Part 9

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Naira opens a teleportation portal to open on a farm and enters the house as Kartik and Lena follow shrugging their shoulders and confusion.

Naira goes forward and Kartik,lena follows to find themselves in a yard of a house ,a hidden house .Lena knows some of hidden houses and bungalows of luthors and specially lex but this technic and technology used is obviously different.

Naira sees supergirl coming from the gallery

Naira:- Hey supes, you called ms grant.

supergirl(confused that why Naira didn't call her by name that's when she heard footsteps and familiar heartbeats in the house coming to the room.):- yeah but I can say you have done extra work.

Naira:- Oh I may have invited someone here. Someone who you need to create portal to new daxam.

Lena(coming in the room):- Oh god, supergirl is it really your house.

Naira:- No ..n it's mine completely mine, she does just work 24/7 and yeah eat in the remaining time which I need to do now. (Kara glares at her sister but she shrugs off) Sorry, I say whatever comes in my mouth when I am hungry .

Kartik :- Forgive her ms Luthor but she is much crazy than this (for that Kartik get glare from naira and he keeps her index finger on mouth showing zip)

Lena :- Oh no you both are adorable and I can say why people go crazy about you two. After our little talk with my Mother, I would not be surprised with anything you 2 will do.

(Naira mentally curses herself not to warn Lena first about that)

Supergirl :- What you say you mother, as in Lillian. You went to Cadmus without me, what the heck you think of yourself Nairu. You know Cadmus captured me and Monel last month and what happened. Lena ,Kartik you are the sensible one's why the heck you guys didn't inform me.

Naira:- But di

Kartik :- I assure you supergirl she was fully planned and I was the one who did the fullish thing. I bet she has started planning after Cadmus's last attack on her event and If she has gotten the information about your and mike's capture on time she would have saved you. She actually plans her every move ( he sees with a proud look to Naira)

Naira:- No she is supergirl and she doesn't need me to save herself and Monel. Sorry supes I was going to tell Alex D first and I didn't inform you as you were busy in the city.

Supergirl:- Sorry princess I just being worried.

Lena :- what relation you 2 have oh forget that I was here for Kara Danvers where is she?

Supergirl turns her face backward. Naira takes Kartik out of the room excusing Lena.

Naira(whispering to super hearing):- You should tell her . She is a good friend and was really worried. She is actually a best friend and as you need her she should know you trust her.

Kara(whisper under breath):- Yes, I trust her but she may be at the risk. And I thought she would eventually find out by herself.

Naira(whisper ):- She is already in risk that people has seen her with you,working with supergirl.I know the assasian attacks on her .Besides villains like lillian and max lord knows your secret identity so their is know way you increasing risk by telling secret to friend.

Lena :- why you are silent supergirl . I thought you are kara's friend but you and her boyfriend ,Ex is marrying or may already have been married. And I don't know where my friend is and in what condition.

supergirl :- she is here in front of you

Lena:- what?

Supergirl:- Lena listen first whole thing please. (Kara put on her glasses as the nanites of suit got in and she appears in her tee and pajamas) I am supergirl oh sorry wrong Identity I am Kara danvers ZorEl and I know what you are thinking. It's not because your name that I haven't tell you but I am not gonna lie your name affect me but just still our first meeting like MonEl being daxamite I judged him. But at our first meeting I can say you were here for doing good and I trusted you .The whole friendship thing is not a lie as Kara danvers always need a friend like you lena(By now she has tear drop in her eyes)

Lena:- What bullshit is this .You fucking lied to melike everyone else in my life.

Kara :- No Lena just be practical and think that everyone related to me was in danger. It had happened earlier during meriad that I can't save the people because My opponent knows about my friends. Besides everyone knows about me had find about me by themselves besides alex (and naira but she didn't say about it) so when I found that lillian knows about me I have given hints to you so you recorgnize me by yourself.

