Roll Call

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The deep rumblings of male voices drifted into the bedroom, but Meribella paid them no heed. She sat on the edge of Raff's plush bed, her legs dangling over the side with her hands gripping the mattress while she stared through the window and into the violent night. Strange how things had come full circle. Raff had changed her life on a night just like this, and now, as the ghost of his touch still clung to her fevered skin, she knew he'd changed it once again.

Standing, she stretched and winced at the tenderness in secret places. The mirror hanging on the wall reflected her reddened cheeks. Tonight had awakened something inside of her, some sensual part of her she'd denied because of the dangers it posed. Glancing back at the closed bedroom door, she knew the dangers had not lessened, but the worth of the risk had increased.

She left the still cold wetsuit on the floor and pulled open one his drawers, searching until she found a pair of dark gray sweatpants. Shimmying into them, she tightened the drawstrings as far as they would go and rolled the ankles up so she wouldn't trip. Strange, how she found delight in something so small as wearing his things.

Gods, I owe my mother an apology. No wonder Dorea chose to chase after men, and she added to that thought with chagrin, the orgasms. But she knew, without a doubt, that what her mother had found in the arms of men, was nothing like what Raff had shown her. Such care, such selflessness. His gentle touch had almost erased Herrin's brutal violation. Almost, but not quite. How different it would be when he stopped holding back and fully claimed her and she him.

A part of her worried if on some subconscious level, Raff didn't believe she was Fae. That he worried she'd end up pregnant. Her hand dropped to her flat stomach and wondered what it would be like to carry his child. She'd never thought much about being a mother, a side effect of a long life and being obsessed with finding Kai's skin she supposed. And while she wouldn't go as far as to say she loved the man, she admired and desired him more than any male she'd ever met. He would be a good father.

I'll have to talk to Thorne about birth control... surely there's something I can take. THORNE!

Hand over her mouth, she rushed into the living room. Raff jumped to his feet, eyes wide and glowing. Lincoln rolled his and remained seated, a knowing smirk plastered across his face.

"Is everything okay?"

"Thorne. She's going to be so worried. I need to call her."

He closed the gap between them and placed his hands on her shoulder. "She messaged me. A dozen times, by the way. You're probably in big trouble, but she knows your safe."

Dropping her head against his chest, she laughed, "Thank you. I'm sure I'll get an earful."

Sliding his hands down her arm, he reached her hand and threaded his fingers through hers. They walked back to the living room and settled on the sofa. "How exactly did she get my number by the way?"

"I gave it to her. Figured it couldn't hurt."

"Right, Raff. Her accomplice has to know how to keep tabs on you when she can't. However is she going to kill you otherwise?"

Meribella tensed. "You told him!"

Raff nodded, seemingly ignoring the shrill tone of her voice. "I'm assuming Thorne knows most of what I've told you."

"Well, you have me there." She didn't have it in her to get terribly worked up at the moment, her body was still languid.

"And Lincoln, that's enough. I explained to you that she's been honest with me."

The Beta snorted, "She doesn't smell very honest. Though, it's hard to smell anything beyond sex in here."

Squirming, Meribella dropped her gaze to her hands, unable to look either man in the eye. She'd known better than to think what they'd done would remain a secret, but she couldn't help but feel like Lincoln's comments sullied what had happened between them.

A thud, followed by a deep grunt, drew her attention upwards again. Raff's friend was rubbing his arm. Raff flipped the man the bird before turning back to Meribella. "Hey, don't let him get to you. You've not done anything wrong. Besides, he's a man-whore and has no business calling anyone out about their sexual habits."

"Oh dear lord," she gasped. How had she been able to beg for and moan for him just minutes ago when just talking about the subject was making her uncomfortable?

Lincoln, for his part, didn't look offended. He spread his arms out of the back of his chair and winked at her. "My man is not wrong. I think I like you a little bit more after what I heard earlier. I can't trust anyone who can't let their hair down... or can't raise their voice a little bit."

Raff growled and swung again, but Lincoln was ready. He ducked just in time to avoid his Alpha's fist, but he never saw Meribella's coming. Pain flared all the way to her elbow when her knuckles crunched against his jaw, but his shock and Raff's howling laughter lessoned the sting.

