ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖 - ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖, ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣

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Okay, its my first day of sophomore year and I moved back to Los Angeles in town. I got new outfit, new attitude, new year and a whole new life. Pretty much I got a school map, new schedule, I also got living environment for first period, I really wish Brynlee is here with me. She's currently living at Arizona with her foster family, dealing with something better in their lives especially a upcoming event. - Star

As I head to the classroom, I seen a lot of cool people especially the popular girls. When a jock was looking at me, he never seen a cute red head singer before. Chase Gallagher Vera, hes so dreamy like the other guys back in Louisiana. His girlfriend Charlotte made him look at her back and gave me a glared look at. She's jealous that I am beautiful girl than she is. As the bell rings, I sat next to Chase, I started looking at him and he looked at me back. When I saw my new teacher walked into the classroom and relieved to watch her start a new lesson. - Star

Ms. Simpson: Hello Class, welcome to living environments for your sophomore year.

I smiled at my science teacher, Ms. Simpson. She smiled me back and she seem really nice. I'll just hope she's not like all the other teachers who are hateful and boring. - Star

Ms. Simpson: Okay Class, tonight's homework is a 2 page essay of how science is important.

What the hell, How I am supposed to do that. I thought she was just nice. - Star

Ms.Simpson: Guys, its not that difficult. It just a two page essay, okay.

Ms. Simpson made it clear to me and whole class that assignment was not that hard.

As the bell ring, I walked out of the classroom and goes straight to my new locker. Gee, I always had problems with the locker combinations. When I took out my english book, I heard a random boy calling my name which he sounded so familiar. When I turned around, I saw Cody looking at his eyes. We were friends since daycare and he doesn't change a bit. -Star

Cody: Star, I didn't know you attend this school.

Star: So do I.

Star: Look Cody, I going to be late to class okay.

As I head to english class, I didn't know Cody attend to this school. By the time when I was in 6th grade before I moved to Louisiana, the final thing that he said to me is that he is in love with me. But I didn't felt the same way about him so he got upset and never wanted to talk to me again. At least I'm glad that he began to talk to him after the way I hurt his feelings. - Star

                                                        Phoenix, Arizona 7: 13 am

                                                             The Sinclairs with Brynlee

Brynlee is living in a rich modern house and been raised by her stuck up wealthy foster family. She also got a foster brother, Liam, has been there for and always protected her for 4 years. The Sinclair Parents are celebrating a birthday party for Brynlee which she wasn't expected to have one, Although her second foster Mother, Karen is looking for a perfect dress for Brynlee. She's been separated 3 times, since she's been taken away by my father's house for the first time, then she's been taken away by her abusive foster father after he molested her and now her parents took good care of her for 4 years. - Star

Karen: Hey Honey, What do you think about this dress?

Karen showed her iPad of the beautiful dresses to Brynlee.

Brynlee: Karen, you asked me that question yesterday. It's still the same.

Liam heads to the dining room and sat down with his parents.

Liam: My god, you hate everything Brynlee. You could at least give them some effort. I mean, Mom and Dad are making a effort for you.

Brynlee: Me? I never asked for this.

Karen: Sweetheart, I only wanted celebrate for coming of age to introduce into the society. Why you can't you be grateful.

Brynlee: Well, can't you be sad that I've been molested.

Christopher: Brynlee, please!

Brynlee: What, we can't talk about it.

Christopher: Shoot, The Camerons can't make it because they had to go to their family reunion. We need three people to be in the party!

Karen: Brynlee, how about you invite the people that you always told me about.

Liam: Wait, you mean...

Liam was about to say losers. The reason that he refer to them because he assumes they're the wrong side of the tracks and that town is dangerous.

Liam: Are you serious? You're not going to invite those losers to the family.

Brynlee: They're not a loser, Liam. One of them is family and its my party, right.

Karen nods.

Brynlee chuckled before sipping her tea and Liam glared at her face for inviting the people that he hates.

