Chappie 27: Frozen Daisies

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Chapter 27: Frozen Daisies

I am sooooo super duper sorry i have not updated this in a long time! I have tons of ideas for this book just hard to puzzle them together and write them out..heh...anyways i haven't forgotten about this book and i am super glad non of you have either! Lots of thanks for the support and enjoy ze chappie! ; )

I thought Peach hated new kids, well unless there clothes are from France. I doubt the newbie, Cookie, is going to last long in our group. Once she finds out how evil Peach can really be, she would just join the unpopular group. It's just like everyone else who was her friend, or was in our group. For some reason I just can't leave though! No matter how brave I think I am and the courage I grab seems to fade when she stares at me. I just can't do it, I am a coward! It's even more pathetic of me to admit that I am crying in the girl's bathroom stall. What am i supposed to do? Peach expects one thing, and I just want to be true to myself. I wish I could just go back to the days when school wasn't like this. Middle school was great! I would hang out with Pauline and Rosalina. We were all so close, a team. Now they're on their own, doing their own thing. While I am stuck following Peach! I wish I could be like them, play sports, get rid of this make up and dress! Wishes like that just don't happen with magic, at least I suppose they don't. How silly of me to be talking of magic, when I am holding pretty much the answer to all my problems! Peach gave me Liz's wand, now the right thing to do would give it her. Am I really brave enough to stand up to her though? I stood up to Bowser when he was bullying Peach...oh, didn't you know Peach was bullied? I guess that's why she's all mean now. I was ordered to freeze Violet to stop her from taking over the school because that would be Peach's job. Such a shame our decision are based on our fears. The fear that if we don't obey Peach, she's going to kill us all. I can't do it though, i can't do what Peach requested! Violet is a friend, someone I feel understands me. Since I am basically Peach's follower, having friends isn't exactly a thing. At least its not easy when everyone fears am just like her. Violet is the only one to know me for who i really am, we both are on the same team. Speaking of soccer, not actually our groups in school. Why cant we all just be one big team? Freeze the only person I consider a true friend wouldn't be a very good friendship now would it? Giving Liz her wand isn't an option either, because only Star Haven would know what Peach would do to me if she found out i was betraying her. " THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! " I yell as I punch the stall door making it open. Two girls with wide eyes stare at me, I gulp and quickly close the door. I noticed one was wearing an orange tee with a black and purple skirt. I only caught a quick glace of a purple dress on the other. I begin to cry more at my frustration and then a voice I recognize so well asks " Hey sis, are you alright? " I freeze on the spot as i recognize my sister, Flora's voice. " I- I am fine.. " I manage to say trying to hold my breath. " I didn't know you had a sister..." Says the other girl I wasn't familiar with. " Hey Emerald can i have a moment with my sister? " says Flora, and I peak through the cracks on the door. I notice the girl named Emerald nod and walk out the bathroom. I slide down the stall door, on to the dirty floor. I still don't know what to do, and now i guess my sister knows my secret. I begin to cry some more, not knowing what else to do. She sits down on the other side of the stall door, " Hey sis.." She says softly. " I am sorry... " I manage to say through sniffles. " For what? " She asks me, " For all the lies.. " I say and that is the only thing I managed to say to her. She did ask me what I meant by that, but I couldn't answer. I've done horrible things to good people, people who could be my friends. While my sister sat there, I realized, I was wrong, wrong to follow Peach, wrong to do all the mean things I had done to people. Right there, I knew I had to fix everything, I am done being Peach's follower! The first step would be to give this wand, that I hold here in my hand, to its rightful owner. I get up and my sister does too, I open the stall door and hug her. " I know what I have to do " I whisper as i look into her eyes. She nods and I run to class, " Daisy wait! " She yells to me but I am already down the hall. " I am going to fix everything! Don't worry! " I yell back as I run to Spanish class, knowing I'll find Liz....