Lena :- Kara you dork now I realize our first meeting you saying "I fly here ... on a bus"

Naira (coming in room ):- She did what ? (Giggling )I bet that's not a sign of anykind she is naturally rambling. (Eating her chocolate bar for her calories )

Kara (sighing ):- you shut up little (one)... Lena you are not angry.

Lena :- yeah I kind of have idea of this or I may have figured out that earlier .I am not a stupid. I just can't put you to together having much trust that your personality is much different and I can't put supergirl and kara together it's gonna to be crazy.

Nova AI (quipped) :- Yeah its crazy to think that supergirl has a blonde girl behind her who looks exactly like her. Princess has advised her to use a face image inducers or facial transmogrification device
but apperantly glasses works fine for peoples.

Lena :- yeah I bet her face is to good to hide. But then also why not using atleast mask

Kara :- It's the thing that people trust more when then can see you in your eyes. (Kara taking her hand and making her seat on bed and sitting besides her) lee you can see in my eyes and tell that I was not lieing about being your friend that I want to be or I can take lie detector or something so you can check me.

Lena :- No I am not questioning your friendship .I know you are the first person to trust me and I was the one breaking your trust . Because of me daxamites were here and I was the luthor because of whom world were about to destroy .You shouldn't have trusted on me on first place. (Lena was on verge of crying but kara side hugged her trying to console)

Kara :- Hey stop comparing you with your brother. I know you are the good one .I trusted you and I will and If you were at the fault I was too when you said me about polyatomic ions,techyons and quantum mechanics particles I thought you were trying to make some clean energy source and you will do fine.I should have checked on you and your project but I was such a full and got busy in ....

Nova (quipped):- In having a romantic date with prince oh my bad king MonEl

Kara (brushing but trying to hide by anger):- nova did princess made you just to tease me.

Nova :- No not just for this but yes kara ma'am this is in my program with the voice of Princess naira, princess gayu ,agent alex danvers ,Eliza danvers and she wants to add ms cat grant's voice and her way with words .(To this kara's face fell and lena snorts and started laughing seeing her face)

Lena :- You have other secrets to tell me ,may be about princess naira ?

Kara :- uh um no, I know you hate secrets and all but I can't tell you this and don't want to lie. Friendship is about sharing everything but not now .I have my secrets more of this secret thing and you keep yours secret .Friendship is more about trust even if friend can't enclose her privacy.

Lena :- Oh ,why am I not surprised ? You Both so protective about each other.

Kara :- Lee it's just her secret to tell.


On other hand Naira takes kartik out of room to the kitchen.

Kartik (murmuring to himself):-
Krishnaji plz save me from this sherni (which he know naira can hear by her super hearing )

Kartik :- oh, oye sherni why it is so hot, Must be someone's anger increasing the heat here.
Naira glared at her and he keeps finger on his lips

Naira(angry):- you shut up mr goenka ,just cone with me.

Naira takes ice cubes from the freeze and started rubbing it on his hand where the cyborg hands has maken marks and kartik was reading her expression admiring her face which were showing the anger for the cadmus and concern for him.

Kartik :- sholly na sherni
No response
Kartik (poking finger in her cheek):- You know you look cute and hot at the same time when you are angry but you look more good while smiling so spit your anger out.

Naira :- mendhak I know what you're trying to do by your flirting but I am to angry that if you say one more cheezy lines I will make more bruises on your body than that cyborg.

Kartik ( holding ears and pouting ):- I am sorry na sherni . I don't even understanding why you're so angry .

Naira :- Why I am angry . You were going to die their 2 times in 2 days . (Holding his collar ) you can't even go to hell without my permission.

Kartik :- oh why I will go to hell , (whispers)all of that I get here with you. And you were also their

Naira:- You know I got super hearing. And as you only said to kara I had a plan for cyborg and lillians minions but you got there without plan .

Kartik :- Yeah but why you don't ask me to join then

Naira :- No I want to take you as you may want to ask lillian about your parents whereabouts she is the only one knows ab9ut them but you don't even answered my calls (she stopped seeing the effect of her worlds on kartik )

Naira :- sholly mendhak I don't want to

K (smiling sadly tring to hide anger):- It's. .fine. Goenka's doesn't affect me they don't even exist for me now.