                                                       Back in Los Angeles, California 11: 34 am

When I heading to the Cafeteria, I still kept thinking about my best friend Cody. I felt bad when I broke his heart for feeling the same way. I hope ever loves me back after the way I treat him for all those years. Oh Cr*p, I bumped into Chase into my books and he must have been really mad when I did that to him. He started picking them up for me and gave me back with his smile on his face.

Star: Wow, Thank you. You didn't had to do that.

Chase: No Problem, What's your name by the way.

Star: I'm star, you?

Chase: I'm Chase, are you new here?

Star: I just transferred here and my dad got his old job back in town.

Chase: Cool, Isn't okay you could sit with me and my friends at Lunch.

Star: Sure, as long if they're nice.

Chase: Don't worry, my friends are fun and don't mind my girlfriend because she's not.

Star: Oh Okay, I'll see you there.

I walked away as I smiled at his face. I knew he would like me, at least he doesn't treat me like sh*t like the other guys back in Louisiana. While I was heading to my locker, I accidentally bumped into another person and she growled at me. Like, Why she's getting mad at me for dropping her stuff,

Merthyzya: Ugh, Watch where you going!

Star: I'm sorry, It wasn't  accident!

Merthyzya: Sorry didn't do it, you did!

Merthyzya shoved me and walked away.

God, she's tough and also bada**. I used to have a friend like that in middle school until she chose to hangout with preppy and popular crowd. I hate how people changed for others because of puberty and it was just my actual opinion. Speaking of old friends, I was looking for my best friend Cody until I saw him with a other girl. She's beautiful , how long have they been together, are they're friends? I watched a girl leaved and glanced up towards Cody.

Star: Cody?

Cody: Star, how you been..

Star: I've been doing fine and who are you talking to?

Cody: Oh, that was just my lab partner.

I gave him a glared look when he said that and its actually not his lab partner at all.

Cody Sighed and was ready to tell me a truth.

Star: Cody, you remember that you promise me to go to my 9th birthday party then instead you had to go to your aunt's birthday party.

Cody: Yeah...

Star: so, have you been dating with someone.

Cody: Yes, I'm dating someone.

Star: Oh my god, Why didn't you tell me.

Cody: Well because, before you gone off to Louisiana, I was about to give you my phone number. But you never returned my text and phone calls.

Star: You hated me and said you never wanted to talk to me again.

Cody: I got mad because you were moving, So I took my anger out on you.

Star: Aww, I should've have said that you Code, I feel like a sh*tty friend to you after I rejected you.

Cody: Nah, you were being honest with me and I f**ked it up, I'm really sorry Star.

Star: No, I'm sorry. Sorry that I rejected because I wasn't ready to take on the next level, I was too busy holding up my mom being gone and all. I missed her so much and I kept thinking about her everyday, but you didn't wanted to hear it! Then you were right, I was being self-absorbed.

Cody: All you think is about singing, that's you been self-absorbed.

Star: Well, me and my mother got a same DNA. 

Cody: Oh, remember you used to sing me "Stay" by Rihanna.

Star: Yeah, its a good song.

Me and Cody laughed at each other for remembering our precious moments.

Cody: Wow, I'm glad to see you again Star.

Star: Me too, Cody. I'm going to call you tonight, Okay.

Cody: Alright.

                                                               The Homes house (Star & Francis)

The first day was pretty good, I met new teachers, my new boy crush, popular girls and my long-time friend there. My Dad has a engineering career, he earned his salary everyday but wasn't paid that much. Although, he worked too hard to provide for me ever since Brynlee was been taking full custody by other family. When I walked inside the house, I saw my gather looking at the balance of his payment and he was pretty shocked about it. - Star

Star: Hey Daddy.

Francis: Hey Princess.

When I was walking towards my father with the bank papers on the table.

Star: Dad, what's going on.

Francis: Star, before you freak out, MY CREDIT CARD IS EXPIRED!

Star: EXPIRED! What are we going to do now!

Francis: Don't worry, We will find a other way to get money.

Star: I'll figure it soon

Francis: You better figure it soon before we'll go broke, our house might get evicted. How am I supposed to pay the bills!

Star: Dad, calm down! You remember you told that singers could make more money than other jobs.

Francis: Yeah, I did.

Star: This is the plan that I'm going to do just so I could sing, get money and become famous.

