Chapter No. 98. Vulcan

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Chapter No. 98. Vulcan

You never know who you'll meet out here.

The next morning when I came onto the command deck, Molly greeted me with some new information.

"I've found a location in the Tyco data that could be his collective base. It's a K4 class star system two thousand light years away from our present position."

"Take us there, Judy, and maintain stealth mode when we arrive."

Judy nodded, and we arrived in the blink of an eye.

"The fourth planet is habitable," Molly said. "It has some lakes and rivers but is mostly rocky. There are several active volcanoes."

"Who would want to live on such a planet?" I said.

"We are in a stable orbit, Jason,"

"Thanks, Judy. Maintain stealth mode and go to Yellow Alert."

The command deck lights dimmed, and a flashing yellow light reminded us that were on alert status.

"I see what appear to be a city near a large lake," Molly said. "The buildings appear to be constructed out of metal and glass. There is movement."

"Interesting, but I don't think this is the location of the Tyco collective."

"I have a communication request, Jason."

"Put it on, Judy." I stood up and slicked an errant hair back out of my forehead.

The face that appeared on the main screen was both fascinating and amusing at the same time. The individual, which I assumed to be a leader, had a sharply defined human-like face with green eyes, black hair, and pointy ears.

I turned to Molly and smiled. "Vulcan."

She smiled back.

"Greetings," I said to the face. "I am Jason Star, prime mover of the Phoenix android collective. We are here in search of a rogue android collective run by Tyco, a proto-human android."

"We are aware of your identity and mission. You are welcome to discuss your mission with us."

"And, who might you be?"

"I am T'pol, First Consul."

Molly and I exchanged surprised looks before I turned back to the main screen. "Where should we land?"

"There is an open area designated by a circle of light."

I nodded. "We will be there shortly."

The transmission ended.

I leaned back in my chair. "Well, I certainly didn't expect that."

"I don't get it," Marie said. "How in the hell do they look like Star Trek aliens?"

"It's a big universe out here," I said. "Anything is possible."

"Do you trust them?" she asked.

"They're not androids. Right Molly?"

"Nope. They're biological creatures."

"Okay, how do they know all about us?" Marie asked.

"I would assume that they have some way of delving into our data base," I said. "I really don't know, but we'll go down there and see if we can determine the answer to that question."

We went down in a shuttle with Molly, Margaret and Alexa, along with Ben and Alice for protection. Alice put us down in a large open area surrounded by magnificent metal and glass buildings that towered into a greenish sky.

Three Vulcans approached. One of them was T'pol. Now that I could get a better look at her, I could see that she was indeed a female despite the fact that she was wearing a dark green uniform that covered everything except her head and hands. Each of the three had silvered badges that I assumed designated their rank.

We were wearing our standard light blue outfits with no symbols or designations of rank.

"Welcome," T'pol said. "Come and we will discuss your situation."

I wasn't sure what situation she was referring to, but I was curious enough to go along with it.

We walked to a large building I assumed was a command center. Other aliens were there operating what I assumed were surveillance equipment. We were escorted to a meeting area and took seats around a glass table.

"We are in search of Tyco, a genesis proto human, who has created much of the technology that we employ and who has failed in an attempt to take over Earth's Space Command because most life was destroyed by an asteroid collision. Molly and I were on an expedition to annihilate an entire species when the androids operating the vessel murdered the crew in order to avoid being destroyed in a senseless war. They resurrected Molly and me in android bodies. Since then, we have resurrected several more murdered humans into android bodies. We have encountered several other android and robotic collectives and have assimilated them into our collective to prevent them from destroying biological species in our universe."

"We are relieved that you have thwarted this senseless destruction of life," T'pol said. "You have the capability of dominating the universe, but you do not show signs that you wish to."

"I am opposed to the formation of a conquering empire. Human history is rampant with failed attempts to take over the entire planet. We are only interested in peace, not war."

"Our ancestors fell into that delusion of power and it resulted in several devastating wars," she replied. "We also have taken an oath of peace."

I stared at her. "Yes, but you are not telling the truth. You are planning to take us over and destroy us."

T'pol didn't bat an eye or show any emotion.

"You will notice that no one is moving except you and me," I said. "I have frozen time and there is nothing you could do to change that."

She tilted her head. "Who are you?"

"I am an agent of the originator, the one who has introduced life into the multiverse system that comprises her. I am designated as the prime mover of our android collective. What I want to know is why are you trying to stop me from doing my mission."

"We see you as a threat to our existence."

"This is your lucky day," I said. "I could easily turn this planet of yours into dust, but I'm not in the mood to do that. I and my companions will simply vanish, leaving you to contemplate the probable consequences of your sin against nature."

She simply stared back at me without any sighs of panic.

I teleported my crew and the shuttle back to our vessel and then turned time back on.

"Take us out of here, Judy."

"Where do you want to go?" she asked.

"There's a small galaxy near the Great Attractor," Molly said. "Maybe it's where the Tyco collective is located."

"Take us there," I said.

I turned back to Marie. "Spock would be ashamed of these Vulcans," I said.

"Yeah," Marie said. "They behave more like Klingons."

"Who are you talking about?" Alex asked.

"They're fictional characters of some old TV shows," Molly said. "Jason likes to equate aliens we encounter to those in fictional space operas."

"Well, at least we didn't get taken over by them," he said.

"Yeah, thanks to Jason's amazing powers," Molly said.

Everybody was in agreement, but I was dismayed by the fact that I had to use those powers to prevent our destruction.

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