One Shot || Fruit - fem!Virgo X male!Capricorn

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Astra: *sipping a smoothie* You look like crap.

Me: *scowls* Shut it. *at the readers* I'm so sorry for the delay update. Lately these weeks ago, I feel unmotivated to write anything. My mind is not working and...I don't know anymore. I really love writing but I feel as if I'm losing my skills in writing bits by bits. I feel so undecided and...I really don't know anymore. I'm so sorry for deflating your moods but don't worry; I'm not letting these thoughts to change my devotion. I just know deep in my heart that writing is the thing for me. *sighs* Man, I have to read more books soon to gain more insights and ideas. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story!

Astra: Then stop playing games and start reading books.

Me: *scowls* No one asked for your opinion.

Astra: *smirks* Are we still arguing over this 'opinion'?

Me: Shut up lest I cut your tongue.

Ophiuchus: *butts in* This story is inspired from Kingdom Hearts' Paopu fruits isn't it?

Astra: *perks up, interested* Kingdom Hearts? That is some good game idea you got there Lynn.

Me: *nods* Yup. I read this one KH fanfic, Legend of the Paopu Fruit, and I kinda love it, so I decided to borrow that idea. Soooo, credits to Ani-chan, an authoress in Lunaescence. I don't own KH and her idea. The idea is originally from her.

This is requested by @xxKStyle101xx! I did my best to apply your plot in this fic. There may be some overlaps and twists here and there but the concept of your idea is still presented here. Sorry for the delay update. Thanks for waiting!

@kczarina97 - I'm so sorry if I'm not yet updating your request. It will be uploaded shortly after this story but it will be only a Drabble. I've already written it in a Random Short Story under OTP's and Ships. It may be short but I'll try to add more Drabbles to make it up for you. I deeply apologize. I am hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you.



Male: Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio
Female: Virgo, Aries, Pisces, Cancer


Capricorn was beyond bored.

He sighed, his cheek lying on the flat surface of his table as he lazily observed the universe outside the window. He envies the way how the birds flew as if they don't have the care. He had always wanted to see the universe shift and change underneath his eyes. Like, how could it remain the same but different at the same time? It was beyond his knowledge— a universal mystery that was yet to unfold.

His reverie broke when heavy books slammed nearby his ear, and he jumped in shock as he straightened his form. His eyes were wide like those flying saucers he watched last night in Channel 2.

"Don't question." Virgo scowls as if sensing his inquisition, sitting quite grumpily beside him. "I'm not in the mood."

But Capricorn still asked nonetheless, "What happened to you? Did someone take your food or something?"

Virgo groans, leaning her head on the crook of his neck. This didn't bother Cap as they have been doing this often, but today, he noticed something that he didn't notice before. Virgo is twirling her braided hair as she spoke the reason of her bad mood. He almost didn't hear what she said, distracted how fragrant her hair is. Has her hair always smelled like those roses he sees in his mother's backyard?

"—because I feel like it."

This broke Cap's temporary trance, replying in a dazed like manner.


The lithe girl leaned away from him, sending a weird look at him. Since when did her best friend become absentminded? For all she knows, he had always been paying attention to what she says no matter how insignificant it sounded, but now, he seemed as if he was distracted over something. "I said that I was annoyed because I feel like it. Did you get it this time or do I need to tell more?"

"No no. I get it now." Cap sheepishly says, smiling apologetically, "Sorry for zoning out for a minute there."

"You better be." Virgo jokingly scolded, smiling. Cap could only send a sheepish smile at her way.

"Yeah yeah." However, when Virgo frowned, Cap frowns as well, "what?"

"You alright? You seem out of yourself."

"I'm fine." He said simply. Virgo just gave him an incredulous look, "Really. I was just figuring out what our teacher has in mind for us." He easily lied. Well, it's not exactly a lie. Their teacher did inform them yesterday that she was planning something for their last research. "I liked to think positive but something tells me that this research is different."

"Huh." Capricorn mentally gave a small pat on his back for sounding so convincing as Virgo leaned once more to the crook of his neck, "Now that you told me, I can't help but think of that research too." She then looked up at him, "what do you think will it be?"

Cap looked down at her, his heart beat pacing much to his confusion. However, he shoved the wisps of emotion bubbling inside him, reminding himself to think about this later, "I'm not really sure but we'll know it later."

