Chapter No.38 Turn About

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Chapter No.38 Turn About

Fair play is not always fair.

We made one more trip down to Earth to take on as much water as we could before departing for the Triangulum galaxy. It also provided the androids in engineering the opportunity to produce as much antimatter as they could.

A few days later, we were ready to go.

"Take us out, Judy," I ordered.

Our vessel accelerated away from Earth and soon was about 0.75 the speed of light.

"Go to warp," I said.

The ship slipped into warp and we were on our way.

I waited a few minutes to check our status, but what I saw made me sit up straight and look at it more than once. "Wow! According to this we're over 18 warp." I turned to Molly. "What's up with that?"

She smirked. "I tweaked some of the parameters in the quantum conversion equations."

"That should put us at our destination in less than two weeks."

"I suppose it doesn't really matter," she said, sounding depressed.

"That's true, but it just gets us there sooner so we can do what we have to and get back to Earth."

She gave me a subtle smirk.

Later that day after a work out in my private gym, I was taking a shower when I noticed a dark shadow approach. The shadow's face stared at me with eyes that reflected concern.

I cracked open the shower door. "What's wrong?"

"I've found some very ugly information," Molly said, her face still twisted with dread.

I came out of the shower and grabbed a towel to wrap around my waist. "What?"

"I've managed to crack into the android cyber code by using an algorithmic key cycle. The code was originally written by Ramanujan."

"Yes, that's the Indian cybernetic genius that came up with the positronic brain concept."

"I had to change the file containing the questionable code over to my name, and make some basic changes."

"What changes?"

"I found the code that resulted in the crew's demise. It's essentially designed for the androids to take over from human control."

"If that were the case, we wouldn't be here."

"Evidently, when they injected us with their nano-bot agents, we were rendered no longer human." She lowered her eyes. "I also made some other changes . . ."

"What sort of changes?"

She looked up at me with determined eyes. "I am now considered the prime mover of the android colony. They are now under my exclusive control."

I shrugged. "Okay."

She gestured. "Come with me."

"Let me grab some clothing."

"You don't need to dress."

I gave her a confused look before I shrugged again. "Okay."

I followed her into my living area. She sat down in the easy chair that I usually sit in and relaxed back. When I moved over to an opposing couch, she raised her hand.

"I didn't give you permission to sit."

I stood up straight. "Yes, ma'am."

"I will tell you what you can do and not do. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." I gestured to my bedroom door. "Could I at least get dressed?"

"You don't need to get dressed. I prefer you as you are."

I gave her an annoyed stern look. She gave it back, but then broke into a giggle.

"I'm just teasing you. I'm not a crazy dominatrix. It just that I've always wanted to dominate a man."

I held my right hand out, palm up as a solicitous gesture. "I'm at your disposal."

She sighed. "I was mistreated by my husband. I suppose I never got over that."

"I understand. I can assure you that I would never disrespect or mistreat you."

She tapped a finger to her lips and grinned. "Although, I like the idea of you obeying me without question."

"I have no problem with that."

She got up and walked to me. Smiling, she pulled the towel off of me and slapped my derriere. "Go get dressed."

I wasted no time in obeying her command.

The next evening, she smiled when I served her my latest dish, spaghetti and meatballs along with a glass of beer. "I want to apologize for my inappropriate behavior last evening."

"You have nothing to apologize for. I acknowledge your command over me."

"You are still the expert on strategy. I'm better at determining our destinations."

I nodded. "Agreed."

"I just like the idea of dominating a man, so you'll have to excuse me if I order you around."

"I have no problem with that. I need someone to order me around."

She giggled. "We make a dyslectic couple."

"Interesting term. It usually refers to a neurological disorder."

She smiled. "In a way, we're both neurologically damaged by the androids."

I presented her with a more serious expression. "You say that you now can program the androids and have made yourself the prime mover."

"Yes, that's correct. I've removed all of the demonic orders that their programming was infected with. In the process of doing that, I have become their leader." She smiled. "Which has the consequence of me being in absolute command of you."

"Interesting," I said, before taking a good sip of beer.

"I'm sorry about what has happened, but I felt it best for our survival."

"I understand."

She grinned. "I also like the idea of ordering you around."

"I will obey you."

"Don't look so glum. I just want to have fun."

I wasn't sure that I liked her idea of having fun, but if it kept the peace, so be it.

Strangely enough, she didn't make good on her threat to play with me. Evidently, it was just a fantasy thing with her. However, I still had to be careful not to elicit her wrath.

The remainder of the journey went without incident. She seemed to have settled down to being herself rather than a domineering matron. She seemed more interested in my ideas about her.

"Do you find me attractive?" she asked, batting her long eyelashes.

"Yes," I said without pause.

"You don't seem to show it," she said with a frown.

"I don't wish to disrespect you," I replied.

"Showing some interest in me would not be disrespectful."

I offered a conciliatory smile. "I would be willing to do anything you wish."

"Are you functional?" she asked.

I tilted my head and offered a confused look. "How do you mean?"

She returned a ornery grin. "You know what I mean."

I offered a subtle smirk. "I am capable of performing but it would be without the element of lust."

She gave me a funny look. "What do you mean?"

"I am unable to experience lust, but I can perform in a perfectly mechanical manner."

She pouted before smiling. "Actually, I have the same problem. I guess it's because we cannot reproduce."

"In a way we're like the androids. They are incapable of experiencing any true emotions. Their emotions are computer algorithms."

"That's no fun."

"I totally agree," I said.

I realized that she was trying to feel like a human but was not able to because of the loss of libido. It was an unfortunate result of being made a cyborg. At least that's what I thought. Boy was I ever wrong!

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