The Fae Queen

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Unlocking her seat belt, she leaned forward and peered through the windshield at the building. Where Raff's palatial home had been warm and cozy (she could admit that in hindsight), the Starless pack's base was cold and intimidating. Tall and square, it lacked the soft curves and architectural details that made the Orion pack's base more of a home. Almost as though the Starless pack's Alpha had hunted for a location that was the complete opposite.

"This is it?" she asked Thorne, still holding out hope that they'd stopped for directions.

"I didn't even need the address. Everyone knows this place."

As they climbed out of the car, Meribella found herself wishing she'd skipped the last glass of wine. The light buzz had faded, leaving her with severe cottonmouth, a pounding headache, and an awful feeling that she was making an epic mistake. On the tip of her tongue, the request to leave danced, but their chance to escape was dashed by the hulking brute that stepped outside and motioned them forward.

"You were told to come at nine o'clock. It's barely past eight," the man rasped, eyes filled with contempt as he swept his gaze across the women before him.

Thorne squeezed her hand in encouragement, but wisely kept her mouth shut. "I've never been one for following orders."

Sharp canines elongated as the guard bared his teeth, and the tips of his fingers twisted into claws. How she wanted to put on her own display, but the image of her shifting into a tubby seal caused a giggle to bubble past her lips. The sound only angered the beast further, and he stepped forward with a loud snarl.

Turquoise eyes snapping, she held her ground, her courage buoyed by the growing warmth of Thorne's channeling stone. She didn't know exactly what her friend was capable of, but she knew the power she packed in a punch. They would go down fighting.

"Euric, stand down."

All of the spark went out of the beast's eyes as the command washed over him. Even she could taste the authority in the words, and a small part of her struggled against it. Herrin stepped out of the shadows, his weasley face tight with frustration, but he opened the door for them. Just as she'd imagined, the space was open and industrial.

"Ms. Mcnamara, this is not what we agreed upon; however, the Alpha is in good spirits today and is not perturbed by your willful disobedience."

Batting her lashes in a pantomime of feminine flirtation. "Oh, however will I be able to express my gratitude."

Thorne snorted, and Herrin rolled his eyes. The air of confidence about him dwindled the further into the house they walked, until they came to a set of wide, frosted glass doors. She noticed the quiver in his hands as he twisted the doorknob; however, he managed to muster up a backbone when he stopped the witch from following her into the office.

"The Alpha wants to speak with her. You will wait here, witch."

"I'll be fine," Meribella promised before walking ahead.

"Close the door Herrin."

The heavy door swung shut, and it took her a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. A match was struck, and a the sweet smoke of a cigar reached her sensitive nose, making her sputter. "Can you be anymore cliche?" she demanded.

"Excuse me," the man behind the heavy wooden desk asked, sitting up straighter in his swivel chair. A click sounded, and light blossomed around a small desk lamp, illuminating the craggy features of the Starless pack Alpha.

"You heard me," she continued, waving the offending smoke from her face. "Sitting in the dark, barking order, and smoking while examining the young woman you've lured here with threats. Lacks originality."

The man said nothing. The only sound was the crackle of his cigar turning to ash in a blaze of red as he drew deeply before exhaling a ring of gray smoke.

"You've got a mouth on you." He stubbed the cigar out on the desk's glossy surface while she let her lips curl at the edges. "I don't care for mouthy women."

The edges dropped. "I don't much care for domineering asswipes, and yet here we are."

He pushed out of his chair and walked around to the front of the desk. At first glance, he appeared to be overweight, but as she studied him, she realized it was just an illusion created by the mass of muscles clinging to his stocky frame. Apprehension settled in her stomach as he studied her in return, and she could tell from the twisted desire burning in his face, that he saw her as nothing more than a collection of desirable holes to relieve his lust.

"Herrin," the Alpha shouted. "Send her in."

"Who?" she asked, spinning around, praying Thorne was going to be allowed to join her.

But it wasn't the dark skinned witch who entered the room; instead, a woman of indeterminable age swept in, power oozing from every facet of her being. A long, auburn braid hung heavy over her slender shoulder, and thick, black lashes framed oddly glowing silver eyes.

Meribella didn't know the woman, but she could tell she wasn't someone to be trifled with. And she was also someone else who was irritated at the Alpha.

"You do not get to tell me when to come and go," she declared, her voice vibrating like crystal glass across the room, while her heavy skirts swirled about her feet.

The surly man didn't appear to be affected by the tone. "When you come to me asking for favors, you do as I say."

"I could bring this entire building down on top of your head."

"But you won't. Because I have the army you need, and I'm not one of your little Fae minions that you can boss around. Face it Morgan, you need the werewolves behind you if you're going to face the Guardians and have any chance of winning."

A tinkling laugh. "Oh Mac, you amuse me-"

"Pardon," Meribella interjected, tired of being left out, but regretting calling attention to herself almost immediately. "Your name is Mac? The big, bad Alpha is called Mac?"

This time it was Morgan's turn to scrutinize her, and for all of the discomfort she felt beneath Mac's lewd stare, it was nothing compared to how the woman made her feel. "Oh what have we here?" the silver-eyed woman crowed.

"Boys tell me she's a Selkie. Or at least part Selkie. And interesting enough, she's gonna be how we finally get Raff out of the way." Meribella's heart caught when she heard his name, and suddenly she was in no mood to play this game any longer.

"Ah, so that's why you asked for this," Morgan said, pulling a glittering vial from the pocket of her long dress. "But she's something else. Something more than Selkie. Something new."

"Who are you?" she demanded, unable to tear her gaze from the potion. In that liquid, she felt a pulse that beat in rhythm with the half of her that craved the moon.

"Your queen," the woman explained, stopping in front of her and placing a cold finger beneath her chin. "And the one being who can fulfill all your desires."

"And what do I have to do?" The question escaped before she could stop it.

Mac answered, his voice rough but full of delight. "Kill the Orion pack Alpha."

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