As if on cue, their teacher entered the room with a book and some pile of papers in her arms. Virgo straightened out her posture to look more presentable in the class as their teacher placed her supplies on the table before facing the class.

"Is everyone here?" Without waiting for a reply, she smiled, "Good. Today, I will be administering the topics and your partners for this research." Groans were heard about the room. The loudest were at the back but the woman is unfazed about this and continued, "You only have two weeks to work on this and by the end of the second week, all papers must be submitted to me vis-a-vis. Understood?"

Multiple mutters, cusses and some chorus of 'yeahs' reverberated around the room. It's not like they don't have much of a choice. They'll either do this or get a big mark of F.

"Alright, let's begin." She took one paper from the desk and began calling their names and their partner one by one before saying the topic they will be researching about.

Cap and Virgo could only sigh alongside with their classmates.

This is gonna be a long day.


"The Legend of this whatever-the-name-of-the-fruit is crap." Virgo whined, walking with Cap. Their classes just ended minutes ago, and the two decided to head to the library since they don't have much work to do in their other subjects. Turns out they were appointed as partners, much to their classmates' dismay as the best friends are top students of their batch.

Cap could only shake his head, "I'm not sure but I think it's pretty cool if not easy." When Virgo gave him a disbelieving look, Cap sighed, "Look, it may be crappy for you but I think it is an interesting topic."

"Interesting?" Virgo scoffs, crossing her arms. Just as they entered the library, Virgo continued her debate, "Cap, I think you're spending too much time with Cancer. Fruits do not hold such mystic powers; much less make your life be intertwined with another's."

"That's because you don't care." Cap deadpans and nodded at Scorpio's way when he and his partner, Gemini, passed by them. The black haired nodded back at him with his face morphing into an annoyance when Gemini argued which house they are staying to begin their research.

"I do care!" Virgo huffed, crossing her arms. Cap lowered down his bag on the chair, cocking a brow at her. Virgo just sat with her legs and arms crossed. "At least, I care about this research. This is grade we are talking about. I just don't give too much stock on superstitions— let alone some mystical fruit that decides your destiny." She scoffs, watching Cap with a scowl as he plucked out a pad paper and a pen, "Surely, whoever said this legend must be a complete idiot. Perhaps maybe a hopeless romantic."

"Don't be such a sourpuss Vir." Cap finally sighed, vexed at her whining. He instead passed the pad paper to her direction when he noticed that she was about to retort at him, "Look, how about you write the outlines needed for our research while I search for books applicable for our research."

"Yeah, whatever." Virgo rolled her eyes, sighing as she wrote the outlines needed. Finally satisfied, Cap stood from his seat, went to the Literature and Myths section to find the glorious origins of this fruit that intertwines your destiny with another's.

His fingers skimmed the spines of the books, carefully reading the titles of the books. '101 Facts, Myths of the Arithmea, The Scepter's Hold...where could be that—' His eyes stopped at a certain book, 'Best Myths of a Universe.' His face lit up at this and he fished out the book from its designated place; however, when he flipped the cover open, it was just all about the universe, not the Universe fruit he was seeking for. He dejectedly returned it to the shelf, sighing in dismay.


Cap found his head inclining beside him. Beside him is Pisces, fishing out a red covered book as she smiled up at him.

"Hey Pi. Didn't see you there." Cap scratched his nape sheepishly. His eyes caught the book's cover, "Cinematics? Is that your research topic?"

"Yeah." Pisces nodded, flipping another page, her eyes focused on the book. As if not wanting to appear rude, she replied, "I'm partnered with Aries this time. Too bad she had to go home early. She said something about her parents coming home after so many months of traveling around the world."

"So you're here by yourself?" Cap asks, leaning on the shelf a bit, arms crossed. He just hopes that Virgo won't storm over here and make a fuss about him not doing anything.

"Yeah," Pisces shut the book, her eyes finally meeting his, "But she promised to search more information in online to make up for me."

"That's nice." Cap hums. Aries had always been rumored as a hothead but that was all a lie. She is really sweet in nature if everyone decided to delve in deeper.

"Say," The short girl began, her brows furrowing, "what about you? What is your topic about?"

