Chapter 29

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This Is A List Of Things You'll Need To Know For This Book.
(Y/N) Your Name
(F/N) Fake Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(E/C) Eye Color
(F/C) Favorite Color
(S/T) Sword Type
More Will Be Added Throughout The Book So Read This Every Chapter So You Know.

Italics Are Thoughts

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take."

---Garroth's Pov---

"D-Does Laurence know I'm back?" Y/N asks quietly. "Yes, but I'm the only one who knows you remember." I whisper, just loud enough for her to hear.

She nods and continues to lay on my side. She was shaking from what I felt and I was hearing quiet sniffles. "Does Laurence still like me?" She asks, her voice cracking a little.

So, this is what she's afraid of.

"No," I state. "He still loves you." I feel her tense up. "He shouldn't." She says, almost whispering.

"Why?" I question. "Because if he still loves me then he's going to want to be around me. I don't want to hurt him Garroth."

"Y-" I start, but was cut off by Aphmau running up with tears streaming down her face. "Z-Z-Z" She studders, watching Y/N stand up.

"A-Aphmau are you alright?" She asks the hyperventilating woman. "D-Do you remember?" She finally spits out.

Y/N nods her head. Aphmau runs over and hugs her as tight as she possibly could. "Oh Irene you're okay! We have to tell Laurence!" She yells happily.

I see Y/N tense up again. "Maybe if we have time later. Why did you come up here?" I say, trying to change the subject.

Aphmau let's go of her and faces towards me. "Zenix is back." She says, shaking. "Who's Zenix?" Y/N asks, quivering.

"Y/N stay here. Me and Aphmau have to go." I state quickly. "No I can help! Tell me what's going on!" She yells.

"Someone's coming after you, alright? Trust me." I tell her before basically jumping down the ladder. I waited at the entrance of the prison for Aphmau and as soon as she got there we started running.

"Do you have any idea why he would be here?" Aphmau asks worriedly. "He probobly wants to take Y/N back. We can't let him." I state, watching as she nods her head in agreement.

By the time we got to the entrance of the gate, Laurence and Zoey were already there. "Hand her over and I won't destroy this d- oh, look who joined us." Zenix says, cackling.

"Just go away Zenix!" I yell harshly. "Oh but Garroth, I can't. I have to bring Y/N home."

He starts running at me with his blade but it was blocked. I look to where he had stopped moving and see Y/N there. "What are you doing here?! I specifically told you to stay in the prison!" I yell at her.

"G-Go away." She says to Zenix. "Leave these people alone."

Laurence starts running towards her and he suddenly gets launched back, right into a tree. "What the-" He starts, rubbing his head.

"Stop. I'm sick of you guys thinking you can just fight all of my problems for me. I'm strong enough to do it myself." She hisses.

I was immediately confused on why she reacted that way but I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts when Zoey and Aphmau started running towards the two shadow knights. Me and Laurence look at eachother and immediately we start running towards them.

"I SAID STOP!" She yells. We suddenly all run into a wall. We all look around us and there's a dome surrounding us. "H-How is this possible?" Aphmau asks, shaking.

Laurence starts pounding against the dome and screaming Y/N's name.

"I CAN FIGHT MY OWN DAMN BATTLES!" Y/N yells from the other side of the sheild.

---Y/N's Pov---

I didn't know what was going on. I didn't mean to say the things I did and because of that I'm terrified. I didn't want to look behind me or why they all suddenly stopped.

"You do realize even if I do leave you'll get thrown out? They did the same to me when they figured out I was evil." Zenix says, sounding like he wants to spit venom.

"Th-That's not true." I say. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "You dont think so huh? Well I hate to break it to you, but they've already tried. When they first found out you were a shadow knight they immediately wanted to trap you in your house with a barrier."

I wanted to retaliate, but i physically couldn't. They wouldn't do that, would they?

I look behind me finally and see Zoey and Aphmau look extremely guilty. I give them a questioning look and they both mouth I'm sorry. My heart hurt. There's no way they did that, especially because they said they believed I wasn't evil. I immediately whip my head back towards Zenix and lower my sword. I heard them yelling behind me but I was to hurt to even process what they were saying.

