chapter 2 semi finals

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Alice's POV

I am even nervous now and I haven't performed yet. How can I be nervous? I never get nervous before I go on stage so why am I nervous now? I just don't get it. Yeah, I'm about to go and sing in front of one of the most richest man alive but I've performed in front of celebrities like David Beckham and his family before. But I was with James then and it was one of his gigs where I sang with him and not on my own like now. Any how my turn at long last. I so can't wait till its done cause then I can start to practice my finale piece. That's as long as I get past today.

"So Alice, what are you singing for us today?" inquired Simon Cowell

"I will be singing grenade by Bruno Mars" I replied

As I moved to the middle of the stage taking the microphone with me the music started to play. I sang with all of my heart and I even started to move about on the stage as I started to be less nervous. By the end I had all of the audience joining in and I loved ever minute I had on that stage.

When I have finished, the audience all asked for more but Simon said that there wasn’t any time left.

“I loved your performance and what I liked even more was that you started to loosen off and really get into the song” Simon told me.

“Yeah that was you best so far I think” Amanda agreed.

“So what’s your vote David” asked Simon

“Definitely a yes”

“And yours Amanda”

“The same as David, Yes”

“Michael what’s yours?”

“I agree with Amanda and David, it’s a yes”

“And it’s a yes from me, congrats your through to the FINALS” screamed Simon

“OMG! Really!”

“Yeah and you earned it”

“Thanks my mum will be so pleased”

“But I thought your mum didn’t know?” inquired Amana

“I told her when I got through the auditions”

“Oh right. Any way congrats”

“Thanks again”

James’ POV

She’s gone and done it again. She’s won the judges minds. Next it will be the finals and I need to do some thing by next week or it’ll be to late. I know! I’ve got the perfect plan. I could kidnap her. But how can I with all of the security measures that they’ve got in place.

Alice's Mum's POV

I am so happy for my little princess. She has won the semi-finals. I know she told me after the audition that she signed up but now that she's in, she can't back out. She will have her own fans and not just James'. There's something wrong with that boy but I can't put my finger on what. It's like he's different to the other celebrities that Alice has liked.


Sorry the last two POVs are so short but I had writer's block. Anyway I would like someone to do a cover for the story because I am so rubbish at drawing and I can't do it on the computer either, so please help and remember to comment/vote/fan

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