The carefree atmosphere dissipated as Cap sighs wearily. The thought of the research and his lack of sleep are evident on his face as he shoved any signs of weariness away from him. The least he wanted right now is the thought of ditching Virgo alone. "It's the Legend of this fruit that intertwines two people's destiny."

The moment those words left his lips, Pisces was instantly leaning on his face, face bright and lips curled up in an excited grin. Cap leaned away a bit, confused and slightly bothered how wide her smile is.

"You mean the Legend of the Moirai Fruit?! Gosh, that is like, awesome! You get to learn the most famous story ever told!" Her eyes were shining with excitement, her tone rather a bit envious however, "I wish I got that topic! I've always been interested with myths and magic— like how could something hold such power and story that defy the universal law we know!"

"You seem rather informed about this 'magical' Moirai fruit." Cap was now leaning in this time, interested, "Care to spill the beans?"

"Cap, I should've known better than to see you philandering."

Pisces and Cap turned at the voice. Virgo stood before them with her hands akimbo, sending a disapproving glance at Cap and a scalding glare at Pisces.

"Oh hi Vir!" The short girl waved cheerfully at Virgo who just merely gave a blank yet silent angry look at her, "Are you partners with Cap?"

"Yes." Virgo couldn't help the snarky reply as she stood beside Cap. She didn't know why but she felt quite vexed and... slightly hurt of the scene. Cap seemed friendlier with Pisces, not that she minded Cap creating friends. It just happened that she encountered Capricorn seeming interested with whatever Pisces was saying.

"That is cool!" Virgo swore she had never felt such annoyance than she felt right now against the cheerful girl. Her cheerful demeanor is annoyingly out of place. "As much as I hate to admit, the research topic is perfect for the both of you." Pisces was now gushing at this point, "Imagine two best friends learning and researching about the destiny fruit only to realize that they've been in love all this time. And they wanted nothing more but to share this fruit so that they may be ensured that their destiny will be intertwined..." The latter two could feel the heat creeping down their cheeks as the ice blue eyed girl sighed quite dreamily, "What a beautiful love story. I should write this when I—"

"Uhh... Thanks for...uhh, telling me about the Moirai fruit Pi. Really appreciate the help but um I and Vir need to go home. Time is really flying fast." The words left his lips in a series of stammering mess as the taller male grabbed his companion by her wrist. "If you know more anything about this fruit, can you share the details? The sources are really limited and we really need the basis we can find. See you tomorrow!" Without even waiting for Pisces' reply, Cap was already dragging Virgo with him, the redness on his cheeks still evident and bright.

"So uhh.."


The least Virgo wanted is to have this awkward atmosphere. This is all Pisces' fault. She and her literary fantasy stories.

"Um... Your place or mine?" Cap decided to ask, but only to flush beet red after realizing his technical error. "N-no! That's not what I mean! I mean, which place are we going to discuss our research?"

Virgo scowled, clearly embarrassed. Her cheeks were already red after Pisces' gushing. She didn't need to make herself a blushing mess before her best friend!

"Let's just head over your house. At that way, I don't have to spend my money on you."

The comment helped their condition, and the blush on Cap's cheeks instantly vanished as he gave a playful glare at her. Virgo just sticks her tongue out at him. He may be her best friend but when it comes to financial business, friendship is out of the window.

"Whatever. Be glad you're a lady and I'm a gentleman."

"With your philandering ways a while ago?" Virgo scoffs, the thought of Pisces and Cap together brought the jealousy out from the deep crevices of her heart, "I highly doubt that." She says, crossing her arms, unaware of the jealous tone in her voice.

Cap smirks at this. Feeling bold all of a sudden, he gripped Virgo's chin firmly yet gently, and the lithe girl flushed beet red once Cap turned her head to face him.

"Why? Jealous?" He teased, taking delight of having to see his usual stubborn companion in a blushing mess. It was truly a sight to behold.

"S-shut up and l-let's head to your house you freak." With the inability to struggle away from Cap's hold, she decided to avert her eyes from his.

"Alright." Cap finally released her and walked ahead, laughing when Virgo yelled at him for being a jerk.


