Star Gazing

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T'was a bleak December evening. Not a cloud was in sight, allowing for a bright full moon to gaze down at the Earth's surface, its silver-white light a calming contrast to the inky black backdrop on which it was set. A sense of stillness had settled across the city as its citizens lay in deep slumber.

Well, most of the citizens.

A chilling breeze ruffled the pink and golden locks of two females, who were sat on a lonely park bench, wrapped from head to toe in thick-winter coats, fluffy gloves and woollen scarfs. The pink haired female, known as CC, gazed up at the stars, her magenta irises glimmering with a spark of interest and slight amusement. A ghost of a smile tugged at CC's icy lips, however, she made no attempt to pull her cyan scarf over her numbing cheeks.

The golden-blond girl beside her, watching the nightsky with bright, wide eyes.

"Whoa..." Lolipie whispered as a shooting star zoomed across the sky.


"Gah!" The small female's startled cry shatters the still silence of the night, her pink haired companion tensing as Lolipie grasps at CC's hand with a gloved hand of her own. An impossible to notice blush dusts across CC's cheeks, somehow, however, while Lolipie cannot see it, she knows it is present.

"O-oh..." The smaller girl stuttered, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly, "Sorry."

She made to pull her hand away, but was stopped by something grabbing her wrist.

"It's fine." CC says calmly, however, a hint of embassment lingers within her tone. She averts her irises once again towards the starry sky, a swirl of pleasant thoughts twirling across her mind like the giant balls of hot burning gas circling around within our complex galaxy. Lolipie's own blue-green eyes focused on where the pink haired female's line of sight lay.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Lolipie sighed, sholders slouching against the back of the bench in a relaxed manner.

"Yeah..." CC mumbled something almost inaudible under her breath. She rests her jawline atop Lolipie's head. "You are..."

"What?" A pale pink dusted cross the smaller girl's cheeks.

"N-nothing." CC replies quickly, pulling her head up and shuffled along the bench, away from Lolipie, shame-faced and blushing.

"Awww," The golden haired female cooed mockingly, "That's cute."

The pinkette growls, her glaring gaze directed at the stone pathment that lay a few feet in front of her, her hand doing all the talking for her.

'Fuck off.'

"Awww, I'm sorry." Lolipie says pleadingly, eyes wide, "I'll give you a hug?"

"Fine." CC yanks the smaller female close to her chest, causing Lolipie to let out a squeak at the sudden (slightly harsh) contact.


Her tone is like ice, however, her rose eyes reveal kindness as they meet Lolipie's own blue ones. Their faces bearly inches away, the girls leaned into each other.

"HOOT!" An owl hooted loudly, and the blushing females jumped, both letting out a skriek and despretly clinging on to each other for reasurance.

Once recovered, they pull away from one another, and, looking at each other, they laugh. unknownst to them, the same thought is drifting through their minds.

"Stupid fucking owl."

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