Happy Birthday Violet!

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I was still confused on what had happened earlier. Every time i tried to think back, all i could remember was what happened at lunch. It was all so strange and what could of Izzy meant with that wink and ill see you later? I looked around for Liz but she was gone too, maybe she went to Spanish class? I decided to hurry myself to Spanish class as well, don't want the Spanish teacher testing me. Surprisingly there wasn't that many students in class, i walked to the back of the small room. The room didn't even have any windows. When i got to the table where me, Liz, and Daisy sat i was surprised to see someone else sitting in that one empty seat none of us sat in. It was her! She smirked at me and said " Hello Violet, we meet again! " I stared at her and slowly sat down. I continued to stare at her and it appeared she was going to say something, till someone else did. " Lizy what are you doing here? " I looked to see that it was Liz. She flew to the seat next to me and sat down. " I was going to ask you the same thing Lizy! " She said with a smile. Liz looked annoyed and put her head on the desk. Izzy then looked at me and i did the same as Liz. Daisy then came because i could hear her mumbling something about her shoes. Me and Liz continued to have our heads on the table till the teacher came. I swear i heard the sound of heels walking towards our direction. I put my head up and noticed it was our teacher! I quickly poked Liz to get her head up and looked up . "Gemelas? " She asks which means twins in Spanish. They both nodded and then Izzy started talking fluently in spanish. We all looked at her shocked and she only continued talking more. The Spanish teacher nodded and looked at Liz. I looked at her and noticed she had put her head back down, i poked her again. She continued to have her head down and i am guessing things aren't looking great for her. Our Spanish teacher walked back to the board and began to tell us our assignment. Daisy stared at Izzy in amazement. " How are you so fluent? " She asked. Izzy only smiled and said " I have my ways... " She so strange yet i have a bad feeling about her. Me and Liz did our work silently while Daisy and Izzy seemed to have become friends. The bell soon rang which meant Art class. I was looking forward to Art, it was a nice way of expressing who am i. I don't like smiling, or showing much emotion. Me and Liz went together and to our surprise she was there too! She sat on the seat next to Liz with a bright smile. I shrugged and sat on my seat. Liz only sighed and sat down next to her. I looked up at the board and read " This week is: Fashion Week! " I then put my head on table. First i don't remember anything up till lunch, Then there's the whole mystery of what Izzy meant, and now fashion! This day couldn't possible be any more worse.Today was my birthday and i felt like no one knew! Mario and Luigi ignore me in school, so i doubt they would say a word. Then i heard a high pitch screech and i knew it was already going to be worse. " Daisy, It's fashion week! " Peach said with enthusiasm as she sat down in the seat in front of me. " This is going to be an easy A " She continued. The bell soon rang and our teacher came in. " As you have all read the board, today is fashion week! " She said. She put a big brown box at the front of her desk. " Inside this box are all the materials you will need to create an outfit. You will all work with a partner on designing it, it will be due at the end of the week. You must use at least three of the supplies inside your baggy. " She continued to speak as she showed us one of the brown paper bags. I wish she would just let us draw instead, I should of taken choir. She then began to say who our partners where " Pauline and Melanie, Liz and Shadow, Violet and Peach, Izzy and Daisy " Did she just say me and Peach will be working together?! I may have jinxed it, now that i think about it. This is so not my day. We were then ordered to sit with our partner, and i noticed Daisy move. I sighed and sat down next to Peach. She looked at me, and gave me the evil glare. When the teacher came she had on a fake smile, it made me sick. She put our baggy on the table and Peach grabbed it. She dumped all the supplies on the table and she gasped. We got a trash bag, a paper clip, a long piece of thread with a needle, tape, and string. " This isn't fashion! " She stated as she looked at the teacher. " Anything is fashion, my dear! You just need to be creative " The teacher said with a smile. Peach huffed and sunk down on her chair. I shrugged and took out my notebook. I decided id let Peach do this project since she cared more about fashion, i wouldn't want to be in her way. The afternoon announcements soon came on. " Good afternoon, Soccer practice will be held today in the soccer field. Volleyball practice will meet outside where a net is being set up at this minute. Tennis will also be in the court outside. Cheer-leading will be inside the gym. That is all " The bell then rung and i quickly put my notebook away. I ran to the locker room, hopefully nothing bad will happen at soccer practice...

Peach and Daisy had walked into the locker giggling of course. " Can you believe i got paired up with her? She doesn't even know fashion! " Peach said while Daisy nodded. A parakoopa with an emerald green shell,blue eyes, green sleeves and shorts, brown shoes, with a sort of brown blond-ish hair in a low whispered said " You don't either" Daisy and Peach looked at her, and she stared at floor. " What did you say? " Peach said in a mad tone. She closed her gym locker and went to hide in her shell. Peach laughed and Daisy said " What a loser! " The two high fived and Daisy kicked the shell. Violet then walked in un aware of the shell. " Speaking of losers! " Peach said looking at Violet. She only rolled her eyes and went to her gym locker. Daisy and Peach continued to laugh, as they followed Violet. Her locker was near the door that lead to the gym. Before the two headed out, Peach said " Daisy would of been a better captain then a loser like you! " She did her signature evil smile and sashed away. Daisy only gave an apologetic look before following Peach. Violet couldn't handle all that had happened today.It was her birthday after all... She saw a soccer ball on the floor and super punched it. She then realized it would make a lot of noise hitting the lockers and she looked around for it. She was surprised to find that at the other side of the locker room was a parakoopa holding the soccer ball! " D-did...you catch that?" She asked in amazement. The parakoopa nodded. Violet then thought to herself, That was my super kick, not even my brothers are good at catching and blocking it! Little did Violet know that the parakoopa could read minds! She only giggled at this. She then said " psychic " and this broke Violet's thought. She nodded and said " Violet " Psychic then remembered something " Hey.. do you know who the captain of the soccer team is? " she asked. Violet then said " your looking at her! " she gasped and Violet chuckled. The two then walked out the locker and headed to the field.