"No such luck." Cap slouched against his armchair, sighing when his muscles howled in pain and a few bones cracking after being in the same position for so long. He had been burning his eyes in front of his computer, searching for some articles regarding of the Moirai fruit. He did see some websites and articles about the fruit's roundabouts and story but they lacked some information that is needed for their research paper.

"Same here." Virgo added, frowning. She was lying on his bed, eyes directly on her phone. "The only info I got is that Moirai is a Greek word meaning 'destiny' in English. It is a rare tree, only seen in Arithmea in summer—"

"Wait. Arithmea?" His spine straightened. That name sounds so familiar.

"Yes. Arithmea—"

"So the articles are not lying. Virgo, I saw a book a while ago in the library. It's called Myths of the Arithmea."

"Well damn it Cap." Virgo groans, grabbing one pillow and shoved her face on it. She then yelled, her voice slightly muffled, "You and your philandering ways!"

"First of all, I didn't know what the fruit's origins. How am I supposed to know? Second, I'm not philandering. I was just asking Pisces." Cap sighs. The throbbing on his head is certainly not helping.

"Ugh." Virgo finally removed the pillow from her face, slightly dazed. His natural scent is all over it. "We'll just have to wait for tomorrow. We need to grab that book before someone else does. That book is our only hope."

Cap nodded. He was honestly really excited learning about this Moirai fruit. Who knew such fruit existed in this sporadic world?

A door opened in his room. The two best friends inclined their heads in unison, and Cap's 8 years old brother, Taurus', walked in. He was holding a tray with two plates on it that were filled with potato mash and two-piece chicken each.

"Mom said that you two should eat." Taurus said, placing the two plates and the utensils on the tabletop where Cap is researching.

"Aww, thank you Taurus. But you don't need to do this." Virgo smiles gently at the kid, much to Cap's annoyance. It's not that he envied his sibling's attention. He just really doesn't like Taurus since the kid couldn't stop messing his things every time he's in his room.

"It's okay!" Taurus grins brightly like the little fluff he is, but then tilted his head in curiosity afterwards, "But I am curious though. What are you two doing?"

"We are researching. Now get out of my room." Cap snapped back, but then winced when something hit his head without warning. His eyes caught sight of a black ball pen rolling on the floor and concluded that it must have been the thing that had hit him.

"We are researching about the Legend of the Moirai Fruit. It's a topic that was given to us." Virgo smiles, making sure to give a sideway glare at Cap. It was then Cap realized that she was the one who threw the ball pen at him.

"The Legend of the Moirai Fruit?!" Taurus exclaimed, almost sounding as if he was sincerely surprised, "One of my teachers mentioned that a while ago!"

This took Cap in surprise. He honestly did not expect for his brother to hear such thing.

"Really?! Can you tell us about it?" Virgo was already in front of Taurus, crouching down at his level. Cap could only watch them blankly as Taurus began.

"It was brief but I can tell you what my teacher said." He paused for a while, his lips tugging downwards into a frown as he thought. When Cap pulled one of the plates to him, Taurus started beaming, "She said that the Moirai tree only grows in Arithmea, and the fruits only bud once a summer every year! It was also been said that once two people shared the same fruit, their destinies become intertwined!"

"We heard but wow! So such fruits do exist after all!" Virgo beams as well and Cap has to refrain from rolling his eyes at her. A while ago afternoon, she was so dead set against it but now she was starting to act like a lovesick schoolgirl.

But still, she's cute though.

Cap flushed beet red when the thought appeared out of the blue. Where did that thought come from anyway?

"The story is weird but I love its concept!" Taurus grinned, laughing gleefully when Virgo ruffled his hair, "It is a silly thought but when I grow up, I wish to visit Arithmea in summer someday and harvest some Moirai fruits." Then he blushed cutely, much to Virgo's internal squealing. "And...maybe share it to the one I really like.."

"OH MY GOD CAP YOUR BROTHER IS SO CUTE!" Virgo finally squeals, pulling the small boy in her arms. Taurus just only giggled, still having the blush as the lithe girl faced Cap, "CAN I ADOPT HIM?! I NEED A SMALL CINNAMON ROLL OF A BROTHER OF YOURS THIS CUTE!"

Cap could feel his brow twitch.

"Trust me; I would gladly love to but mom will be so mad if I gave him away."

