Extras - Poem by @XirinofArvada

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A beautifully creepy heartbreaky poem by XirinofArvada:


Take my hand for I am about to fall

Dry those gloomy tears, I am yet to go

Why cry now when we are still together?

Are you so afraid that I will leave you?

Do not cry for the morning is high

Cry only when the eventide arrives

For by then I would have said goodbye

For by that time, I would have left and died

Through all of the trouble you stood by my side

Through all the tears you cried alongside me

Why should I bother you anymore?

You have a life, you must live to the full

Why do you cry? Do enjoy your life

The world has much to give to the the living

Yet only pain to those who are dying

And suffering to those who are watching

Though I cannot ask for more than this

I must admit, I am craving for more

My days are short, thus I have a request

That I hope you shall honour, my dearest

Maddock you are as a lover to me

More than a brother, more than just a friend

I love you, I always have, and I always will

For all faults, please remember my legacy

Oh please weep not when the eventide comes

Do well to comfort my loving mother

For she has seen too much pain for her age

I wish you all the best, I wish you live

I must go, Maddock, I bid you farewell

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