Happy Birthday Shadow!

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Hello guys! This chapter is for one of my many besties on wattpad! Hope you guys like it!

The neon green boo floated confidently to class. Nothing could ruin her day, because it was her birthday! She wore a black crown with purple gems.Of course teachers had other plans, like pop quizes. Especially Mr.Todd, her chemistry teacher. The morning news came on, Everyone who had tryouts yesterday was dying to watch.

* The Tv *

Birdo and Yoshi: Good morning Star High School!

Yoshi: I am Yoshi and I'll be your host.

Birdo: And i am Birdo, the Co-Host.

Yoshi: So what's today's lunch special, Birdo?

Birdo: Today we will be having Pizza!

Yoshi: Sounds nice, in other news do you have a special someone? Well better get the courage to tell them because the first dance of the year is coming up!

Birdo: All those who wish to help set up the dance, there will be a sign up sheet in the cafeteria.

Yoshi: And now for the news everyone's been dying to hear!

Birdo: Congratulations to Violet and Daisy on becoming Captain and Co-Captain of the soccer team!

Yoshi: And also congratulations to all those that made the team. They are: Kiara, Luigi, Bowser, and Me!

Birdo: Congratulations to all those who made the cheerleading...squad.

Yoshi: Don't you mean good luck to Peach and Lizy who are both competing with there own cheerleading squad.

Birdo: Right! May you both do your best and may the best squad win!

Yoshi: Well that's all for today! I am Yoshi!

Birdo: And i am Birdo!

Yoshi and Birdo: And this was Good Morning Star High School!

* Tv turns off*

Everyone congratulated Violet and wished Liz the best. Mr.Todd then told everyone it was Shadow's birthday! They all sang happy birthday to her. Some even knew and gave her chocolate, which wasn't a good idea.The bell soon rung and the birthday girl went to her next class.

* Meanwhile Violet's Pov *

I walked down the hall to Math class. I saw my brothers talking and i decided to spy on them. " Cheer up bro! There's always next year! " Says Luigi. I then noticed Mario was in fact sad. " I guess but now i have to find another club or sport! " Mario somewhat yelled while storming into class. I then remembered that Mario didn't make the team, and then i felt bad. I sat down next to Daisy since Luigi now sits next to Alissa. Those two are so adorable together. The bell rung and class was starting, a boy then walked in. He wore a green t-shirt and blue jeans. He had black hair and brown eyes. The teacher then announced " Class we have a new student today! Class meet Luis! " We all welcomed him, and he looked around. He saw Alissa and there eye's lock together. There eyes sparkled and they felt like it's just them. Luis looked so zoned off, he didn't even hear the teacher. The teacher asked him to say something about himself, but he didn't hear it. Alissa soon looked away and Luis did the same. The teacher told him, he could sit next to a boy named Matthew. Matthew was in the back and he had blond hair, and wore a purple hoodie. Luis shyly walked to his seat wondering what that odd feeling in his guts was. The teacher then announced everyone would be working with partners, that he will be picking. Everyone let out a groan. The teacher then put Peach and Mario together. Luigi and Waluigi. Wario and Daisy. Me and Matthew. Luis and Alissa.Waluigi kept making fun of Luigi which isn't nice for him. Peach, of course didn't understand math. Mario ended up doing all the work for them. Daisy kept staring at Wario, because i am guessing she has a crush on him. Wario didn't really noticed though and did his work. Me and Matthew worked quietly, till i asked " Hey, what did you get on number 4? " Matthew then simple showed me his paper. I laughed because he did 2 plus 2 equals fish. Matthew looked confused at me, and soon i noticed. " Wait, you really think 2 plus 2 is fish? " i asked. The boy nodded, " is it not fish? " he asked. I shook my head for no and taught him math. By the end we finshed the class work and Matthew understood it too. " Thank you for the help Violet Mario" said Matthew. I was shocked, " How do you know my last name? " I asked. " You are the Mario brothers sister right? And your hopping Bowser asks you to the dance right? " he said. This was even more shocking. " How do you know that! " I said, While blushing at the Bowser comment. The boy simply shrugged. " I know lots of things! Peach is the leader of the populars, your the leader of the non-populars. I am the leader of the unnoticeables. No one notices us, everyone believes i am new. I was here last year, that's how unnoticeable i am. Yet i notice things people wouldn't. " The boy said while i stood there a bit amazed. The bell rung, and Matthew walked away.

