Chapter No.47 Report

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Chapter No.47 Report

Knowledge is powerful but questionable.

We decided to go to the Galaxy Coalition planet and give them our report of what we did on the far side of the galaxy.

As usual, Fist met us when we entered the underground headquarters.

"We encountered a large number of Scath vessels but destroyed all of them," I said. "However, we discovered something else that is possibly much more threatening."

"What is that?"

"We observed a portal to a parallel universe just outside the edge of the galaxy. Three Scath ships flew into it and after some time the portal closed."

"How did you ascertain that it was a portal to a parallel universe?"

"We were able to sense that it contained an infinite amount of space. The scans are consistent with a parallel universe bumping into ours."

"How is that possible?" Our galaxy is not at the edge of our universe."

"It only appears that way. There is no edge or center to our galaxy. Everything in our galaxy is in the center or the edge. We really have no idea where the edge is or begins."

"Alice will transfer our data scans of the anomaly into your system," Molly said, gesturing to our android. "You might be able to determine some other theory about this phenomenon."

"We appreciate that," Fist said.

I was surprised that he wasn't upset with the fact that our androids could invade his systems.

"We've left a probe near to where we saw the anomaly. If it reopens, we will alert you," Molly said.

Fist nodded.

I got the feeling that he was being polite because he realized that we could easily bring down his surveillance system. I decided not to confront him with our ideas about a possible biological link to the Scath. It's better to leave sleeping dogs lie.

What happened next surprised both of us.

"We have thirty more females," Fist informed us.

Both Molly and I tried hard not to show excitement.

"Thank you," I said in a polite manner.

As before, the women were marched out minus clothing. Alice called for more shuttles to take them back up to our ship. I was surprised that Fist would give us this many breeding stock females. It could only mean two things; either he had plenty or he is placating us.

The androids provided clothing for the women and gathered them in a meeting chamber so that Molly and I could talk to them. We seldom needed to use this area because there were only the two of us.

"We wish to offer you a chance to become mothers," Molly said. "You will no longer have to be concerned about being eaten. We have established a colony of women on an island of Earth, the origin planet for humans. These women have been implanted with embryos and have given birth to healthy children. We would like to offer you the same opportunity."

"We will do as you wish," a woman said. "We would rather be mothers of the living than of the dead."

That statement suggested that she was intelligent enough to know what was going on.

The androids completed the embryo insertion procedures and we took the women down to the colony and introduced them to the women that were already there. When the new women saw the babies they were ecstatic.

Our androids assembled new huts and the facilities that went with them. Molly and I saw to it that the new mothers-to-be had plenty of supplies and equipment necessary for living in the colony.

The only problem we were faced with is that we had no more embryos. If Fist gives us more women, we would take them, but they would not be afforded the gift of motherhood.

However, there was one possible solution to this, but it would be very risky. It would involve returning to the cloaked planet and seeing if they could provide us with any human embryos that they had left from the ones we gave them.

I waited until our evening supper and relaxation to suggest it.

Molly didn't find any danger in returning to the cloaked planet. "I think that's a great idea. However, we have no idea if they have any embryos left."

"That is an unknown," I said. "Hopefully, they created more modern humans with the embryos that we gave them."

"Could be," she replied.

I tapped a finger to my lips. "There is one problem with this plan."


"We would have to leave our colonists to the ravages of the universe."

"Can't we leave the Red and Black android ships here while we go to the cloaked planet?" Molly asked.

I smiled. "Yes, that's the way we'll do it."

She smiled back.

I averted my eyes. "You realize that we're playing god here. We have no business creating our image of humanity."

"We're not really doing anything like that," she retorted.

I looked back up at her. "These new humans will not be diverse. They will not reflect humanity as it existed before the collision event."

"Ultimately, I think it will," she said. "The woman we're getting from Fist are diverse. There are several dark-skinned females in the group he just gave us."

"Maybe he doesn't like dark meat."

She waved her hand at me. "You nut, you!"

"Seriously, I think they are giving us females that are not suitable for food stock, for reasons we are not aware of."

"Well, they do seem able to give birth," Molly said. "Maybe they are incapable of becoming pregnant from normal sex."

"Yes, that could very well be the problem. I guess we're lucky that's the case."

"Unfortunately, this whole affair is disgusting."

"I agree," I said.

She was right in being disgusted. We were taking advantage of horrible situation. But, in the long run, peace is much better than war.

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