Francis: Hopefully you will, I love you sweetheart.

Star: I love you too, Dad.

I hugged my Dad before I start heading to my room, I was afraid that we will be broke and homeless until we get the money that is worth than $30. As I heard notification on my phone, My half sister, Brynlee sent me a invitation for her birthday party tomorrow night and couldn't wait to come. - Star

                                                                                    Vegas's house

                                                                                         7:14 pm

Charlotte is just grooming up in her vanity mirror, Her best friend Gina is always on her phone and Lexi is just vaping in the room.

Charlotte: Hey Gina, does the skirt make me look fat in this?

Gina: Um No, you look fine.

Charlotte: UGH, I look like a pig!

Charlotte removed her skirt and putting on her tight blue jeans.

Gina: You've been changing your skirt three times, what's wrong with you?

Charlotte: What's wrong with me, Whats wrong with Chase! He's been so distance lately.

Lexi: Maybe, I overheard him talking about the new girl.

Charlotte: A new girl, what about her?

Lexi: She's like a good singer, red head, light brown eyes and quirky outfit.

Gina: So she likes Chase, What the h*ll.

Charlotte: She likes him, My boyfriend can't fall a other person like her, ew.

Gina: Exactly, you guys were power couples in the yearbook.

Charlotte: Yeah I swear to god, If  she goes near chase again. I'm going to make her life miserable, so miserable!

Gina: I don't think you should that, remember what happen to our friend, Yulissa.

Charlotte: I thought she moved to Canada?

Gina: That's what the whole school thinks, I heard she got expelled and never come back.

Charlotte: So, I'm not letting that pr**k stealing my man!

Gina: Alright, but's it's only going to end up like last year.

My Future Enemy Charlotte was about to make my life a living h*ll, but Gina warned her for what happen from the last time their old friend got kicked out of school for almost driving a girl to death.

                                                                      Phoenix, Arizona  3:34 pm

Karen and Christopher are decorating a party for Brynlee, but Brynlee was looking at the photos of her and I on the family boat together. She couldn't wait to leave this household after night of the party, she couldn't remember having a $exual relations with the boy at school. Last year, She was 13 and the boy was 15. He forced himself on her and was expelled from Ranch Solano Preparatory School, a Private school for Upper class students from Arizona. Brynlee, Liam and his friends attend there, They hated him except for Brynlee that she still loved him.

Liam: Hey

Brynlee: Sup.

Brynlee: Why you always coming to my room?

Liam: Because I wanted to protect you, I don't want to lose you.

Brynlee: Then Don't! I don't need to be protected by anyone else, I only wanted it for my sister.

Liam: Look, those people like are poison and you know it. Every time I see you with them its only makes them worst.

Brynlee: Why are you doing this!

Liam: Because I don't want you to get hurt again, Brynlee!

Brynlee: Jackson wasn't trying to hurt me! I loved him and He loved me!

Liam: He was fifteen, fifteen! Don't you know that guy used for your body!

Brynlee: You know what at least Star and Jackson cared about me, Screw you!

Brynlee walked away from her room after slamming her door. When her notification beeps up, it was me.

                                              Back at Los Angeles, LA International Airport

                                                         12:10 pm Saturday Afternoon

Me, Cody and the girl  that I didn't know is Merthyzya are heading to Arizona to go to Brynlee's Birthday Party.

Cody: Star, are you sure that's a good idea.

Star: Yes, This is the only way I get could bring her home with me.

Merthyzya: Mmm, Your sister is pretty cool.

Star: Thanks, Can I call you Zya for now on.

Merthyzya: If you want sweetie.

As we walked inside the flight, Me and Cody sat next to each other.

                                                                           To be continued?

                                                             Questions of this chapter

                               Can Star and Cody can be the couple (do you ship them?)

                                Is Charlotte is going to make Star's life a living hell?

                                               Can Francis find a way to get money?

             Is Star is going to find a new manager for her upcoming singing career?

                               Isn't Star and Chase could end up being together?

                                                      Thoughts/Opinions in this chapter?

                                                           Stay tuned for Chapter 2!

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