Chapter 10

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Omg guys! We made it to double digits! Yay!! Thanks for all the views, comments, vote, and follows. It means the world to me! Okay so you all probably wanna read it now...just fyi i wanted to make it all...hopefully you like it!

Liz waves her wand and they all are back in the room.They grab their items and go to their classes. Violet enters her math class.She sits next to Alissa. Who is, once again, staring at Luigi. Violet chuckles, " Yo A." Alissa shook her head, " Oh! Hi Vi!" The bell rung.Now class has started. The teacher walked to the front, " Everyone. I want you to choose a partner to finsh this class work." Violet paired up with Daisy. Peach with Mario. Luigi with Alissa. Daisy smiled, " i'm glad i'm with you." Violet chuckled and went to work. Ratios are easy.


Peach was working on problem 2, when she got an idea.she told Mario, " i need to go do something. I'll be back my love." Mario nodded but he knew what she was up to. He was worried, but also terrified of her. If he tried to stop her, she would bully him. He was already popular, and didn't want to change that. Peach had grabbed a red marker and neared Violet's paper. Violet was sharpening her pencil. Peach then scribbled an X on it and quickly sat back in her chair. Once Violet looked at her paper, Peach snickered.


I wanted to kill her at that moment. I wanted to show her my anger. But i only got a new piece of paper and re-did what i had. While Violet re-did her paper. Mario found out Peach wasn't so smart, she was still on the second problem. Mario began to wonder why he even cared. Back in middle school, he wouldn't care about being popular. Peach interrupted his thoughts by asking for help. Meanwhile Luigi was having a great time with Alissa. He began to wonder why he was with Daisy, Peach was the one who told him he should. He didn't even like her, he wanted to ask Alissa out, but the bell run. Peach then called for him, and he said goodbye to Alissa. Alissa was super happy she got to hang out with him, she was also going to Violet's house after school. Till then, they both were hopping, they would run into each other again.


Liz made it to class just in time, and she sat next to Zoey. The teacher said they had to finsh a bunch of class work by the end of class, but they where aloud to work with a partner. No more then 3, though. Birdo and Yoshi agreed to work together. Liz and Zoey also agreed, that is till a girl walked up to them. " Hi there I'm kenzie, i was wondering if i could work with you gals? "She asked. They both nodded, and began to work. They where doing great, but Kenzie was zoning out. Zoey noticed why, and said, in a whisper: " you like Yoshi don't ya? " kenzie looked at her, and nodded. She then said " But he is popular, so it will never happen." Zoey then said: " I like a popular too, don't give up!" They both then got back to work. Except for Liz, she wondered what team Boo and Bowser were in. They didn't seam like Peach, who was bossy. And they didn't seam like Rosina, who was very shy. The bell rung and she said goodbye to her friends. She headed off to gym class...

In gym class Mr. Dk told everyone we would be doing Volly ball! Once again he asked for volunteers to be captain. This time Daisy asked to be captain, then Alissa did too. These are the teams:

Alissa~ Luigi, Kiara, Birdo, Rosalina, and Peach.

Daisy~ Violet, Mario, Liz, Yoshi, and Bowser.

They all went to there teams. Daisy then said in a whisper " Okay guys our Co-Captain is Violet! Lets win this! Oh and if you hit Peach in the face, i am cool with it" They all laughed at the last part, they hated her. As for Alissa team, she was zoned out. She was happy Luigi had gym with her, Luigi was also happy as well.


I stood in the back row with Bowser and Daisy. Bowser was the first to serve. He hit the ball and Peach hit it back. Then the ball came towards me and I super punched it back. Everyone was amazed. Even my bros. I ignored though. Alissa happily hit the ball but then Daisy hit it back and we got a point. We rotated. I was in the front now. I could see Peach. She glared at me,"This is for you!" She hit the ball hard but I kicked it back. It hit her head. I laughed really hard that I almost choked. Peach could only say,"Ugh!" We earned a point and then Peach now had to serve. She looked at me, and smirked. She hit the ball, towards me. Time felt like it stopped, everything went still. I was ready for it, to hit it back. Things didn't turn that way, though. Last thing i remember was seeing the ball, before things went black. I woke up, in a small room. There were a few beds, and other medical things. " oh good your awake! " Said a voice, that i didn't like. I looked at her, and she gave me that same, stupid, smirk. " You passed out during gym, it's lunch right now. People are worried about you, but i am more worried about you. You better stop, whatever it is your planning! Or things will only get worse. Don't think i am just after you, i am after your friends as well! I got you all detention, can you imagine what else i can do? Stay away from me and my friends! You have been warn Violet. " she walks away, and the nurse comes. She tells me i am fine other then i may have a fever. I know it's not a fever, it's the anger. She let's me to go to lunch, as long as i come back if i feel bad. The only thing i feel bad for though, is peach, once i get through with her! I walk into the cafeteria, and sat down next to all my friends. They were all worried about me, but i was mostly angry. Shadow then gave me a strawberry short cake, and told me Alissa's team won. She then winked, and told me to give it to Peach. I have no idea what she is up to, but i decided why not? I walked up to her, and gave her the cake. I didn't look at her, nor say anything. I walked back to the table, and that's when i heard a scream. Peach ran up to me, and handed me the cake. She ran out the cafeteria, screaming. I looked at Shadow, and asked "Shadow, what did you put in this cake?!" She smirked at me, and said " the world's hottest chilly peper! " Yoshi then said " well since you guys aren't gonna eat it, i will! " he then ate it, in one gulb! He must have not heard about the chilly pepper for Yoshi then turned red, and started to sweat.Yoshi then ran out, yelling. Kiara, and Alissa said " That's Shadow for you! " I was confused, how did they know about Shadow? I meet her during that ice cream thing. Kiara and Alissa said " Middle school, was the best! Oh so that's how! Ms. Star came in, and had a face of curiosity. I am guessing, she was going to ask, what had happened. The bell rung, and that kind of stopped her. We all ran to our next class, which for me was spanish. I saw Daisy and Liz talking, and i sat down with them. Daisy then looked at me, and said " Well, we lost, and i am glad your okay. What happened to peach, was the funniest thing ever! If i didn't follow peach, I'd totally follow you. " This got me thinking. The first person that could stand up to Peach would be Daisy! But we are not exactly best friends yet, and if i tell her my plan she might tell Peach. I decided to see how our friendship went, and if i could trust her. I kind of did already, after what happen in gym. But i wasn't sure. Spanish class went by quick, which means school is over! To bad we all have detention today because of the food fight. Me and Liz said goodbye to Daisy, who wished us luck. Me and Liz got lost again which isn't good....

Well that's all. I hope you guys like it, sorry it's all over the place. I wanted to make it long! I was even going to add Detention, and Alissa coming over. But wouldn't it be to long? Idk i am new to this is long good? Or is too long bad? Anyways a comment, a Vote, and a Follow would be very appreciated! Baii everyone! !

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