The Traitor

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"So let me get this straight."
Steve said slowly.
"You may have a way to reverse the effects of Lucas' gun and get their powers back?"

"Well, we're pretty sure that it can be done."
Bruce answered.

Elizabeth asked.

"By reconstructing our own gun that basically has the opposite effect of Lucas' gun."
Skyler said.

"The only problem is, Lucas would have to be in the same place for us to use it."
Peter added.

"Assuming that it would work."
Bruce concluded.

"Well is you guys can do it, do it!"
Conner said.

Skyler sighed.
"It's not that simple Conner."

"Tony was the one who started the designs for it."
Bruce said, his voice revealing traces of sadness.

"It would take us awhile to try and fit together what he started."
Peter glanced at Skyler.
"Since everything was destroyed by Lucas, and the fact that we don't have a lab."

"There might be a place for you to work at the School."
Annette suggested.

"No way, you saw what Lucas did to this place."
Bruce gestured to the destruction around them.
"I wouldn't want to bring him to a place filled with kids."

"You don't really have a choice Bruce."
Steve said.
"Lucas will probably come again, and who knows? He might even attack the X-Men next."

Bruce sighed.
"Alright. Skyler, Peter, and I will go with Annette and Logan to the School."

"Great. While you guys work on the gun, we'll get ready for Lucas' next attack."

"I'm going with them."
Conner announced.

"Me too."
Alexia added.

"Maybe Del should come with
Skyler suggested.
"She could help us with building the gun."

"I'll ask her, but I'll doubt that she'll want to."
Steve replied.

"Alright, let's get going then."
Bruce announced.
"Who knows who Lucas' next target will be."


"I already told you. I have no idea when or who Lucas will attack next."
Anthony walked away from Maria.

"You're positive?"
She asked.

"Yes! I don't know anything!"

That's not entirely true. You have your suspicions.

Anthony ignored Lucas' voice.
Why he decided to talk to him all the time was a mystery.

Maria finally backed down, she left Anthony who continued walking down the hall.

He avoided the piles of debris around him.
SHIELD agents were doing their best to repair the damaged building.

Anthony did have an idea of who Lucas would attack next, actually he had several ideas.

Steve was still a main target.
After all he was the leader, if he fell, so would everyone else.

Bruce, Thor, Loki, and Iris were targets.
They were probably the most powerful, taking them out would greatly benefit Lucas.

Then there was Cameron....

Cameron could practically make himself invincible.

He could make himself immune to Lucas' gun....

He's probably the biggest threat to Lucas.

You're right Anthony. He is the biggest threat to me.

Anthony cursed under his breath.

I am already planning on removing him.

You won't kill anyone else Lucas!

You can't stop me Anthony. You had that chance a long time ago and you failed.

You're too soft, if you had just killed me then, none of this would be happening.

This is all happening because of you Lucas! If you would just-

I'd love to continue arguing with you Anthony, but I have some business to attend to.

Lucas was gone.

Anthony turned around and raced after Maria.

He knew who Lucas was planning to kill next.


Jane hadn't told anyone that she still had her powers.

As far as everyone else was concerned she was as powerless as everyone else who had been shot.

Cameron, she had to kill Cameron.

But she couldn't! He was her friend! He'd helped her, he was always there for everyone else.

I can't do this! I won't do it!

Do I have to remind you about what will happen if you don't?

It's either his death, or every other man and woman in this building.

So you would sacrifice the one you love, over those who fear you and don't trust you.

Jane stopped.

What do you mean?

Ever since they discovered what you could do, they have feared you.

You're dangerous Jane. They all know it. You'd could them all in an instant and they would never even know who did it.

Shut up! I would never hurt them!

Not intentionally no, but on accident? Perhaps you lose control? What then?

Jane's hands started shaking.
He was right...
She was dangerous...

You are so much more powerful then they are.
You are a force that can't be controlled.

Jane knew what Lucas was trying to do, she tried to ignore him, fight him off, but she didn't.

They will try to control you Jane. That's what they do. They've already poisoned the minds of those other weak-minded ones.

But they will not get you. You will overpower them.

Jane felt heat, and cold come over her.

It was like fire and ice colliding inside of her.

She wanted to use her power without limits, she wanted to see what she could do without being told to stop.

Do as I say Jane, and you will never have to answer to anyone ever again.

I will.

Excellent. You know what you have to do.


Kill Cameron, and then wait for my orders.


Jane clenched her hands into fists and stormed down the hall.

She would do what Lucas said, she would show them all who was the most powerful.

They can't control me...
No one can, and no one will.


I am sooooooooooooooooooooo
Sorry for the long wait!

I have been super busy lately but now I'm not and we're all good.

So anywho, that happened.

But here's a little spoiler:

Just kidding! I reveal nothing!

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