Chapter No. 95. Totality

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Chapter No. 95. Totality

The answer to life is not dying but living.

I decided to take Molly, Margaret, Alexa, Alice, and Ben down to the planet in a shuttle. We landed on a port attached to a large building that represented the command center of their android collective that we had assimilated. In the process of assimilation, they were converted to using our language instead of theirs.

We were greeted by what we assumed was the central command of their collective, which was all female. We took seats around a large oval table.

"We welcome you into our collective," I began. "We are dedicated to preserving all life in the universe, both artificial and biological. We have accumulated the technology to travel to anywhere in our universe instantly, and we are able to explore parallel universes in the multiverse."

"We understand and appreciate your treatment of our collective," the assumed leader said. "We will comply with your directives."

"We are fascinated by the fact that you have chosen to occupy a planet. What is the reason for this?"

"We have been creating more of our kind and need the space to accommodate them."

"I assume that you are accomplishing this by sexual copulation," I said.

"That is correct," she replied.

I turned to my crew members. "Evidently, this was Tyco's plan all along."

"He must have envisioned a master android race," Molly said. "What we don't know is how many other species he's done this to."

"I assume that the biological proto-human species that occupied this planet decided to die and be resurrected as androids in order to achieve everlasting life."

"That is correct," the leader said.

"Well, we will allow you to remain here and continue. We will convert your vessels to our specifications and incorporate them into our fleet. Some will remain, along with some of our vessels to protect your planet."

"We understand," she replied.

We returned to our vessel and began a search for other possible intelligent life in the galaxy we were in.

Later that evening after I had retired to my bedroom, I got a visit from Molly. She slid next to me and smiled.

"I wanted to tell you that I am reconciled to your status as prime mover," she said in a serious tone.

"I'm not sure that I deserve the status."

"Oh, you are totally wrong. You are definitely the one to lead us. When I was temporarily the prime mover, I screwed up big time. I tried to dominate you and treat you like a slave. I flunked the test, but you passed it with flying colors."

"I'm not an angel by any means," I said. "The old adage about absolute power is still in force despite the fact that we're artificial life forms now."

"Yes, but you have demonstrated your concern and respect for all of us, both human and artificial. You respect us and treat us with kindness, Even more important, you perform under pressure without causing harm. That alone makes you the most qualified to be prime mover."

"If you're referring to this latest incident, I felt that I could not give in. I had to solve the problem and succeed. The last thing we want is to be taken over by a malevolent collective."

"I understand. I am quite happy to serve you. You fulfilled my womanhood by giving me a child. I will forever love you for that."

I pulled her face closer and we kissed. The physical gesture was the best way to spiritually consummate our relationship.

The next morning brought a new concern, one that I had hoped would never surface.

"We have data to indicate that Tyco is amassing a sizable android collective to challenge ours," Judy said.

"Do we have any idea where he is doing this?"

"The data indicates that it's near the Great Attractor."

"What's our chances of coming out of this on top?"

"We estimate a 50, 50 chance. It all depends upon you, Jason."

I sighed. "I was afraid of that."

Later that evening at our discussion after supper something was brought up that I had not considered.

"We think that your ability to teleport might constitute a tactical edge in this final conflict," Molly said. "We believe that you might be able to tap into even more strategic powers."

"I'm not even sure why I'm able to teleport," I said. "It doesn't make sense."

"There is the possibility that this is a quantum effect," Molly said. "If universes are the atoms of a multiverse being, maybe we are the subatomic particles of this being's atoms. Quantum particles pop in and out of existence in space. Why not us doing the same?"

"Quantum teleportation is only limited to the transmission of data and can only proceed at the speed of light," I said. "We use quantum entanglement to communicate instantaneously. I don't see how either one of these explains my power. I also don't believe it has anything to do with quantum superposition."

"What about the possibility that this is the result of dimensional shift?" Margaret proposed.

"Higher dimensions are tiny," I said.

"Maybe not in the multiverse system," Molly said. "Maybe higher dimensions in this cosmic being are large."

"Yeah, that could be, but it still doesn't explain how I can tap into it."

"Maybe this cosmic being has given you this power so that you might save life in the multiverse," Alex said.

"I'm not a Messiah," I said. "This isn't about some religion. Tyco wants to dominate our universe as a tyrant, not as a benevolent leader. He has shown his devious plan when he sent Molly and I, along with forty-eight other human and four thousand androids on an expedition to annihilate an entire species. Now, he's trying to take us over. We can defeat him, but it will take all of us to do it. Somehow, we have to accomplish this without loss. I'm not sure how that can be done, but that's what we must do."

They stared at me with concern showing on their faces.

End of Part 9.

Thanks for reading
Part 10 will begin soon

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