Chapter No.85 Mystery

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Synopsis: Jason, Molly, Marie, Margaret, Alexa, Alex and Alicia make up the human based androids. They have succeeded in inserting many humans on Earth to begin the repopulation process. In the meantime, they have discovered that there is a multiverse structure that could be a being of some sort and that it could resemble a human. They have the means to explore this exciting possibility, but the prospects are daunting.

Part 9 Multiverse Theory

Chapter No.85 Mystery

Sometimes it just doesn't make sense.

Jason and Alex are in the Black Hole bar on the agricultural/recreational deck. They are about to hear something shocking from Jessica, one of the barmaids.

Jessica placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled. "We have elected you the Prime Mover. We will obey your commands and assure that your companions do the same."

I looked up at her and frowned. "I thought that you had decided that we had to cooperate."

"We want you to be the ultimate leader of the collective. We have given you absolute power over all of us."

"I would think that could lead to a rebellion from my . . . companions," I said.

"A rebellion will be impossible. Their thoughts will be adjusted to obey you without question."

I sighed. 'I'm not so sure that's a good idea. I like to have their unfettered inputs in any decision I make."

"We will permit that," she said. "But we will see that they obey you in all things."

I turned to Alex. "They're going to be pissed."

"I don't think so," he replied. "You are the best possible leader. You have a just and honorable plan for all life that exists now and will exist in the future. You are not vindictive or petty and you respect everyone."

I lowered my eyes for a few seconds before staring into his. "Thank you. I just hope that they don't hate me for this."

"If they do, they'll get over it."

I smiled and we clinked our beer glasses together. "To a better existence for all!"

If the others were upset, they didn't show it. Everyone acted as if nothing had happened. During our communal supper, the conversation seemed to be centered on the excitement of having babies.

Molly shifted her focus from Margaret to Alex. "Have you two consummated your responsibility yet?"

Margaret and Alex exchanged smiles before Margaret replied. "Of course."

They laughed.

"I can't wait to get my chance," Molly said. "I can recall how my mother acted when she had my brother. She was the consummate mother to both of us."

"Why do we need to make children?" Alexa asked. "We will live forever in our present state of existence."

"We are Humanity Version 2.0," I said. "We have just as much right to reproduce as any other form of life."

"So, you're saying that we are alive?" Marie said.

"Yes, albeit not the same as biological life. We are evolved into a new form of machine life, one that does not have to deal with the finality of death. This unexpected and undeserved gift allows us to preserve biological life in the universe and to insure peace for all."

"Your egalitarian views have gained you the Prime Mover status," Molly said. "We are now under your exclusive command."

"I am not completely satisfied with that status. The responsibility associated with it makes me uneasy."

"You don't have any reason to fret," she replied. "We will obey you without question."

"I will still solicit your advice and your affirmations," I said. "I'm not very good at being a despot."

"We are happy to serve you," she said. "We will do anything to please you."

"You aren't going to make us entertain you, are you?" Marie asked with a sly smirk.

I shook my head. "Only if you volunteer."

They laughed.

"Actually, we would be happy to entertain you," Alexa said.

"I agree," Molly said. "You deserve our attention and our service."

The others added their approval with applause.

"Thank you, but it will only be your choice as to what you do to entertain me."

They applauded again.

What made me uneasy is that I realized that the android collective was capable of molding our behavior to their liking. I was just the cotter pin in their wheel of control over all of us.

"So," Molly said. "What is your plan for us?"

"Well," I said, rubbing my jaw. "We need to determine how to discover and open portals into other universes so that we can locate new less mature universes."

"We've already obtained that technology from the multiverse roamers," Molly said. "It involves some modifications to our Spin Drive system. The roamers have mapped out all of the portals in our universe. All that's needed to open them is an intense beam of radiation at the 21-centimeter line frequency of hydrogen."

"Okay, let's do it," I said. "Once we find out how universes are born and die, we might have a means to preserve human life for all eternity."

"What about us?" Marie asked. "What do you want each of us to do?"

"I think you already know what you do best. This new project will require all of our expertise. Otherwise, try to respect one another and the androids."

"We will," she replied.

That was it. They seemed happy about what we're trying to do. I considered this new cooperative turn of events to be somewhat disturbing. I spent the next evening with Ben and Alex in the Black Hole bar. Ben had invited two of his buddies, Evan and Jerry, to join us.

The first thing I noted was that the androids had added two more barmaids. I was beginning to think that this was part of a plan to assuage my uneasiness about my new status as prime mover. It made me suspicious that they were trying to manipulate me.

My male buddies raised their glasses of beer to salute me. "We honor your leadership, Jason," they said in unison. "You are our hero."

I smiled and raised my glass so that we could touch them together in a display of solidarity. The barmaids joined us by standing around the table.

"We are your faithful servants, Jason," Jessica said. "We exist to please you."

"Thank you . . . and all of you," I said. "I will do my best to protect and preserve all of you."

They cheered.

"So," Alex said. "What's our next adventure?"

"Well, I would like to explore a newer universe, but we need to locate the portal to one in order to do that."

"The Roamers have found a newer universe, Jason," Jessica said. "The portal to it is located on the other side of our universe."

I looked at her. "Thanks." I turned to Alex. "That's where we'll go tomorrow."

He smiled. "It will be exciting."

"Hopefully, it won't involve some new crazy robotic species."

They didn't seem to have any fear of the unknown. In fact, they all had a childlike unconcern, or was it just a machine-like apathy.

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