CHAPTER ELEVEN, stand tall

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By that point Julie was already on stage at The Orpheum. She was beyond worried since she hasn't seen the boys or Stella since later that day. She did have an idea that devastated her. She couldn't bare the fact that her friends are gone. But she had to do this. She had to do this for them. She would have never been able to do something like this at all or even alone, but thanks to the boys and even Stella they helped her find her love music again.

When she was done saying her speech, Julie takes a deep breath before she began playing the keyboard that's in front of her. "Don't blink. No, I don't want to miss it. One thing, and it's back to the beginning. 'Cause everything is rushing in fast. Keep going on never look back. And it's one, two, three, four times that I'll try for one more night. Light a fire in my eyes. I'm going out of my mind. Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall.

"Whatever happens even when everything's down I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall. I gotta keep on dreaming 'cause I gotta catch that feeling." Julie pours her heart out into this song with a wide smile on her face and the crowd cheered for her. "Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall."

She grew confused when she suddenly heard the sound of drums being played. The crowd cheered louder as Alex appeared on stage. A smile tugs on Julie's lips as she looks to her left, happy to see that Alex had appeared. Alex smiled widely at her while he hit each beat.


It was about time for the boys to play another song. Along with Stella they were the only ones not happy about this situation. The boys had kept on trying so hard to stop, but they couldn't break out of Caleb's control. Caleb just smirks as he twirled around two of his dancers. Stella had disappeared after 'You Got Nothing To Lose' which made Luke and the boys very worried as to where she is. 

Alex hated to admit that this was how things are going to be now. Him and the boys being forced to play music forever. Yes, they love playing music but not if it's against their own will. The beginning of the song who came and just when he went to collide his drum stick with the drums, he suddenly stopped. He was in shock for a moment, not believing that he had control of himself again. He didn't know how it happened, but it felt like something inside him, maybe music, stirred inside him and let him break free of Caleb's control.

He began unbuttoning his white shirt, happy that he could loosen up the tight outfit he was forced to wear. He removed his bowtie and quickly folded the ends of his sleeves. Luke and Reggie noticed that he had control of himself again and were watching with curiosity. They were both taken aback when Alex vanished from the stage. That action caught everyone's attention. 

Reggie then felt something was calling to him, like it was an echo to his heart and soul. It was almost as if there was a light trying to pull him back to his rightful place. He was quick to take off his blazer, throwing it off to the side. Caleb looked like he was offended upon seeing the blazer being thrown away, taking a step back. Reggie looks at Luke with a smile on his face and Luke smiled back at him.

Luke laughed, a grin tugging on his lips as Reggie vanished just like Alex did a few moments ago.


Julie grew more happy when she saw Reggie appear beside her and when she looked at him with a smile, he smiled back at her. "Right now, I'm loving every minute. Hands down, can't let myself forget it, no. 'Cause everything is rushing in fast. Keep holding on nevеr look back."

Julie thought that the boys were gone. But they were coming back one by one. The last boy who was left to come back was Luke. "And it's one, two, three, four times."

The curly-haired girl began to grow concern along with Alex and Reggie when they noticed Luke was glitching and he was playing his electric guitar as he was glitching. "That I'll try for one morе night. Light a fire in my eyes..."


Caleb chuckles. "It's clear that Alex and Reggie aren't a fan of this situation." 

Luke only scowled at him. He tugged at the bowtie around his neck, feeling as if he was being suffocated. He then was able to rip the bowtie off as well as the sleeves of his shirt, exposing his arms. He looked down at the ripped off clothing as his chains and arm scarf appeared on him. 

"Ouch!" Caleb exclaimed, pretending to be hurt. "Guess I should've went with no sleeves then, huh?"

"It's not about the outfits." Luke glares at him. "It's about-"

"The music." Caleb interrupts him, nodding his head while he rolls his eyes. A smirk tugs on his lips. "But I believe it's also about the girl."

Luke's eyes widen. "Where is she? What'd you do with Stella?"

Stella then appears next to Caleb and he had a strong grasp on her arm. Luke began to feel guilty at almost leaving her behind. He noticed she was wearing her normal clothes again and when he locked eyes with her he saw the fear in them. He was afraid too. 

Luke looks at Caleb, his eyes growing dark. "Caleb, let her go!"

"Yeah," Caleb shakes his head. "Not gonna do that."

Upon noticing Luke's outfit was different from when she was there earlier, and she looks down at the floor to see the ripped up material. She looks around the stage, trying to spot Alex and Reggie, and a smile tugs on her lips when she didn't see them. She somehow knew that they made it back to Julie.

Stella looks at Luke. "You have to leave, Luke." She doesn't even bother trying to get out of Caleb's hold since she knew she couldn't. He was much stronger than she is. "Alex and Reggie needs you, Julie needs you, okay?"

"Not okay." Luke frowns. "I'm not leaving here without you."

"Alex and Reggie were able to leave. You made your clothes different which means you have control of yourself now." Stella said to him. "You can leave too and you need to do that. You need to do your unfinished business."