"Join me." Zenix says. "We can rule the world together. We can rule the nether together. We'll rule everything together."

A tiny part of my mind told me to go with him. I wouldn't have to worry about heartbreaks, betrayals, anything for that matter. I mean, I am immortal and if they think that I truly am evil then why shouldn't I?

But the rest of my mind was thinking the exact opposite. It was thinking that they still loved me and that if I became evil I'll just be running away from what I loved most.


"No. They still love me. I'm not going to turn evil from the likes of you Zenix." I state, standing my ground. He shakes his head.

"That kid-Laurence, right?-said he loved you. That's why your doubting me. Well, he doesn't love you." The part of my brain that was wanting me to join him was increasing.

"Stop." I whisper. "Did you know he was a shadow knight too?" He paused, then continued. "That the only reason he knows what your going through is because he went through it himself?"

"Shut up." I hiss, trying to block him out. I knew he was right, so why was I even trying to fight with him about it.

"Oh but that wasnt the worse part. The only reason he isn't a full shadow knight was because of Aphmau. Your best friend. He cared so deeply about her that because he thought of her all during the ritual, he was safe." He says then snickers and looks behind me at the dome.

Something inside me snapped. I don't know what happened, but it was like my world was shattering around me. I felt myself changing but it didnt feel like the shadow knight transformation at all.

"I SAID STOP!" I heard myself scream before a bright light englufed me.

---Laurence's Pov---

I was horrified. There's no way she would understand. I didn't expect her to understand. I should have told her and I was an absolute idiot for thinking she wouldn't find out.

"I SAID STOP!" She screamed, a bright light appearing afterwards. We all sheilded our eyes with our palms. Zoey gasped and we removed our hands.

Y/N wasn't there. In her place was a creature the size of a true shadow knight. It looked terrifyingly close to her. Her skin was pale, looking closer to an angel than an actual human. The creature also had an striking resemblance to Lady Irene. She had a pure aura surrounding her, as if she never became a shadow knight on the first place.

"NOW YOU HAVE UNTILL THE COUNT OF FIVE TO LEAVE BEFORE I HAVE TO FORCE YOU!" She yells. Her voice was powerful, like a leaders would be. Zenix looked horrified.

"H-How is this possible? There's no way someone like you could harness the power of two divine warriors by yourself!" He hisses. It was eerily quiet for a split second. The air was heavy with the words he said.

"FIVE!" She hisses. My hands were becoming fists at the thought of this being my fault.

"FOUR!" Everyone was shaking.

"THREE!" Zenix smiles and the once terrified look was replaced with a sinister one.

"TWO!" He laughs. "Stop trying to run away from this Y/N. You know what I'm saying is right. Give up. You're not strong enough to harvest the power of Irene and Enki. You're going to be crushed when you realize you don't have the motivation to rule."

She stops. "I-Irene and Enki?" Zoey asks, whispering. Aphmau slowly shakes her head.

Y/N shakes her head and continues to scowl. "ONE!" She continues, raising her now pure white sword.

"Suit yourself. I'll be back." Zenix says before dissapearing into a cloud of smoke. A second after, another bright light appears.

After sheilding our eyes and unsheilding afterwards, the dome dissapeared. The only thing that was left, was an unconscious Y/N. We all ran over, still trying to wrap our minds around what just happened.

Eventually, after us shaking her, she woke up. She looked frail, almost as if we touched her she would shatter.

Tears were streaming out of her eyes by the time she managed to gather the strength. "Why?" She asked, a sob following. "Why would you do those things?" She asked looking at Aphmau.

"I-I thought you were my best friend." She sobs. "I thought you accepted me!"

Tears were starting to seep out of Aphmau's eyes too. "Let me explain, please! You are my best friend! I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you!" She pleads.

Y/N just shakes her head and attempts to stand. I hold my hand out for her to grab but she just stares at me with this look of terror.

"Don't." She says between tears.

"J-Just don't."

Anyways, thanks for reading this book. I've decided on making a sequel and I have told some of you that I will be waiting a tiny bit to do it. Tbh, i have gptten really excited about the sequel and I'll be working on it soon after I post this. Well, till next time. Ciao.
~Ally <3

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