Sorry, I just flashbacked to 2014

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"It's not hard to imagine Tentacle hentai."

"I don't want to believe my MMD book has 8k views."

"Bitch, if you're so worried about your foundation rubbing off, why the fuck did you decided to put it on for a 2 hour band rehearsal."

"Did I offend her?"

"They're so out of place! It's so bothersome."

"I wonder if it's cannon that the two mascots for lunchables are gay."

"My name is Cindy."

"^^^not actually my name, just so you know^^^"

"No, I'm not a freshman. I'm a junior."

"I do?"

"A woman jumped off the fence and ran into the field?"

"On which side of the field?"


"Lmao, once the band started moving, the woman must've been like "OH SHIT, I FUCKED UP.""

"She must've been triggered since their team was loosing."

"I hope she doesn't yell at us this time."

"Am towel. Drydrydrydry."

"It was a mistake moving the band to the cafeteria."

"Wait, you asked the director if you could leave?"

"Friend- no- why?"

"Just cause others are leaving?"

"It's their own fault."

"You don't just ask the director to leave, tell your dad to wait."

"The game hasn't even started."

"Oh.., I'm sorry honey."

"I honestly don't know how they started talking."

"He's talked to me about her and says they act very flirtatious towards each other."

"A relationship like that won't last long."

"I don't know if they're together together."

"I don't like her."

"I know she's had quite a few boyfriends. I remember one of them broke up with her before or around homecoming."

"Come on, hug."

"Am I not allowed to give random hugs like you always do?"

"Yes, I am senpai."

"But wait, she's older than me."

"Ha! I'm allowed to act like a mom cause I'm that cool."

"I should probably start working on a Halloween video so it's done on time."

"Hold on, let me check my GPA and class rank."

"I don't know wether I should take that as an insult or compliment?"

"Do you ever just burp and feel a burning sensation in your throat from the souls you ate earlier trying to escape?"

"Uh.., I'm Catholic."

"I'm chill about it."

"I regret bringing up my religion."

"How the fuck does opening up a bible and reading it automatically make you an asshole?"

"I've never willingly opened up and read a bible though."

"Now I just feel awkward. This guy thinks all catholics are assholes over one bad interaction."

"I'm going to be spicy air for boo bowl."

"It's fire. I'm going to be fire for boo bowl."

"We're going as elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Except we don't have air."

"Lol, it's technically all around us."

"Air is right here, they're invisible."

"Do I have anything to write in my "Star Says" book?"

"I keep forgetting the things I say. I say too much crap to remember."


"Hi whatsitsface father! I'm her band father!"

"That was such a meta interaction."

"I just met my son's actual father, it was very awkward."

"I feel like I'm repeating some statements I've said before."

"I want to go outside."

"I prefer being out in the cold than playing music."

"The cold never bothered me anyway, becomes elsa."

"Class vote! Please let the club stay on Mondays!"

"...fuck, I can't go to Animation club anymore."

"Oh yeah, late animation nights sound cool."

"Aaaaand it's on Thursdays. FUUUUU"

"I can't stay late on Thursdays, I have an art class in Frisco."

"The latest I can stay is 5pm and then leave for the class."

"And I'm the only one doing the storyboarding for the entire animation short. F u c k."

"The animatic is due on Monday? Double fuck."

"*stressing over finishing storyboarding*"

"Wow, I really like this poster concept."

"The detail is- GOD DAMMIT FRIEND."

"It's freaking below the waist."

"Idk, I like the expression."

"Yeah, but he's feeling determined by all these people pressuring him into being social."

"I'll ask the director."

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