When I get there, it wasn't at all what I expected. I heard that if you are late to class, the teacher makes you say a whole sentence in Spanish. When I open the door, I find the room in chaos! If that isn't so bad, I notice the teacher is frozen! FROZEN!! An ice sculpture with a face of terror. I make my way to the back of the class, through spit balls and paper air planes. I notice that Violet and the girl that looks exactly like Liz are missing. I find Liz and I quickly ask " Liz! where's Violet? What happened to the teacher? " She doesn't answer me. I notice she's fast asleep, so i shake her. " Liz wake up! where's Violet, and that girl that looks exactly like you? " I ask while shaking her. While I shake her she answers with, " twin? " I stop shaking her as I realize, she's awake, and I also didn't know she had a twin. " Wait she's your twin? " I ask and she nods. I then shake my head, " No never mind that! What in the world happened over here? Why is the teacher frozen? " Liz only shrugs at me, " i have no idea..." She says, " The teacher was frozen when i got here, and i haven't seen Violet since gym class! I'd unfreeze the teacher but..." She looks like she going to cry and that's how i remember i have her wand. I was about to take it out, when the principal came in! If she saw me holding the wand, she would think i did it. She sprinkles star dust on the teacher and she unfreezes, while shivering. Ms. Star, the principal, then made a blanket appear to keep her warm. Our Spanish teacher didn't say much other then a leopard, but there isn't a student in this school who's a leopard. Even ms. star said the new student isn't a leopard. She also mentioned something about snow, guess that explains why she is frozen? This is all one big mystery and i wonder what actually happened...

Earlier, while Daisy was in the bathroom...

UGH! Lunch was the worse! what with all the love and drama. I mean, it was obvious that the guy in green was going to ask out the exact same girl who got asked first by the angel dude! Never the less i love the drama! I am losing focus though, i need to find Violet. Well more like Meg, i bet she would help me find that wand. My stupid brother thinks i am weird for saying there's something wrong with that new kid, what was her name again? Oh yeah, Cookie. I seriously think there's something odd about her, she even joined the populars! If anything. i thought she would of joined the un populars for the acquaintance she made earlier with my sister. At least i am one step ahead on finding that wand, i know a princess in pink has it! I fly into my Spanish class to find Violet siting there drawing. Today just might be my luck day, what with the chicken incident this morning. I slowly fly to her but she immediately looks at me, " oh its you.." She mumbles, as she goes back to drawing. I frown as i mumble, " you aren't going to be saying that once i tap your bracelet! " She looks at me, " What?! " she asks but it was too late for i tap her necklace. An evil laugh is heard afterwards and Megera appears! " Whats sup? " She asks and i tell her my plan. Unlike my brother, she agrees to help me, for together we will rule the world! The teacher just stares at us and i look at Meg. She smirks and freezes the teacher, it was amazing! She then proceeds to freezing some of the hallways and other things as she does her evil laugh. We turn the corner of the hallway, and i see Cookie! I know there's something off about her, i can just feel it! Would you believe me when i tell you that coming down the other side of the hallway is the one we believe to have the wand? " She's the one with the wand! " I say to Meg who nods noticing all the pink she wears. " Let's get her! " Meg says, but Cookie joins the conversation. " If you think you're getting that wand then you're dead wrong! That wand is mine! " She says, but i was mostly wondering how she came to be so near us when she all the way down the hall. " That wand is ours! " both me and Meg state with an evil look that Cookie delivers back. I was right, there is something about her that isn't right! The girl in pink stares at us and laughs, we stare at her confused. " How funny that you all think you can just stripe me of my powers of ruling this school! You all will never get that wand you hear! It's mine and so is this school! Be warn because with that wand i have powers you all can't even imagine, so i suggest you don't cross my path! " She says before pushing us out of the way and walking away.

well this is all for now, ill try to update more often but i am a busy bee xD Hope this was long enough and you all liked.

Note: I did not plan to update on Thanksgiving but isn't it so nice?


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