Chapter No.185. Consummation.

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Chapter No.185. Consummation.

Pleasure is not the only reason for sex.

I was in Judy's quarters to impregnate her, an Idea that Molly and Alexa had come up as a means to control her. She was about to say something that I would find completely unexpected.

"I agree with you, but sexual function is primary to our design. However, I have disagreed with my father about that design choice, but he wouldn't listen to me. We are cursed with sex forever. However, I have admired you from the very first time I encountered you. You have always treated me with respect and kindness. I would be especially honored to have a child by you. It would be my ultimate fulfillment."

"I also would be most honored to father a child with you," I said.

She put her arms around me, and we kissed, a kiss that grew passionate in every way. We made our clothing vanish and we entered coital bliss that lasted for some time before we collapsed on a couch to relax.

The next evening, after the command meeting ended, Molly and Alexa were anxious to find out what happened.

"Why didn't you watch us?" I asked them, adding a teasing grin.

"We're not voyeurs," Alexa said with a mock frown.

"Yeah," Molly said. "We aren't into porn."

I gave them a subtle smile. "Well, it so happens that she actually wanted me to do it. Evidently, she considers me her step farther."

"You have to realize how bad that sounds," Molly said, adding a sly smirk.

"I do, but I feel that she has always wanted me to have an interest in her because of her rocky relationship with her real father."

"Okay, I can understand that, but we'll have to see how she reacts to being pregnant."

"Is she going to be able to work as the helmsperson when she sprouts a big belly?" Alexa said.

"I think so. She can easily adjust her chair to accommodate her baby bump."

"What's going to happen when she delivers the baby?" Molly asked. "Who's going to take care of it?"

"There are plenty of Judy's for that," I said.

"That's what every housewife wants, a duplicate of herself," Molly said.

We chuckled.

Alexa aimed a teasing grin at me. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, but not so much for the pleasure of it, but rather the satisfaction that she actually wanted it."

"What about the fusion?" Molly asked. "Are your thoughts merged with hers?"

"Actually, they always were. Same for you and me."


"Yep. We were fused."

"I guess we really didn't realize it," she said.

We looked at Alexa and she frowned. "I don't want anyone messing with my thoughts."

We laughed.

I decided that it was time to be more serious. "I believe that we have more work to do to determine how we ended up in android bodies."

The both stared at me with confused expressions.

"What more do we need?" Molly said. "We've found your medallion, which proved that we were once humans."

"We need to find out how Fox was able to extract memories and personality data from our brains before we were murdered."

"It has to involve detecting and reading the holographic quantum projections," Molly said. "He must have found a way to transform the holographic data into actual images and sounds."

"As I recall, that holonomic theory was considered pseudoscience."

"It was, but I believe that Fox figured out a way to use it to collect the data stored in brains."

"Okay, let's say he did. What we have to find is the device he used to do it."

"Maybe it's still in the Huntsville bunker," Molly suggested.

"Or in the supercomputer orbiting Saturn," I added. "We'll have to investigate both locations."

The next day, all three of us arrived on the command deck and assumed our usual locations.

Judy turned to me. "The device is in the Huntsville bunker."

"I assume it's in a lower area."

She nodded.

Alexa, Molly and I stood up.

"Hold the fort," I said. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

We teleported directly into the main part of the former NASA Huntsville bunker.

"There has to be a means of getting to a lower area," I said.

Alexa began a scan, using X-ray, to search for a lower open area. After a few minutes, she had a possible location. "There's a large open area under here."

We visualized it and teleported down to a large area that had equipment in a lab setting. A large window looked out on what was once a pool.

Molly and I went over to what appeared to be an examination table with leg and arm clamps. A bowl-shaped metal helmet was attached to cables that led to a large machine cabinet.

"This looks like the device," Molly said. "Evidently, Fox strapped his victims to this table to extract their brain data before killing them."

Alexa turned to us from the window. "And, this is where he killed them. I can see a little platform that extends out over the pool. There are aquarium tanks connected to the pool for the introduction of piranha."

"How efficient!" I quipped. "I don't recall being murdered that way. Evidently, he only used it on people he had a sadistic hatred for."

"If this is where he extracted brain data, what the hell was the supercomputer around Saturn used for?" Alexa asked after walking over to us.

"I would assume that he used it to work out the technical procedure to extract brain data," I said. "Maybe that's why there are lists of our memories there."

"We should go there to verify that," Molly said.

"I agree."

We teleported directly to the supercomputer orbiting Saturn. Molly immediately went to work at the command module. Alexa and I explored the supercomputer device that dominated the enormous space of the planetoid sized device.

"This thing is huge," I said. "I can't imagine a computer this large being constructed this far out from Earth."

"Evidently, this Fox character had a direct link to the officials' pocketbooks," Alexa quipped.

I smiled. "No doubt."

After we had thoroughly investigated the supercomputer, we returned to our vessel orbiting Earth. When we arrived on the command deck, Judy had an announcement.

"We have detected the presence of androids in a galaxy on the opposite side of the universe."

"I'm surprised that you could detect a signal from that far away."

She turned to me. "The signal is from my sister."

"Ah, we didn't know that you had a sister."

"Her designation is Jane."

I turned to Alexa. "Gretchen didn't tell us about having another child."

"Evidently Fox was more prolific than we thought."

I didn't confront Gretchen until later that evening. I went to her quarters and she didn't appear to be alarmed when I asked about Jane.

"I was led to believe that she had died," she said.

"Apparently, she was resurrected and is now with a group of androids in a galaxy in the Virgo cluster."

"I'm not surprised. I was not privy to a lot of what my husband was doing."

"Do you think that she was amicable with her father?"

What she revealed was not what I had expected.

"She was Judy's twin and was angry at her father."

I rubbed my jaw. "Thank you for the information."

She smiled. "I am always at your service."

I wasn't sure what she meant by that, but I teleported back to my quarters and worked out on my gm equipment to assuage my frustrations. After a rigorous exercise session, I decided to take a shower. Not long after I was in the shower, I noticed two figures approach.

I exited the shower to find Alexa and Molly gawking at me.

"What did she say?" Alexa asked.

"Jane is Judy's twin sister. She's just as adamant about her father's activities as Judy is. Gretchen said she thought that Jane had died."

"Are we going to go out to locate her?" Molly asked.

"Yes, but not until tomorrow."

I grabbed a towel to wrap it around me, but they had other plans.

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