"I can't..b-breathe.." The boy in her arms gasps out and Virgo shrieks, pushing him away while searching for any serious injuries.

"Are you alright?! I didn't squeeze you too much did I?! I'm so sorry!"

"I-it's okay!" Taurus quickly said, waving his hands in panic. "I'm not hurt! See?" He jumped up and down to prove his point. Cap just rolled his eyes, taking a bite on his chicken as he did so.

"Alright alright." Virgo giggles, ruffling his hair once more, "We really appreciate your help in our research, Taur. You're a life saver."

"I am?" The way how hopeful and innocent his voice sounded, and the way how his eyes lit up and his smile... Why are kids so damn cute especially when they are innocent fluff balls?! Virgo just couldn't help but nod happily, making Taurus to cheer, "Yay! I save people!"

"Yes you do, and one day you can save your love one too." Virgo winks, and the boy could only blush profusely. Cap, on the other hand, could only scoff, albeit amused. Having to witness Virgo like this is amusing but refreshing.

But then, when he felt something warm in his hand (the one on the knee), and Virgo's voice, he swore his heart stopped right then and there.

"Right Cap?"

Cap couldn't speak. Clearly because of the mere fact that Virgo was holding his hand—how her fingers intertwined with his perfectly, or perhaps the way how her eyes shine brightly than anything brighter in this world. Either way, it doesn't matter because the only thing he can see is her and the feeling of her hand in his.

His thoughts then drifted to the Moirai fruit. Surely such thing exists but could its mystical power be credible as it sounded? Could that fruit really intertwine your destiny with another's if you share one with them?

Cap shook his head at this. What was he thinking? Thinking of magical fruits all of a sudden? Just because her fingers are intertwined with his, he is now thinking of this kind of thing?

What in the world is going on with him?

"Yeah." He found himself saying.

Taurus smiled— a very wide smile that Cap has never seen before, as he ran to him, hugging him, "Thank you thank you thank you!" Then he left the room, cheering.

"See? Isn't he a cute and sweet boy?" Virgo asks, smiling at him.

His heart beat quickens.

"I just saw it now."


The next morning went by as usual. The two earth signs decided to go to school an hour before their class starts. They were on their towards the library when a scream that could be depicted as a banshee resounded the hallways. In front of them, although a few steps away, are Pisces and Aries— the water sign running in full speed at them while Aries merely walked behind her.



Capricorn, luckily, is quick, his arms winding around Pisces when she tripped on her own. Virgo and Aries just stared at them: the red head staring blankly whilst the chestnut haired glared daggers at Pisces.

"Thanks Cap!" Pisces just laughed at her own misfortune, breaking free from Cap's hold, "Sorry about that but anyway, I got something from you!" Cap watched her in slight interest as the small girl opened her bag, pulling out a book. She read the cover before handing it to him. "This is the book you missed yesterday!"

"The Myths of the Arithmea!" He exclaimed after he read the cover. He looked up at her, smiling. "How—? I don't understand—!"

"Hehe, remember what I told you yesterday? About Aries' parents traveling around the world?" Pisces asks excitedly. Cap nodded, still dumbstruck and confused. "You see, her parents happened to visit this Arithmea place and stayed there for weeks!" She was now jumping in glee at this point, somehow reminding Cap about his brother, Taurus. "And the good part is that it is a tropical country! And since it's already May, it's summer there!"

"I don't believe it..." Cap whispered under his breath, still shocked but overall, jubilant and relieved to know that their research won't be too hard now that they have sources to look at. "This is good news. Thank you Pisces." He smiled at her, sincerely thankful.

"Aww don't think about it!" Pisces giggled, flicking her hand nonchalantly. "You asked nicely yesterday so here it is!"

Cap could just really smile at the small girl. He was truly thankful at her, albeit guilty that he was wasting her time probably searching about the Moirai fruit. But before he could voice out his concerns, Aries spoke up.

"Hey, me and Virgo are going to talk somewhere privately. It has something to do about our subject in Physics. I'll see you later in the library." Before Pisces could reply, Aries was already dragging the unusual quiet Virgo, her eyes downcast. Cap just noticed it and is sincerely concerned. He really wanted to catch up with Aries just so he can talk to Virgo and maybe apologize for ignoring her. He wasn't sure why needed to but he can tell that she was thoroughly upset with him. But he can't leave Pisces either.

