Chapter 10

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This Is A List Of Things You'll Need To Know For This Book.
(Y/N) Your Name
(F/N) Fake Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(E/C) Eye Color
(F/C) Favorite Color
(S/T) Sword Type
More Will Be Added Throughout The Book So Read This Every Chapter So You Know.

Italics Are Thoughts

---Laurence's Pov---

I grip onto the necklace with all of my heart. "I-It went grey when she d-died.... It's glowing F/C now." I say, sheepishly. "Maybe she's alive!"

Aphmau and Garroth walk over to me but Joey stays where he was. I look at Y/N and her beautiful H/C hair was on the ground and her sparkling E/C eyes were closed. Please let her be alive!

Joey puts his hand on her neck. "Sh-She's alive! She h-has a pulse!" We all stare at him and i smile.

"I knew she wouldn't give up that easily..." I say, quietly. "We need to get her back to Pheonix Drop. If we're in O'Khasis it may take a while." Aphmau says, sadly.

"We aren't in O'Khasis. If we were, then the outside would be decorated. Not to mention Y-Y/N was in horrible condition and they couldn't have carried us to far." I nod.

"That is very true. We just have to get back to the village and hopefully save Y/N..." We run out the door and we automatically see the gate.

Garroth chuckles. "Told you so." I roll my eyes and run towards it, carrying her bridal style. Live!

I run towards Aphmau's house and i kick open the door, startling Zoey. "What's wrong La- Y/N?!"

She stands up and we run downstairs back towards the guest room. Zoey then grabs her head staring to yell. "OH IRENE MAKE IT STOP!"

I stare at her in confusion as Aphmau kneels down next to her. "M-MY HEAD! LAURENCE I-IT'S COMING FROM YOU!"

I look down at my hand and notice i'm still holding the necklace that was now glowing brighter. I put it around Y/N's neck and Zoey immediately stops flinching.

"L-Laurence how did y-you make it stop?" I shrug. "I just put the necklace back around her neck...GUYS LOOK!"

I point towards Y/N. Her necklace was glowing bright again and i shielded my eyes, along with everyone else. When the light disappears i see Y/N's chest rising up and down unevenly.

"We can save her guys...."

---Y/N's Dream's Pov---

I look around to see that i wasn't in that castle. I was in a TOTALLY different one. I grab my sword and i walk through it. There were holes everywhere and i ran to the nearest window.

There was lava EVERYWHERE. As soon i notice it i knew exactly where i was. "Nether....." I say quietly.

"You've got that right." I automatically turn around. "Why am i here?! Who are you?!"

He laughs. "I am the Shadow Lord." I gasp. "I asked two questions!" I yell, through gritted teeth.

"I need to tell you something." I laugh. "Yeah and i need to go kiss a frog to become a princess. What do you really want?!"

He smiles. "Hmph, your smart. I need to ASK you something." I stare daggers at him.

"What could YOU possibly need from ME?" He laughs. "Join me."

I snort. "You are a funny man. Now bring me home." He frowns. "If you join me you will have no heartbreaks. That Laurence guy won't hurt you anymore."

I grit my teeth. "He didn't break my heart." He snickers and whispers something under his breath. "So are you joining?"

"No." He stares at me, clearly shocked. "What did you say?! Laurence broke your heart! He kissed Aphmau!"

I shake my head. "It was my fault for believing someone would love me. Not his. He liked Aphmau and i shouldn't have come in between that. Now i am going to say this one more time. Bring. Me. HOME!"

He laughs. "Oh Y/N.... The portal is across that bridge." I turn behind me to see a nether rack bridge. I hear a snap and suddenly thousands of shadow knights appear onto it.

"Oh no...."

---Aphmau's Pov---

I was silently cheering. I knew that Y/N could be saved and now that we know she is breathing we can wake her up.

"W-Why is that necklace hurting you Zoey?" Garroth says, his voice full of worry. "I-I don't know but when Laurence put it on her neck it didn't hurt anymore."

I rub my neck and walk out of the room to the nearest window. I stare out of it and sigh until i see Raven flying.

"Hello Lord Aphmau. I have a letter for Y/N." I nod and he hands it to me. He flies off and i walk back into the room.

Should I open it? It may be personal to her. I should ask Garroth, he'll know what to do. "Garroth may i speak with you for a moment?"

He turns towards me and nods. "If course m'lord." We walk out and he stands there confused. "Whats wrong Lord Aphmau?"

I look down and extend the arm that was holding the letter. He grabs it and looks at it.

"It's for Y/N but i'm not sure if we should open it." I mutter, sheepishly.

"She doesn't have any family that would have sent her this so it must've come from someone else." He says, quite calmly. He opens the letter and i see his fist clench.

"It's from-" He got cut off abruptly by Zoey slamming open the door with worrysome eyes. "A-Aphmau I think you should see this." I nod and walk through the door seeing the stab wound in Y/N... but something was different.

"A-Around the wound, there is a purple and black.. emptyness. I-It feels... tainted." Zoey finally studders out. I gulp and look back at Y/N. For a split second it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Then the most least expected thing happened....

Hey guys! I am so so sorry once again for the late chapter, but here yah go! I don't think I'll need another break so I am going to start opening up my frap and start working on this thing!
-Ally <3

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