Facing Lucas

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Before Steve and the others could head out they were joined by Nicole.
"I am not going to stay here and let you all face Lucas while I sit around waiting."

No one argued and they all entered one of the undamaged jets and flew off.

Conner still had no idea where exactly Lucas was, but it would take them a bit of time to get there.

He just hoped that Alexia would be fine while he was gone, and that Skyler would be awake when he got back.

Steve was talking with Bruce, Thor, and Logan.
Anthony was standing by himself in silence.
Elizabeth and Nicole were talking quietly to each other.
Isabelle sat next to Conner.

She asked.
"I'm terrified."

Isabelle chuckled.
"It's okay Conner, I'm freaking out myself."
"Then why'd you come?"
Isabelle sighed.
"I don't really know, I guess I just really want this guy to get taken down."

Conner smiled.
"And you want to be there when it happens."

The jet fell silent again.
Conner began to fidget in his seat. What was taking so long?

Finally Steve turned to them and announced, "We're here."


"How's it going in here?"
Annette asked Alexia and Peter.
"Fine. She still hasn't moved."
Alexia sighed.
"Any news from Steve?"
Peter asked.

"They just arrived at Lucas' hideout. Thor, Bruce, Logan, Conner, Elizabeth, Isabelle, Nicole, and Anthony are there."

I hope that's enough to take out Lucas.

Alexia remembered all the powers Lucas had acquired.
Conner's, Del's, Storm's, and Wanda's.
Would he get anymore?

Peter stood up and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going Pete?"
Alexia asked.
"Just need to stretch my legs for a bit. I'll be back, get me if there's any change."

Alexia and Annette nodded as Peter left.
"Do you think that they'll be alright?"
Alexia glanced at Annette.
"I'm sure they will."
Annette tried to hide the doubt in her voice.

For everyone else's sakes they'd better be. We can't take much more of this.


Jane looked outside the entrance to the Mansion.
All she had to do was get inside, kill Annette, and leave.


She strode through the front gate and towards the door.
She shot out a blast of fire and burned the door down.

An alarm went off immediately but she didn't care.
Anyone who attacked her would either be burned, or frozen.

She lowered the temperature inside the Mansion, soon it would be too cold for anyone to withstand it.

She walked confidently down the halls, someone saw her and began to run towards her.

Jane shot out a blast of ice, it covered the person's face and he fell onto the floor, trying to break it off.

Jane walked past him without a second thought.
She didn't know who he was and she didn't care.
All that mattered was her mission.


Conner followed Isabelle who was right behind Elizabeth.
The small group carefully made their way into the large black.building that served as Lucas' hideout.

Conner had his bow out and was ready to use it at any given moment.

I know you're in here Lucas.
You can't hide from us.

Steve brought them to a stop in the center of the building.
There was nothing there, it was completely empty.

Suddenly an all too familiar laugh filled the room.
Everyone grabbed whatever weapon they had brought and prepared to face Lucas.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to find me."
Lucas stepped out of the shadows, his mask still covered his face.

"You're finished Lucas."
Steve glared at him, holding tightly onto his shield.

"I doubt that. You see, I actually have somewhere that I need to be right now, so I don't have time to kill you all right now. But I'm sure that my new allie would be glad to do it for me."

Conner frantically searched the room for any sign of an attacker, but there was no one else there.

Who is he talking about?

Lucas dipped his head, and a blast of electricity shot out and sent Steve, Elizabeth, and Logan flying backwards.

Conner looked up in shock and disbelief.

Nicole? How could you!


Hi guys!
Sprinkles the Evil Writer here with another cliff hanger!
I'll try and have another chapter out today but NO promises!

And here's a picture of Isabelle:

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