Chapter 82 Fruition

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Chapter 82 Fruition

Life is a precious commodity no matter what kind it is.

The birth of an android infant went without the usual dramatics of human birth. Betsy delivered the baby without so much as a whimper or frown. The new one had an umbilical cord that allowed the nano-bots to enter its circulatory system to take over the growth and repair of its living tissue as well as the gradual buildup of its titanium alloy skeletal system. Alice did the honors of cutting the cord, which appeared to be made of abiogenic flesh.

Another big surprise was the fact that Betsy could suckle her new baby. Her breasts were able to produce a fluid that could nourish the child and give it needed energy.

"Well, it seems that these big boobs we women have do have an actual function other than for entertaining males," Molly said.

The women giggled. Alex and I opted to avoid a confrontational discussion on that subject.

"We know very little about this new life process," I said. "Hopefully, the androids do know what to do."

"Most of them are female," Marie said. "That makes them experts right off the bat."

They laughed.

"Well, Alex and I will leave you gals to the care of the new infant."

They ignored us, so we went to the recreational deck so that we could get away from female domination at the bar, which I had designated the 'Black Hole' because it was a place that we would rather not have to come back out of. However, even there we had to contend with skimpily attired bar maids in high heels.

After two of them served us beer, they went back to their main function of being sexual attractions.

"It seems that you and I will be in the minority on this vessel," I said.

"I think I could get used to it," Alex replied with a sly grin.

"One thing I must tell you is that we are no longer related like we were when we were alive as humans. Relationships don't mean anything in this new android life we find ourselves in. The reason I'm telling you this is because we males will be called upon to service the females."

Alex smiled, but then became serious. "Yes, I could see where that might become problematic."

"At first, Molly and I avoided sex, but after the addition of your mother and the others, that was soon changed. The odd thing about it is that we really don't have libidos because we're androids, but the women demand servicing as a means to control us, at least emotionally."

"It's hard to imagine having emotions as androids."

"Yes," I said. "It does seem incongruous, but it turns out that the true male androids service the female androids on a regular basis; although, I'm not sure why."

"Maybe it's because they were designed to provide sexual favor," Alex suggested.

"That is a distinct possibility, especially since they are anatomically correct."

Alex sighed. "I'm not sure that I will be comfortable with banging my sister."

"I know how you feel."

A barmaid sauntered over with refreshments. She smiled. "Would you two gentlemen like to see a show?"

"What sort of show?" I asked, knowing full well what she meant.

She turned to gesture to a curtain that opened to reveal two female androids wearing no tops but with ribbons attached to their nipples. The ribbons had small spherical objects attached to the ends, which they were able to spin around by simply flexing their pectoral muscles to flick their large breasts.

I took a good sip of beer. "Interesting. I didn't know that they could do that."

Alex laughed.

The next day when I came onto the command deck, I received news I didn't want to hear.

"The reptilians report that their home world has come under attack," Molly said.

"Take us there, Judy, and go to red alert. Prepare for combat."

"Yes, Jason."

Judy engaged the spin drive to take us there in a few minutes. We came just in time to engage a fleet of vessels that we had never seen before. They were totally black and had what appeared to be appendages sticking out of the sides of their spherical main structures.

Madison immediately used our multifunctional weapons system to begin blasting several enemy ships at the same time. The two Scath ships accompanying us did the same.  After several sorties, what was left of the enemy fleet turned and went to warp.

"I have a video feed request, Jason."

"Put it on."

Fist's image appeared. "We appreciate your prompt assistance."

"Who are they?"

"We do not know. They appeared just recently and have caused considerable damage to our coalition."

"We'll investigate them and prevent the occurrence of any further attacks."

"We have found a new more nutritional food source. We will release all remaining humans to you."

My left eyebrow shot up, but I restrained my response. "We appreciate this. Please send us their location coordinates. We also would appreciate any data you have on this new threat."

Fist nodded and ended the communication.

"Well, I didn't expect that," I said.

"How many humans do they still have?" Margaret asked.

"Good question."

"Their data indicates four locations with 150,792 humans," Judy informed me.

"Where are we going to put all of them?" Marie asked.

"We'll find places for them. Earth has recovered well enough to support that many people."

No one refuted my statement. At this point, we had a lot of work to do.

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