* in Liz's History class *

Melanie, Liz, Zoey, Birdo, Yoshi,and Kenzie all sat at there normal table. They where told to draw a map of the Mushroom kingdom. They where all quiet, no one dared to say a thing. Zoey decided to start a conversation, " Your all coming to my sleepover right? " she asked. They all nodded, well other then Yoshi. Zoey sighed and decided to continue trying. " Hey, i need one more club to join, any suggestions? I am already in the talent club " She asked, hoping someone would answer. Kenzie then said " How about the fashion club?" Zoey shook her head and answered " No thanks, i am not in to fashion." Kenzie nodded in understanding, and started staring at Yoshi. He even stared back,the two blushed and quickly looked away. Zoey then looked at Melanie and asked " What clubs are you in? " Melanie didn't really hear her, for she had her music on very loud. Liz instead answered " Me and Melanie are both in cheerleading, and i am sort of head cheerleader. We could always use more cheerleaders, if your interested. " Birdo then joined in by saying " If Zoey should join anyone's team it should be Peach's! How did you even found out Rosalina was a good cheerleader, Making Zoey probably just as good? " Liz and Zoey stare at her, and Birdo soon relized they didn't know. Zoey then smiled and said " I'll join one of your teams, if you get my sister, Rosalina to join! " Birdo and Liz stared at her, then they stared at each other. Zoey then said " Oh i have about a week to find a new club or my councillor will put me in a random club" Birdo and Liz nodded, and so the race began. Rosalina was apparently a good cheerleader, but who would convince her to join there side?

* Back with the Birthday girl*

She was all happy and rude to all the teachers. Of course she ushally always was,She also got detention but she decided to enjoy the moment. Lunch soon came, and everyone sang happy birthday to her. Liz made her a chocolate cake which was her favorite. Only Shadow and Liz knew the secret ingredient that made it so delicious. Soon everyone was bouncing all around. They all turned rainbow colored and ran around. Everyone at Peach's table just stared at them with wide eyes. Not even the teachers knew what was up with them. They had no choice but to let school out early. They all went to her house where they threw the most epic party of the year. There was glitter thrown, and people dancing on and on. To bad everyone had school the next day. No one was looking forward to it and mostly everyone was planning on ditching. Till then everyone was having a good time. Melanie, Boo, Liz, Luma, Starlow, Kiara, and the birthday girl all hung around at the ceiling. Of course Melanie, Liz, Luma, and Starlow where trying to get Boo to ask them to dance. The only person that won that was the birthday girl and Kiara. The birthday girl won because she and Boo where playing Mario kart Ds and she won. Kiara also won because she was dancing with her boyfriend. The birthday girl then floated down for someone was calling her name. It was Bowser jr, who was holding something behind his back. " Will you dance with me? " He asked before revealing that behind his back, was a box of chocolates. Shadow took them and said " I don't know how to dance, but thanks for the chocolates! " The boy frown, and Shadow snapped her fingers. A Ds appeared on his hands, " Let's race! " she said. The boy nodded, and began racing. The birthday girl won every round against Bowser jr and Boo. Since Boo was too busy playing, Luma and Starlow began to argue. Melanie was the Dj and she decided to change the song. Liz decided to go look for Violet instead. Luigi even dragged Mario along, who somehow managed to escape Peach. He was having the greatest time in the world, he was dancing with Zoey. Luigi was with Alissa and they where by far the best dancers. In the end, Melanie's music made everyone dance. They danced the whole night, forgetting tomorrow was school. It was a great party, it had balloons and glitter. The birthday girl had the best party of the year, and she also got a boatload of presents. It was a day no one could forget!

Well that's all for now! Happy birthday Shadow! ^-^ Till the next chapter, baii! ~Liz

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