Two More Down

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The X-Men and the few Avengers gathered at the X-Mansion fought against Lucas' soldiers.

Yet, Lucas still had yet to reveal himself.

Skyler blasted another soldier into a wall, she turned and blasted two more.

Her headphones were on, informing her of where the loudest soundwaves were.

She smiled grimly.

As long as these idiots keep making noise I'm good.

But can you fight this many on your own?

Skyler froze as she heard Lucas' voice.

That's when she realized that she was alone.

How had she gotten seperated from everyone else?

She took a deep breath.

Stay calm. Panicking won't solve anything.

Skyler took down a large group of soldiers, she spun around and blasted several more.

You're doing well Skyler.
Much better than I thought you would.

Beat it creep.

Skyler focused on her fighting, blocking out Lucas.

You're quite powerful Skyler, your power would aid me greatly.

Skyler felt a flash of fear shoot down her spine, but she kept fighting.

Unfortunately I cannot harness your power the way I can with everyone else, because like some of your other friends, you only have a suit.

Without it you're nothing.

Sorry, can't really hear over the soundwaves in my ears. Would you care to repeat that?

You're very brave Skyler, and smart, it will be a shame for the rest of your Avengers...

Skyler paused, the robots had stopped attacking her.

Her headphones picked up a noise that was much louder than the others.

She knew what it was.

Goodbye Skyler.

She felt the blow hit her in the back, her eardrums seemed to explode from the noise.

There was a flash of light, she didn't feel herself fall onto the floor, she didn't hear the cry of rage from someone in front of her.

She lay down on the floor and closed her eyes.


"The X-Mansion is under attack!"
Isabelle ran towards Steve and Elizabeth.

Steve exclaimed in shock.

"Fury just got the message. Lucas is attacking."

Steve turned to her.

She nodded.

The three ran towards the Hangar, it had been the one place to have been spared during Lucas' first attack.

Along the way Iris, Loki, and Thor joined them.

Cam was about to but was stopped by Anthony.

"Too dangerous Cam."

Cam pulled himself away from his grasp.

"You said that Lucas would attack me next! What's he doing at the X-Mansion?"

"I don't know!"
Anthony shouted.

They stared each other down, finally Cam sighed.

"So what do we do? Just sit here and wait?"

"It's all we can do right now."
Anthony replied.

What game are you playing Lucas?

For once there was no answer.


Jane watched Cam and Anthony walk side by side.

She had her plan ready, all she had to do now was carry it out.

She started walking towards them, they wouldn't suspect a thing, they didn't know that she had her powers.

"Hey Cam."
Jane inwardly kicked herself.

Her voice had been shaking.

"Hey Jane, are you okay?"
Cam asked narrowing his eyes in concern.

She suddenly remembered those times Cam had helped her, he had always looked after her and the other new SHIELD agents.

How could she just kill him like this?

She shook her head.

Get ahold of yourself Jane.
You can do this.

"I needed to ask you something,"
She glanced at Anthony,

Cam shrugged.
"Sure, Anthony would you give us a moment?"

Anthony said nothing as he walked away.

Cam turned to Jane.

"What do you need Jane?"

She hesitated.

"I- I need..."


Jane punched Cam in the stomach, sending in a blast of heat as she did it.

Cam gasped and immediately made himself fire-proof, he pulled away from Jane and looked at her in shock.

"What are you doing?"

His stomach burned, he had been able to stop her from injuring him amy further but the damage had been done.

Jane ignored him and shot out a spike of ice, Cam dodged to the left and turned to face Jane.

She shot out fire, water, and ice at him all at the same time.

He couldn't adapt to all three at once, he noticed that it was also gettin hotter by the second.

Too hot...

Cam stumbled to his knees, his strength was failing.

Jane didn't stop.

"Sorry Cameron, but I don't have a choice."
Her voice showed no traces of remorse.

Suddenly it stopped.

Cam heard Jane shout in shock.

He rolled onto his back.

He was burnt, wet, and frozen all at once.

Jane suddenly spun around and shot out hundreds of tiny shards of ice, they all struck the person standing in front of Jane.




*runs away from angry people throwing random and harmful objects while laughing like this-*



I need to get out of the house more....

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