea, very baaaaaaaaaad idea."

Alexia rolled her eyes.

"My hero."

Cam walked inside, he glanced around warily.

The only reason his device wouldn't have worked would be if someone had messed with the lock.

The others were on their guard as well.


Jane walked over to one of the shutdown computers.

"What is it?"

Lyra asked following her.

Jane unplugged something from the computer that looked an awful lot like a thumb-drive.

"Anyone know what this is?"

She asked.

"Something good? Something bad? A little bit of both?"

Conner asked.

Alexia rolled her eyes.

Del took the thumb-drive from Jane's hand.

"Someone was downloading something off the computer."

She turned it on and tried to find out what it was.

"This is so weird. There's nothing on here to download! Everything was erased."

"Too bad Sky isn't here. She's good with computers."

Conner said.

"Couldn't you go get her?"

Alexia asked.

"Oh yeah. BRB."

Conner left for two minutes and came back alone.

"No idea where she is. She's not at the Avengers building."

"Hold on..."

Del said.

"I think I got something."

They all crowded around her.

"Do you people mind?"

She asked annoyed.

"Oh sorry."

Can apologized.

Everyone backed up.

Del continued her work.

"I don't believe it!"

She exclaimed.


Jane asked.

"Someone was using this computer to hack into the computers in the Avengers Building! They were downloading imformation from the mainframe there."

"What kind of imformation?"

Lyra asked.

"I don't know. I'd need to open up the thumb-drive. If I can just plug it in real quick-"

Before she could finish a gun shot rang out.

Conner ran and deflected the bullet that had been about to hit Del, it hit the wall instead.

They spun around and saw a figure dressed completely in black and had a mask covering their face.

More men jumped out of the shadows, each one with a gun in his hand.
Conner ran around the room and knocked all the guns out of their hands.

He grabbed them all before theu could retrieve them.

He threw them in front of Del.

"Can you destroy these?"

Del crushed them all with the Force, then turned to face the men that surrounded them.

Conner then ran at them again, kncoking them all unconcious as he ran past.

The man who had shot at Del took out another gun and shot it at Conner, who hadn't been able to move in time.

Conner fell to his knees, he gasped for breath.

Jane froze some water from the air and shot it at the man who easily dodged it.

Alexia snuck over to Conner and dragged him to safety.

The others faced the hooded man.

"Who are you?"

Cam demanded aiming a gun at him.

The man answered in a voice that sounded more machine then human.

"I am ShadeSlayer."

He turned towards Del.

"And I'm going to need that thumb-drive back."


"Something is wrong."

Skyler looked at Charles Xavier in confusion.

"What is it Charlie?"

Skyler had been ecstatic when Elizabeth had asked her to come with her and Annette to the X-Mansion.

Anthony had come too.
Although why was still unkown to her.

"There is something going on at the Avengers Tower."

Xavier turned towards Annette.

"You need to go there at once."

Annette nodded.

"Of course."


Skyler asked again.

"What's wrong?"

Xavier turned towards her.

"Your friends are in danger."

Skyler's eyes widened.

Xavier turned to Elizabeth and Annette.

"Get to the tower as fast as you can, and be careful."

Elizabeth nodded and she and Annette began to leave.

"Wait! I'm coming to!"

Skyler ran after them.

"No way Sky."

Elizabeth faced her.

"You're staying here."

"Exscuse me. But you're not my boss, and I'm an Avenger. I don't have to stay here if I don't want to."

"Steve said that you're not ready for a mission yet."

Elizabeth said firmly.

"Then why would he make her an Avenger?"

Anthony asked.

Elizabeth turned towards him.

"I think she's ready to go. And I'll keep an eye on her."

Elizabeth sighed.

They were wasting time.

"I don't care if she comes."

Annette said.

Elizabeth turned to Xavier who nodded.

"Alright. You can come. Just stay out of trouble!"


Where is this thing going?
Man. One minute I was being light-hearted and fun, and the next I'm embracing my dark writer side.

What can I say? I'm winging this whole thing. It's pretty much writing itself.

Don't worry Conner fans! He's not dead!
But will Elizabeth and the others arrive on time?

Who knows?

Anywho I'll leave you with that for now. Let me know what you guys think!

And here's a picture of Cam.

I'm out

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