Cap just sighed. He decided to leave Virgo with Aries for a while after his conversation with Pisces. He knows Virgo. She can take care of herself.

But he's still worried though.


"Why did you drag me here?" Virgo didn't bother looking at Aries, too upset and hurt by Cap's temporary neglect towards her. They are currently in the garden with no one in sight. The air is crisp and cool, and the chirping of the birds were heard in the distance. At some point in her life, she would have cared but she couldn't find herself to mind. Her mind is fresh with Cap's and Pisces' faces and how close they are.

Aries didn't say anything. Instead, she pulled something from her bag (which Virgo did not notice until now), and pulled out a fruit. It is circle-shaped and has a maroon skin that seemed to fade into black. There were also pinpoints of white that looked like small clusters of stars in a starry sky. Aries looked at the fruit with an unreadable expression on her face.

"I heard."

Virgo blinked.

"Heard what?"

Aries looked at her, the fruit still in her hand.

"Your research. The Legend of the Moirai Fruit."

Virgo's breath hitched when Aries handed her the fruit. Although her face is blank, Virgo could see the longing there. But longing for what?

"Here. This is a Moirai fruit. Mom and dad harvested some and brought a lot of Moirai fruits at home. She gave me one but her reasons are unknown. She seemed as if..." Aries eyes glinted at this, "she knew something I didn't know. But too bad for her, I knew what is going on in her mind."

"What are you trying to pertain?" Virgo asked, a bit weakly as she stared the so-called Moirai fruit in hand. If the legend proved to be true, could her destiny be intertwined with the person she shared this with?

Aries just gave a little smirk, "People usually say I'm a hothead which is true in some ways, but they didn't know the real me." Aries' smirk only seemed to grow wider when Virgo looked confused. Then with a careful forte, she lulled with that secretive tone, "I'm one of the descendants of Arithmea."


Aries sighed, and shoved her free hand on the earth's sign gaping mouth, whispering about how she shouldn't have just said anything in the first place.

"Don't believe me if you don't want. I don't care. But keep it down. I don't want any unwanted visitors at the moment." Aries hissed at her. Virgo nodded at this, still shocked and dumbfounded at the new discovery. Aries removed her hand on her mouth and, to Aries expectation, Virgo began asking.

"But there weren't any news about your ancestors in any articles I've read last night! Arithmea is just a small island filled with Moirai trees, and that it has been the most historical island out there. Its origins were unknown and the trees are unknown!"

Aries looked away, her eyes distant, "My ancestors decided that it is best if no one knew about it." This took Virgo's interest.

"But why? I've read some articles that there is some illegal scheme happening in Arithmea. 3 years ago, the illegal schemes were only 57%, but now it has increased over 9%! They are raiding the Moirai tress, Aries!" Virgo leaned at her, her eyes burning, "Aries, you can't let those imbeciles abuse the island your ancestors have worked for so many centuries!"

"I know." Aries was now frowning, her tone pained, "But I can't. It's better that way. My family line... We are cursed by a witch. And we'll carry this curse for eternity."

Virgo took a double take, stuttering, "Wh-what?! Witches exist?!"

Aries nodded grimly, "A long time ago, yes, but I don't think there were any witches left in this century; however, that does not simply mean their line vanished. They're may be descendants somewhere, but at this time, I think they don't have the capability to do some dark magic anymore. At least, that's what I have concluded. It has been a long time after all."

"But the question is why, why were your family line cursed?" Virgo had taken a slow momentum this time, "Did...did your ancestors do something that must have...upset the witch?"

Aries was quiet for a while, debating if she should share the secret she has been hiding. Then, hesitantly, she nodded before beginning her tale, "One of them did something to upset the witch. You see, one of my ancestors suffered a one-sided love, but she wanted for her love interest to look at her. This love interest of hers, however, loves someone else, and this broke my ancestor deeply. But her love for the man grew akin to obsession and this formed a dark thought in her. She made a deal with a witch, but the witch only asks for one payment: one Moirai fruit. My ancestor agreed and a powerful spell occurred. Her love interest fell in love with her and forgot his true love. However, due to her greed and hostility, she didn't comply with the agreement, and this angered the witch. The witch formulated a perfect plan to punish my ancestor, and indeed she did. When my ancestor offered her love interest a Moirai fruit she had bitten to ensure they don't drift apart, the curse happened and the witch appeared before her. Time stopped, as well as her love interest who is in the verge of eating the Moirai fruit. The only only ones who are fully aware is her and the witch. The witch then said these lines:" Aries took a deep breath; and as if she memorized the whole words embedded in her heart, she said,

In his hand lies the destiny's tear—
I shall take it and revert it,
Once a love is now hatred
And only with the purest intention
Could achieve the greatest prize of all
An eternity waiting by the door.