" So why where you looking for me?" Violet asked giving a small chuckle.

" i want to join the team" psychic said shyly

Violet nodded" All the positions are kind of taken..other then goalie"

" I can be a goalie! "

With that the two girls made it to the soccer field. Violet then announced to the team " This is psychic, she is going to try out to be our goalie! " Then all the players lined up at the goal, and psychic shyly stood at the goal. They all kicked the ball and she managed to block all of them, even Violet's super kick! They all cheered and welcomed psychic to the team! Then they began practice..

" I am surprised you wannabes showed up! " Peach laughed as her squad joined in. Everyone ignored her and huddled up. Liz looked forward and through the windows of the gym. She noticed a nice patch of green grass where they could practice without Peach.This wasn't a good idea but she told the girls and they all agreed." Ha! Your already quitting! " Peach said and they ignored her again. They left there bags and walked out. Birdo then said " Peach... i don't think there quitting. They left there bags! " Peach stared at all the bags till she noticed something shine. She walked up to it and pulled out a wand. She then did her evil smile and Birdo just stared at her.

" We need a plan, What's something that Peach's squad lacks? " Liz asked her friends. They all thought for a while till Pauline spoke up. " We don't have uniforms! " They all nodded in agreement. " It should have the school name " Melanie said joining in. Liz wrote everything down. " Wait but Star High School would be too long. We should abbreviate it with SHS " Alissa said also joining in. Melanie knowing Liz said " Don't add too much glitter or sparkle! " They all giggled at it and Liz nodded. Liz then said " Rumer has it Rosalina was a cheerleader. If we convince her to join us, Her sister Zoey will join as well! " They all nodded at this and Pauline said " if we get more people we can do a hunan pyramid! " They all nodded and Alissa got an idea. " We don't have an odd number to do a human pyramid but we can lift up two girls and put on a spectacular! " They all thought about it and Liz said " The big soccer game and dance is this Friday! We really do need something to stand out from Peach... " With that said they all began to work out a plan...

* Meanwhile *

Matthew had been sitting on the bleachers watching all the practice that went on. Till a certain sprixie came by and sat next to him. " What you up to bro? " She asked staring off in the direction he was looking at. He looked at her and said " Shouldn't you be looking for an after school club? You don't look like a sporty person. If you count dodge ball as a sport... " She chuckled and said " Oh Matthew, Matthew, Matthew! Why do you even thinki am here? To cause trouble of course! " He starred at her with a serious expression. " How did you even convince mom of letting you come to the mushroom kingdom? Liz is here on that whole princess test. As far as i know your notna princess! " She frowned at this and simply said " I have my way big brother, I have my ways! " She looked forward and noticed Violet was about to super kick the ball. She raised her wand and when Violet super kicked it, she waved it. She managed to control the ball and she made it go over the net. It headed in the direction of the cheerleaders. Melanie had lifted up Alissa and Pauline had lifted Liz. They where doing a cheer when the ball came straight at them. Melanie and Pauline then began to loss balance. Near by, even though there was no practice, Luis was making baskets. He noticed the cheerleaders because he had developed a certain crush on one. He flew as fast as he could, he was an angel after all. Alissa fell and Luis caught her. Melanie turned into a boo to not fall back on a thorn bush. As for Pauline and Liz, Matthew waved his hand and pointed a finger at Liz. She floated down to safety and Pauline fell back on a pillow. The soccer team ran up to them, wondering if they where okay. Melanie looked at Luis and Alissa. They where both staring into each other's eyes. " You know you can put her down now, right? " Melanie said. Luis awkwardly put Alissa down and she blushed. Pauline looked at Liz and said " Good idea on using a spell! " Liz only nodded. Violet noticed that Liz didn't have her wand. Violet knew that Liz always used her wand, so she got suspicious. She looked back at the bleachers and saw shadows. She noticed one had wings, which she automatically knew who it was. As for the other person, she was a bit clueless. Practice ended with that and Liz decided to walk home with Violet. Liz made sure to take her time because everyone was decorating the park. The Violet who thought everyone forgot her birthday was surprised to see a party for her in the park. There was balloons, Confetti and glitter. They all gave her hugs and she huged back. A small smile appeared on her face and both Maxine and Liz said " Your smiling! " A tear rolled down her cheeks and she said " It hurts " They all laughed and had a good time. Violet was happy and enjoyed all her gifts. They all went home till it was very dark. No one understood why Violet had to go so early, it was her party. Night time ment she would turn into a snow leopard, so she had to go. She was very happy though although Meg was looking for her friend. ..

This is all i didn't edit this because I've been busy. I also wanted to publish it on Violet's birthday! ^-^ So bare with me on that, if you don't understand something feel free to ask ^-^ I hope you liked it and HAPPY BIRTHDAY VI!!! ^-^ if it wasn't for her i would of never written this book...Thanks for all the support <3

Psychic belongs to PsychicNature

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