"You still haven't figured out your unfinished business though." Luke reminds her, his eyes starting to get teary. "You thought you figured it out, but it wasn't anything that you tried."

He was right. Stella had different ideas on what her unfinished business could be. At first she thought it was her confronting her old bandmates. But it wasn't that. Then she went to visit her parents and that wasn't her unfinished business either. Recently she was starting to realize what her unfinished business. She hasn't said 'i love you' to Luke yet.

Caleb just rolls his eyes at the two teens in love. "While this is cute and all, I do have a show I need to continue with so-"

"I love you, Luke!" 

Luke stumbles back a bit, surprised when Stella suddenly shouted that. He noticed she had a wide smile on her face and just as he was going to say it back to her, he noticed something else.

"Stella," Luke points at her wrist that was starting to glow. "Your wrist."

Stella furrows her eyebrows, glancing down at her wrist. She smiled upon seeing it glowing. She knew that meant she was free. Caleb let go of her, pushing her back roughly which caused her to stumble a bit since she was caught off guard but Luke was there to keep her steady. Caleb had an angry on his face as he yells, "No!"

"I got my soul back." Stella grinned.

She runs up to Luke and he pushed his guitar so it was on his back and hugged her tightly when she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, my star." Luke mumbled. Butterflies form in her stomach and Stella hugged him tighter, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "I love you so much." Luke said to her. 

They pull away from the hug and he cups her face, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. When they pull away, they were both smiling widely at each other. "No!" Caleb shouts causing the couple to look over at him. He looks at Stella with a smirk. "I'm not done with you, little star."

"Oh, but you are." Stella lets go of Luke, but she now held onto his hand as she smirks at Caleb. "And you're done with Willie as well."

The smirk fell off of Caleb's face while she continues. "You didn't go along with the deal we made. You said you wouldn't hurt any other ghost with your awful mark and that means Willie is free from you."

Stella grins at the thought of her best friend now being free from Caleb. She had made a deal with Caleb that she will continue to work for him if he wouldn't hurt another ghost with his mark and if he didn't go along with the deal then he would have to free Willie and the boys. "You lost, Caleb."

Luke beams at Stella, squeezing her hand. "I believe we have a show we need to be at."

Stella grins at him and squeezes his hand back. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here."

Both of them vanish, not wanting to be in that club any longer.


Luke had finally stopped glitching, appearing on stage with a wide smile on his face as he sings. "I'm going out of my mind!"

Julie smiles widely when he appeared, taking her microphone off of its stand, and moves to the center of the stage. "Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing," As Luke sings, Julie looks out at the crowd, growing more happy when she spots Stella at the front of the stage in the midst of the crowd. The two girls lock eyes with each other and Stella smiles widely, giving Julie two thumbs up which made Julie grin. "I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall."

Julie joins Luke on singing the next verse. "Whatever happens even when everything's down, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall. I gotta keep on dreaming 'cause I gotta catch that feeling. Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall.

Julie walks to the part of the stage that goes out into the crowd along with Reggie. "Like I'm glowing in the dark, I keep on going when it's all falling apart."

"Yeah, I know it with all of my heart." Julie and Luke harmonized their voices together.

Julie and Reggie then sang the next part, both smiling at each other. "Ooh, ooh."

"Never look back!" Luke sang. He looked out at the crowd, smiling at Stella when they locked eyes with each other. Stella smiled back at him and blew him a kiss which made him grin.

Alex stands up as he sings his solo. "Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall."

Reggie had moved back to his microphone by this point and sings his solo. "Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand, I'ma stand tall." As he drags out the word 'tall', Julie chimes in with belting out 'stand tall', followed by Alex and Luke who sang 'stand tall'.

The band continues on and the crowd was loving it. Stella knew they were going to be popular. "Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall. Whatever happens even when everything's down, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall. I gotta keep on dreaming 'cause I gotta catch that feeling. Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall."

The Orpheum was erupted with cheers and applause at the end of the song and everyone was up on their feet. Even Carrie Wilson and her dad.

Stella wanted to go up on stage and hug Julie after the boys poof away. But she reminded herself that she couldn't touch Julie and that she's a ghost. She was so proud of each of them. She didn't even realize she was crying until she felt a tear roll down her cheek. She knew the boy's unfinished business was complete. That meant that they were gone. 

When Stella got back to the garage, she noticed Julie was already there, saying goodbye and thank you to the boys. She was surprised when she heard Reggie say, "You're welcome." 

Julie turned on the light and the two girls grew confused and worried at seeing the boys on the ground in pain. Stella was so confused. She thought that they were free. She walks towards them, stopping when she was in front of them. "I-I don't understand. You guys shouldn't be getting any jolts anymore. You should be free."