Aries continued her tale, "The witch smiled wickedly and said that whoever in our line shares a Moirai fruit with a person they are romantically in love— no matter how this person loves us back— their love will turn into hatred." Aries paused, before continuing; her voice barely a whisper, "This happened to my ancestor. Once the witch disappeared in a puff of smoke, the time continued. But before my ancestor could stop her love, he had already bitten it, and the curse happened. His once loving words turned hateful and spiteful before leaving her alone. But not long after this happened, she fell in love with another man and this man loved her back. And for once, she was happy. But every time her loved one wanted to share the fruit to her, she refuses, afraid of the curse. In order to ensure happiness in their life, she begged the man to move away from Arithmea and the man agreed although a bit hesitant and confused of the sudden decision. Either way, he didn't pester her about it. And since then, our line continued on normally but with the fear of the curse." Aries ended with a sharp intake of breath.

Virgo was speechless. Her eyes drifted towards the fruit on her hand. She didn't know that there was a story behind, and now that she is staring on the fruit, she wasn't sure if she wanted to eat one anymore. She always thought how it would taste and wondered if the legend is true but now, after hearing Aries' story, she didn't know anymore.

"Hey," Aries laid a hand on her shoulder, smiling, "The curse may be bad, but there is also some good on it. Although my family line may not be able to share this with our loved ones, when we offer a fruit to someone who is sincerely in love with someone, you can be assured that their destinies will definitely be intertwined." Aries smirked this time, "And by the look on your face, you are in love with your best friend. However, I don't think you need a fruit to make your destinies intertwine. Just as long you love each other, then that's fine. Besides, I'm not even sure if this whole legend is true."

"Wait, so it's not even proven if the whole destiny thing is reliable?" Virgo asks and Aries nodded. Virgo just sighed, "Geez, I thought it was true for a second there but your story, although a bit incredible, I find it hard not to believe a bit. But anyway," She gestured over the fruit, "Do I really have to share this with—" She blushed, "—him?"

Aries shrugged. She took Virgo's hand and placed the fruit there, "That's your decision. The Legend of the Moirai Fruit is your research topic after all."

"Aries..." Virgo began; then throw her arms around her, much to the latter girl's surprise, "Thank you. For telling me everything. We are not even that close but you told me your deepest secret." She broke the hug, smiling, "I won't tell a living soul. I promise. I wish I can do anything to help your family lift the curse, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm always free."

Aries just gave her a look, possibly wondering how things went this far. But then she laughed, smiling, "Thank you Virgo. I'll hold on to that promise then so don't even think of telling a single thing to anyone you got it?"

Virgo nodded at this, laughing.

Aries' eyes drifted behind her, and smirked, "Cap's going here. I'll see you guys later." Aries left without waiting for the flushed-beet red girl's reply.

"Hey, sorry about a while ago. I just wanna show my gratitude to Pisces." Cap said, a bit breathless after running for probably many minutes. His eyes then drifted to the fruit, "hey what's that? It looks like a star apple..." His eyes narrowed, "that looked kinda familiar.."

Virgo blushed as she glanced at the Moirai fruit. He doesn't know yet. Should she say what the fruit is?

"Um... This is the so-called Moirai fruit, Cap.."

Cap blinked, then— "The Moirai fruit?! Are you serious?! Those fruits only grow in Arithmea!"

Virgo looked at the fruit for a moment, then said, "They are. Aries gave me this fruit a while ago. Her parents harvested some and decided to give me one. She said that she heard our topic and decided to give me one."

"That is cool." Cap said, a bit amazed. He gave a mental note to thank Aries later. He looked at the fruit for a moment before blush went to his cheeks, "Do you... Do you think the legend is true?"

