Don't you feel like I feel about the wild, wild days?

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I guess that Liron's mom and my mother got along well. My mother was violinist back then, before she decided to become a music teacher. Liron's mother was a museum curator. 

Between the two of them, they were the perfect parents. Sadie, Liron's mom, was the one who put her foot down, the strict, yet understanding, role model who encouraged us to expand our skills and explore the world in a safe and organised way. My mom, Natasha, was the one who encouraged us to have fun, be reckless, YOLO - it was a weird day for everybody when she said that - and caught us trying weed once and, instead of grounding us, joined in.

They were good friends, and Liron and didn't need fathers. We were our own thrown-together family. Not a big one, and not a conventional one, but a good one.

But, while we had our freedom to grow into ourselves, it was by no means a free pass. When the Wrath and the Fury of two doting mothers were unleashed at the same time, you knew there was going to be hell to pay.

One of the most vivid memories is when we were celebrating my eighteenth. We were going around town with a few friends, drinking at least one drink at as many pubs as we could, now that everybody was legal. It was a Friday, and we were celebrating well into the early hours of the morning when, at some metal bar, a man started pestering us. 

There were five of us, drunk and adrenalised, and one of him, but he didn't relent. He was specifically targeting me, and I was defending myself rather peacefully. Then he called me gay, and Liron punched him.

I didn't know why. Liron and I had our fair share of homosexual suspicions over the years, and they never bothered us before. At the moment I supposed it was because Liron was drunk and reckless. My mother would have approved. 

The fight was over almost before it even started. Even at a fraction of his usual skill, Liron was still a martial expert and a force to be reckoned with. He broke a man's arm that night, and the police were called in. Liron was thrown into a cell for assault. I got to join him only by convincing them that I initiated the fight. 

It was late in the morning by then. We were both tired and curled up against the wall. Liron confessed that he punched the man because he thought he was hitting on me. It was so stupid and I couldn't stop laughing, but the laughter had to end when the Mama's showed up.

Stood there in their pyjamas, scowling at the two inmates, it felt like we were in a movie.

Even the fabled Natasha - instigator of chaos extraordinaire! - was not pleased. "I thought I taught you better than to get caught!" her eyes screamed. Sadie was staring at us with narrowed eyes, tapping her foot in thought.

"I think we leave them," she said eventually, turning to Natasha. Natasha nodded thoughtfully. 

"Yeah, might do us some good to have the boys locked up safely for a while. We can go to a spa, and maybe get a drink by the country club without worrying about them."

Liron gasped dramatically, eyes widening. "You wouldn't," he breathed.

Natasha raised a challenging eyebrow. We both knew she would.

Sadie started giggling, and waved them off. "Of course I wouldn't. Nat might, but lucky for you I'm here. I'll go pay the bail, but you boys better hope and pray that man doesn't file a lawsuit."

She disappeared around the corner, and Natasha shook her head. "I swear, next time, haul ass before the police arrive, you idiots. Because you were dumb enough to get caught, you're cleaning both houses today while Sadie and I go to the spa." She leaned in closer and whispered conspiratorially, "If she asks, I'm punishing you because you were reckless and stupid, but, also, high five!"

Liron huffed, but gave her a high five anyway. I followed suit. 

Really, between the four of us, we were an odd, adoptive family. Over the years, since second grade, Sadie was my mom as much as Natasha was. Same went of Liron, and I know both of them considered both of us their children. 

And it was good to know that they always had our backs.

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