Extras - Hurricanes

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I'd like to think that
you look good when you lie;
tell me we're doing
everything just fine
and that you'll stand by me
when we face the music;

I'd like to feel you
as you breathe by my side
and I don't want to
open my eyes
or walk this road alone.

I'd like to hear you
sing a lullabye while
I lie asleep and face
the demons in my dreams.

I don't want to see you cry,
be my sword and my shield,
be my god and my guide,
lead me right into the light
and hold my hand.

Lie to me and look good,
tell me we're doing fine,
smile at me and stroke my cheek,
and pretend we're alright
- big boys don't cry -
we just fade away into
memories of a good life.

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