"You can apologize to me later. In fact," she instructed, "you can apologize to both of us later. First for interrupting and second for being an unmitigated ass. For now, please explain why you're here."

Lincoln adjusted his chin, but something akin to respect brightened his amber eyes. "I chased our stalker for a few hours today, but whoever he is, he's fast. And he led me straight to the Starless border and disappeared."

The upturn of Raff's mouth flattened. "Did you catch a scent? Is he one of ours?"

"That's what's odd. It was like chasing a phantom. There was no smell at all. A complete absence. Someone's helping him hide."

The hairs on Meribella's arms stood up straight as Raff froze. His blue eyes were almost blinding, and through his tan skin, tiny sprouts of fur were pushing through as he fought back the urge to shift. He pulled back the hand he had resting on her knee, curling his fingers under to hide the black claws that replaced his fingernails.

"I've got an idea about how they're doing it, but I'll need proof. For now, go home and get some rest. I'll be back in the morning, and we're going to have a roll call."

"Shit man, that's gonna throw some flags. We haven't had a roll call in almost a century. Not since your pops was Alpha."

"That's fine. Running will paint a target. Choose the men you trust the most and have them run the perimeter. Make sure it's a large enough group that we can rotate them out when it's their turn."

"Yes sir," Lincoln said, the seriousness in his voice foreign to her.

She waited until after the Beta left and they were snuggled beneath the covers to ask, "Raff, what's roll call?"

She was drawing loops and swirls across his smooth chest and contemplating replacing her fingers with her mouth. He grabbed the wandering digits and raised them to his mouth, pressing brief kisses along each tip. Once again, doubt consumed her as she recognized his actions for what they were: an attempt to keep her from breaking through his physical boundaries.

He didn't answer her right away but he did press her tighter against him. The warmth building between them now was sweet and relaxing, making her eyelids droop. She was almost asleep when he spoke.

"Roll calls are an ancient tradition amongst my kind. As the Alpha, I have the ability to compel those below me to obey. In the past, leaders would use it to make men follow them like slaves. We were born from those who destroyed a beautiful gift, so it would make sense that we'd abuse such power. But my family rose through the ranks and eventually my great-grandfather took over the pack. He abolished the misuse of the Alpha compulsion, most often we only use it during the roll call."

"Which is?"

He looked down at her with a lifted brow. "Impatient?"

"Me? Never," she joked, snuggling in closer to him.

"The roll call is quite literally what it sounds like. Every wolf must present himself to me and answer the questions I ask. He will be forced to speak the truth."

Meribella wanted to ask if he had that power over anyone, but she didn't want to raise any suspicions. "That sounds... terrifying."

"I suppose it can be," he admitted, "but if you've nothing to hide, it shouldn't be."

"But to lose complete control, to have someone else be able to tell you to cut your own throat...and trust that they won't... that requires a lot of faith."

"It does, and it's one reason we haven't had one in so long. But the pack is in danger..." His words became strangled, "You're in danger. I'm hoping this will help us find the traitor in our pack."

Guilt slammed into her. She could tell him right now. Tell him that Herrin was the one threatening her and betraying him, but she couldn't. It would bring to light things she wanted to remain in the shadows.

"Will you come with me tomorrow?" When she remained lost in her thoughts, he prompted, "What are you thinking about?"

A lighter, funnier moment from their past blossomed in her mind. She purred, "That you're definitely not gay."

In a flash, he'd rolled on top of her, using his elbows to keep his heavier form from pinning her down. "I ought to make you pay for that," he said, his voice rough and playful.

"Oh I wish you would," she replied, grateful for the distraction. She lifted her head so that she could capture his lips with hers, wrapping her arms around his neck as his tongue pushed her mouth open. She was still amazed that he could turn her on so quickly and after so many time earlier.

"Come with me," he repeated.

"I-I don't think I can. Not yet. I can't go to far from the ocean without getting ill, but I'll talk to Thorne and Vivian- see if they might have a remedy for that. But soon, I promise."

"I can work with soon," he said, and that was the end of talking for the rest of the night.

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