Naira trying to change topic

N:- um, you have bruises on your neck . That cyborg must have hard grip , take the ice.
Kartik nods and taking ice cube tries to put it on neck but on wrong side.

N:- no not their
She takes the ice from him and come close to him abd started applying the cube. Due to the closeness their hot breathes are falling on others faces and kartik can't stop himself but to admire naira's features. Naira gives him a look questioning 'where does he lost?' And he shook her head and look other side.
She was about to move but due to tripping by his legs she falls on his lap and by his hands his shirt buttons got ripped off. They were lost in each others eyes for mere mellisecond and naira composes herself and stands up. (Thanking her medication and yoga to get control on her strength otherwise kartik bone had condition more than just facture for many time or may be his bones and veins converted to dust)

Kartik :- ye kya kia tumne mera shirt ye abhi aur kitni baar krongi

N(holding her ears):- sholly/sorry na mendhak ,I will give you other dress.

K:- No it's happens to many times now . You know kartik has a rule tit for tat , I for I
N (rolling eyes ):- and e for e , whatever I know you mendhak you don't even touch my dress .
Naira says smirking and showing her tongue but kartik smirks back and taking the icecubes infront of him and puts on her head some ice peices even goes inside her dress through neck . As a kryptonian it cold didn't affect her that much but its still affect to tease her mendhak.

Naira(screaming) :- You mendhak , you're so gone now . Now I will show you what I can do .
Kartik pouts and started running but in blink of eyes naira was in front of him using her super speed.

K :- This is cheating naira /sherni

He started running to the other side towards the stairs but this time naira comes at normal speed and throws water on his face .

K :- You're to bad sherni

N (giggling ) :- you're welcome

K:- what?
N:- you are mendhak/frog and mendhak loves water ,so you should thank me.

K(angry ):- nairaaa..
He comes forward but trips due to the water on the floor and naira catches him before he falls. And he composes herself to straighten himself.

Alex and gayu comes in the room

Alex :- what happen here guys ,when rain came and how it is only inside the house ?
Gayu :- It must be naira

N/K:- It's his/her fault (showing fingers towards each other

N :- you
K :- you

Alex :- what even with you two guys ?I know she is childish (naira makes a pout and kartik smirks to her) but you to mr.... (taking pause) kartik .

Kartik :- I am sorry ma'am but its her fault
Gayu :- I bet it's her
Naira :- traiter

Kara and lena comes out of their room by the voice .

Kara :- whats going on here?
Naira :- nothing.

Kara (giggling) :- ok i got super hearing and I can't with you guys like tom and jerry . CEO of two big companies are here fighting like kids good for you .
(Kara blows warm breaths on their clothes to dry them .Alex gives her look about lena but by her replying signs she understands that kara told her)

Kartik :- I am sorry kara I shouldn't do it here ,where was my manners as guest?

Kara :- oh no its totally fine . And I know she was angry earlier as really angry lioness (kara can say her by her heartbeat) and she can do this here as its her place. And I am with you if you win the argument with princess.( smirking at naira and giving hifi to kartik)
Kartik :- i i ... queen of daxamites

Naira folds her hand and make a puppy pout but melts when kara gives a hug to her and she reciprocates.

Kara :- yup now alex we need to talk something about cadmus

Alex :- what they did now
Kara :- The question is what she did? (Pointing on naira)
To kara's signal a drone comes to them and shows footage of what happen on cadmus centre

Alex :- Princess? Naira

Kara :- sorry for disturbances but we have work to do like meeting world counsil about whole daxamite invasion and finding a new place may be a planet for daxamites to begin with new daxam so come with me and start giving ur idead, chop chop

Naira (teasing ):- i i queen of daxam

Lena :- kara you are acting like cat grant

Kara:- no
Alex :- yes even though i just meet cat once or twice you are you have mentioned 1000 times cat saying chop chop

Kara :- ok it just happened

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