Virgo shrugs, tossing the fruit at him. Cap caught with both of his hands, observing the sweet delicacy with a close eye. "I'm not so sure. Either it is true or not, as long as you love someone, your destinies become intertwine. You don't need a silly fruit to be with someone."

"Huh." Cap then looked at her. With a challenging look, he held the fruit to her, smirking, "If you believe that, then would you take a bite?"

Virgo just raised her brow at him, "Are you challenging me? Both you and I know that I won't back down on a challenge right?"

His voice is smug. The nerve of this dude. "I am fully aware. So," He gestured for her to take the fruit, his smirk still intact, "Would you?"

Virgo scowls, yanked the fruit from his grasp and took a bite. She blinked, looked at the fruit then back at Cap who watched her in slight curiosity. She swallowed in delight, nodding, "This is good. It is sweet."

"Nice." Cap smirked, making Virgo a bit bothered. Before she could voice out a snarky reply, Cap was already leaning down on her and captured her lips with one fell of a swoop. She gasps at this, feeling the heat creeping down her cheeks. She only blushed more when she felt his tongue licked her lips before leaning away, a small blush on his cheeks as well. He then hums, pondering.

"Just as I thought. Your lips taste sweet." Cap mused and Virgo blushed even harder. But before Cap could get the fruit, she pulled it away from him, a stammering mess.

"Woah woah, wh-what a-are you d-doing?!"

Cap just gave her an amused look and took the fruit. He stared at it, and his eyes glinted in realization. "I knew there is something familiar on this fruit. I thought it was just pure coincidence when I saw it on the Internet. It turns out, I'm wrong all this time."

Virgo blinked, confused. She stared at the fruit, then at him with her brows furrowed, the blush no longer evident. "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

Cap began tossing the fruit up and down, smiling in nostalgia. He then looked at his companion, "Remember when Cancer brought two unknown fruits in school back when we were still kindergarten?" He averted his eyes from her, chuckling. "She gave me one when she heard that I didn't bring any food with me. It turned out that her fruits are Moirai fruits, sent to her family by her aunt." His eyes went back at her, mischief whispering in his eyes. "Did you remember that one time when I accidentally bumped you and your lunch fell on the floor and you began crying?"

Virgo was quiet for a while. Cap watched her, a smirk forming on his lips when he noticed her eyes widening, a flash of recognition there.

"Oh no... No no no! NO! Wait, wait! Don't tell me that was when you shared the fruit to me?!" Her eyes frantically searched his, panicking when he just gave a mischievous smile. "Oh gods! I'VE BEEN DESTINED TO BE WITH YOU ALL THIS TIME?! What THE HELL?!"

Cap could only laugh, facepalming. He just couldn't grasp the fact how he fell in with this best friend of his. Stubborn, but naive to the core. She is too cute.

"Yes. So even if I eat this fruit," When he lifted the fruit to his lips, he watched Virgo with amusement as she is watching him, her cheeks bright red. He then bit on it, humming as the sweet fruit embraced his tastebuds. "You're still destined to be with me."


Cap just laughed once more, and pulled the lithe girl in his arms when she covered her flushed face. He pecked her head, and dropped the fruit on the ground. He then thought with a smile.

But either way, I don't need a silly fruit for us to be together because I know that we are destined to be together.


Me: I...didn't know what just happened here. I kinda did not like how I wrote this. It looked so rushed and...they lacked some details.. *slams head on the table* I do really need to read books soon.

Astra: *playing Kingdom Heart: Birth by Sleep in an emulator*

Ophiuchus: *sleeping*

Me: ...Looks like Astra's system has been consumed by Kingdom Hearts..

Next up: (Second batch)

@kczarina97's request - male!Sagittarius X fem!Scorpio

@ArcturusStar's request - male!Cancer X fem!Aquarius

Coming Soon: (Third batch)

@TuxedoRam's request - male!Taurus X fem!Virgo

@maybe-its-me's request - male!Libra X fem!Aries

@Anubis260's request - male!Cancer X fem!Taurus

Me: I may write about Aries' story next time. I felt as if I've made her one of the main characters here who deserve a side story. And the good news is that someone requested a fem!Aries. So stay tuned!

See you next time!

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