Julie looks at the boys with teary eyes. "Why-Why are you here? I...I thought-"

Stella's eyes widen and her heartbeat began to speed up when the boys were hit with jolts of pain that looked to hurt more than any of the other jolts of pain they were hit with. The boys groan and coughed because the jolts were taking so much of their energy away. "I-I thought you crossed over." Julie stutters, now standing beside Stella. "Why didn't you cross over?"

The boys managed to move into a sitting position since they were laying on the floor. Alex held his side as he replies with, "I guess playing The Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business."

Reggie leans on the nearby chair, rolling his eyes. "Point Caleb."

Luke looks at Julie and Stella with a sad smile. "We wanted you two to think that we crossed over, so we pretended to. We just..." He let out a choked sob, shaking his head. "We just had know nowhere else to go."

Reggie shrugs, looking at Julie. "We thought you'd go straight to bed." He looks at Stella. "And we thought that you would go check up on Willie."

"Yeah, well," Alex stands up, leaning against a nearby amp. "I knew they were gonna come out here, but nobody ever listens to me." 

The boys lean over, letting out groans of pains when they were hit with another jolt. This was stronger than the last that hit them. It had them curl over, clutching their stomachs. A tear rolls down Stella's face as she looks at the three boys with concern. "You guys have to leave."

"Yes," Julie agrees, her voice cracking while continuing to speak. "Go join Caleb's club." She gestures to the door. "Please just go. Go! Poof out! Do something! Please." She pleads, looking at the boys and tears began to fall down her face. "Do it for me. Do it for Stella."

Reggie shakes his head. "We're not going back there." None of them wanted to return to that  club.

Luke stands up, walking over to stand in front of Julie. He shakes his head. "No music is worth making if we're not making it with you." He breaths shakily. "No regrets."

Julie reaches forward and hugs him. Luke wraps his arms around her, hugging her back. Stella was touched that J attempted to hug him, but then her eyes widen when she realized that Julie was touching him which made her confused. How can Julie touch him? 

Reggie smiles and Stella noticed that Alex was confused. She guessed that he realized that Julie can touch Luke now. Julie sniffles. "I love you guys."

They pull away from the hug when they realize they are touching. Julie ran her hand. "How can I feel you?" 

A surprised look was on Luke's face as he shakes his head. "I-I don't know."

Placing her hands on his face, Julie gasps. Luke cups her face, laughing because he couldn't believe this was happening. Stella wasn't jealous as she watched this interaction. She knew it meant nothing.

Luke turns to look at Stella and the boys. "I feel stronger."

"Alex, Reggie, come." Julie takes her hands off of Luke's face as he did the same with her face and she gestured for the other two boys to come over. Julie and the boys hugged and smiles were on everyone's faces. They pull away from the hug when they notice halo beams glowed into the air.

"Woah." Reggie said. "I-I don't feel as week anymore."

Julie glances over at Stella with a wide smile, gesturing her over to join the hug. Stella smiles and went over to the group, moving to stand between Alex and Luke, and wraps her arms around the two boys as they continued to hug. Even though she was free from Caleb, she somehow felt stronger as well. 

"Yeah, me neither." Alex chimes in. "Not that, you know, I was ever that weak." That comment made everyone laugh. They each look down at the boy's wrists, when they noticed the purple stamp remove itself and float up into the air.

Julie furrows her eyebrows, glancing at each of them. "What do you think that means?"

Luke smiles. "I think the band's back." Stella chuckled lightly, smiling at him and leans her head on his shoulder. He smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. 

"You guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?" Alex questioned. Each of them laughed and hugged each other again. 

"I like this." Reggie confessed.

"Me too!" Julie exclaims with a grin on her face. "You guys, we played The Orpheum! Woo!" The five of them jumped around with their arms wrapped around each other as they cheered. 

"Looks like I got here just in time for the celebration." 

They stop when they hear a familiar voice and pull away from each other. Stella smiles upon seeing her best friend standing at the entrance of the garage. "Willie."

He looks at her with a smile. "I'm guessing you have something to do with me being freed from Caleb?"

Stella shrugs and walks over to him. "I might have something to do with it."

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Get over here, Ella." He pulled her in for a hug and she hugged him back. 


The best friends pull away from the hug when Alex speaks up. Stella moves to stand beside Luke, smiling while he wraps an arm around her waist. Willie smiles at Alex who walked towards him until they stood directly in front of each other. "Hey, Hotdog. Glad you're okay."

Alex smiles back at him. "Yeah, I'm glad you're okay, too."

Willie was the one to wrap his arms around Alex, pulling him in for a tight hug. Alex didn't hesitate to wrap his arms back around Willie to hug him back. Julie smiles at the two and looks at everyone. "Okay, this calls for a group hug!"

After Alex and Willie pull away from the hug the seven teens hug each other. They did it. They played The Orpheum and the five ghosts are free from Caleb. This was a perfect ending.

A/N can't believe I'm done with this book! I had so much fun with writing stella & her relationship with luke. & I'm so glad you all enjoy this book! I do have other jatp fics & other different kinds of fics you guys should totally check out if you want to. you fantoms are the best <3

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