Even if the world ignites into flames, you'll be right here by my side

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There was always a rush when we were performing. Jess had a way of exciting the band pre-show, and a way of riling the crowd up during it.

For me, it was mostly seeing Liron there, where he preferred to be, in the crowd instead of backstage, cheering his lungs out and singing along to all the songs. He always seemed so proud of me. That's what gave me the rush.

He and Jess' sister, Alenna, were front row, dancing wildly and pretending to be groupies. They had showed up with a carry bag this time, and I noted how Liron reached a hand in and pulled out a pink bra. He handed it to Alenna, and then pulled out a white one. They started tossing them at the band members, and halfway through I saw Liron start handing them out to the crowd, along with black markers.

A bunch of girls eagerly joined in the fun, writing names and numbers down, and tossing them at their favourite performers. I got a few, and noted Liron's name on a lacy blue one.

I laughed it off and tried to focus on finishing the song. It was a complicated rhythm I hadn't had the opportunity to practice a lot. I dropped a few notes, but nothing really terrible enough to stop the show.

When the song was done, Jess laughed loudly and stepped back, bringing the microphone with him. He swiped up one of the many bras littering the stage, and read it out. "You're so hot. Triple-X Maddie."

A girl in the crowd whooped, and jumped up and down. Jess pointed to her. "You're pretty hot too."

I saw Liron and Alenna doubled over in laughter. I took the opportunity to pick up the blue bra and read it. 'U Suck. Luv Liron.'

Of course. There was no running joke, no hidden meaning. It was just another way for Liron to get a smile out of me. It was working.

After the show, Alenna mentioned how expensive bras were, and hoped she'd get them all back. Apparently she and Liron had emptied an entire store in preparation, on Jess' credit card.

On the vote of the vox pupuli, they weren't allowed to spend unsupervised time together anymore. It was naturally difficult to tell which of them was the bad influence on the other.

They were giggling like schoolchildren as they sifted through the bras, tossing them over to the appropriate bandmembers. It sort of turned into a game to see who got the most.

Jess won by far. I was last, with most of my bras being stupid messaged from Liron.

The boys all took down the various numbers, and Alenna collected the bras again. She was going to wear them and sell the ones she couldn't as band memorabilia. 

Liron sat down on the floor next to me, digging through the bras he had scribbled on. He finally selected another blue one, a swimsuit top, and handed it to me, grinning widely. 

I took it, raising an eyebrow at him again. 'Ur my bf4eva! #nohomo'

Forever. Sounded about right. And that contract came with the implication that he would be at every one of my shows. Alenna and his shenanigans were a part of the brand at that point.

And I didn't think I would want it any other way.

On the way home, Liron was carrying my guitar and chatting animatedly about his adventures with Alenna during the afternoon. He mentioned how she modeled some bras for him.

"Do you think I should ask her out? On a date, I mean. I think she's really cool, but I'm not sure if it would be weird with Jess."

"Did you drink any energy drinks," I asked when he stopped to breathe.

He nodded furiously. "Like twenty. I'm sure that's not healthy. I can taste the universe. It's really weird."

I couldn't help but smile. Liron was a like a puppy. He was bouncing up and down and chattering excitedly. He was a love-sick puppy too. He wouldn't stop talking about Alenna.

I imagined them together. In my mind, they were both grinning, on the couch with their legs entwined, holding hands and whispering between themselves, probably dreaming up another scheme. It was a dangerous duo, that was certain. Woe to the world when they became a power couple.

But, they looked happy whenever they were together. I didn't figure Liron or Alenna to be the sort who would abandon their friends when they were lie newlyweds. I knew, somehow, Liron would always be mine, even if he were dating again.

And, in my heart, I knew I would always be his. 

"Sure," I said, interrupting his vivid recounting of how her hazel eyes sparkled in the fluorescent glow of the mall lights. He turned to me, silent - shaking a bit from all the caffeine - with big eyes and a sober expression.


"I think you should ask her on a date, some time."

Liron giggled with glee, and jumped onto me, gripping on like a koala. "Oh!" he squealed. "You're gonna be the best man at the wedding! And we can go to Hawaii for the honeymoon! I know how much you like it there!"

I tried not to stumble under the weight of the full grown man. "I'm going on your honeymoon?"

Liron pulled away, frowning at me. "Of course. Did you think I would leave you alone without me? How boring would your existence be?"

I felt a strange joy build up inside of me.

We really would be together forever.

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