One Shot | Warm - male!Cancer x fem!Taurus

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Me: I dunno about you guys, especially my Cancerian readers, but I am more inclined to think male!Cancer as the type of guy who is quiet and aloof but somewhat suave and wears his heart on his sleeves; albeit he just shows it to the person he thinks well-deserved it. Dunno. I just think of him as one. Most of the Cancerian guys I know are aloof but they are crazy af. Meh. XD Also, I just wrote this today. Weird huh? XD

fem!Taurus: What the— Where am I?! *sees me and begins barreling towards me with a demanding posture* Who are you? Did you kidnap me? You son of a—

Me: Ah shiz! *runs away with fem!Taurus in tow* Don't kill me, woman! I'm innocent I tell ya!

male!Cancer: *merely watches us before facing the readers* Please do enjoy reading. Especially @Anubis260. Thanks for waiting. Sorry it was late. *smiles*

Astra: Wait. I have a question to all Taureans there. *smirks* Are you guys easily embarrassed over a certain provocative situation? Or perhaps, do you all easily get flustered? Are you?

male!Cancer: *rolls his eyes*



Male: Cancer, Virgo
Female: Taurus, Aquarius


"Did they already reply back?" Taurus asked by the now-frosted window, her eyes away from the frigid universe to look at her boyfriend, Cancer, with furrowed brows. "Surely, they must have replied back by now. Quick; check your cell, hon."

With one last quick swipe of stone over stone, sparks began shooting off to the leftover mixture of decayed and freshly new logs. The sparks feasted on the decayed logs before spreading its flames with the new ones as though it was some sort of bug feeding off from a leaf.

"There ya go." Cancer murmured with slight satisfaction before standing from his crouched position. It will be a matter of time before the flames by the fireplace begin using its wonders to heat up the abandoned cabin they currently sheltered. "We just need to wait for a few minutes and we'll be warm in no time." He then glanced over at his worried stricken girlfriend and flashed her a soft smile, "Babe, I just texted them for not more than a minute ago. Buy them more time."

"I'm worried, Cannie!" She whined, her face still stricken with worry. She glanced back at the window once more, and Cancer could tell that she was beginning to freak out more. The car that they just used ran out of gas and it was just lying there outside the piling snow, dead, no fuel, and definitely not revving alive. "What if— what if some humongous, ravenous bear appear and begins wreaking havoc our car?" She was now looking at him with widened eyes, "Worst case scenario, if it started barging in through that door, I'll lose my shit!"

They were planning to head over Aquarius' house to visit, but their car suddenly ran out of gas. Fortunately, they saw an abandoned cabin not too far from their disable car through the swirling snowflakes. Whoever set it up there has Taurus' respect and gratitude for being an intelligent, kind soul.

But that didn't mean she was enjoying being stranded in a secluded what-seemed-to-be-a-10-year-old cabin. Although her boyfriend was there to accompany her, she was still hoping that aid would arrive quick.

And yet there was still some part of her who wishes for the aid to discontinue because why not? Her boyfriend is here, she is here, they are in a cabin under surveillance with the impending blizzard, and the heat was starting to warm the place. How romantic would it be if they start cuddling near the fireplace?

But then again, her more logical side is the dominant one as it knows which is the best for the current situation.

Yes, that's how crazy her mind is.

"Well," Cancer begins saying, walking over to his conflicted chestnut haired girlfriend to pull her in an embrace, nuzzling her hair, "if that were to suffice then I suppose I would have to do my best as a boyfriend to ward off the beast who dares to lay a single claw to my girl."

A big thump occurred in her chest and her breathing hitched. Her heart begins somersaulting in her ribcage and she could now feel the heat of the fire warming her skin; but the heat radiating off of Cancer was more evident. His body is warming her up.

But it's not enough.

"Since when did you start being cheesy?" Taurus had to pull away from his irresistible embrace with slight reluctance as she stared up at him. The blush must have been evident on her cheeks because Cancer had a satisfied and a somewhat mischievous glint flashing in his eyes. Her blush is his biggest fetish. He feasts on them in general. "You weren't this cheesy. You don't even attempt to try at all."

It was true. He barely uses them at all, only when he feels like it which hardly happens. Hearing it from him was so mind-boggling and new to her that she was starting to feel timid and anxious, and yet anticipating for whatever he had in mind.

"No reason." He shrugs, his eyes looking behind her shoulders for a moment before meeting hers. They were now soaking her eyes with worry upon noticing her quivering lips which elicited another big thump within her. "Are you still cold? We could cuddle up by the fireplace."

The thought of having to cuddle up with him lighted up her slumping figure with an upbeat attitude that she almost leapt in joy. "Yes! I mean—" she quickly covered up herself with a more serious tone, "Yeah, we should."

Taurus couldn't stop shrinking from sheer embarrassment when that small smirk of his appeared on his usual neutral face. But there was no denying the wide grin on her lips. She loves seeing him more confident and making her a love-sick teenager, and yet she hates showing submission; however, he was a different case.

Her mind is definitely crazy, unlike any other.

Cancer was now pulling her to the fireplace where a big fire lay alive in its throne of logs, embracing them with warm arms. He yanked for the blanket lying on a chair which he had taken from a cabinet not too far away from the fireplace and dusted it off. Dust particles flew about, some clinging to Taurus which the small girl glared at making Cancer laugh.

They sat in front the fire, cuddling with the blanket strewn around them. Taurus soaked the heat in front of her with welcoming arms, ever more so Cancer's body heat as the taller teen had his arms around her and his head resting on her shoulders. She made herself comfortable without moving herself too much to avoid riling Cancer, snuggling in his arms as a content sigh escaped her lips. She was now beginning to feel warm and fuzzy with the way things are going. Under an abandoned cabin occupying only Cancer and her with his arms snaked around her in a protective stance, the blanket providing more than just heat, and the fireplace serving as their only company, she loves it. She loves all of it. The cute, romantic situation that only happened just now.

She was just starting to feel drowsy when a sharp and yet wet prickled the conjunction between her neck and shoulders. She instantly woke up, her drowsiness disappearing in an instant, gasping. She then felt something pecked her skin with the gentlest touch she has ever felt, before another sting came.

"Cancer?" Her voice was merely a whisper under the silent, heating cabin, save the cracklings of the fire in front of them. She never dared turning her head, knowing it was Cancer doing it, "What are you doing, hon?"

Her eyes deliberately shut on its own, her head tilting to give more access as though her body has a mind of its own. His lips begin skidding towards her shoulders, the smooth tingling sensation reminding her of the red velvet cake she just ate this morning.

He gave a sweet peck on her skin before they delved in to her ear to whisper, "I'm just warming you up."

Taurus took a sharp intake of breath at that. It was just an innocent, maybe cute statement but she was thinking differently. There was something at the way how soft and soothing his voice sounded, and his fingers were surely not doing any wonders to her body although they were just there on her waist doing nothing. It was innocent and loving but sensual at the same time. Silently alluring even. It was as though she was an instrument he knew so well to play.

Cancer continued his small and yet sensual ministrations: nibbling every inch of her skin, sucking, littering kisses anywhere all the while rubbing circles on her skin enough to set her veins on fire. She was getting riled up. This is sweet torture and she wanted nothing more but wish for Cancer to take the action.

Just as she had enough, Cancer immediately halted his ministrations, much to Taurus vexation. In precise timing, the door somewhere near them slammed open as loud as a gunshot followed by the hurried footsteps pattering on the wooden surface. The frigid wind begins trespassing their warm shelter, extinguishing any source of heat as the fire in the fireplace dwindle into a low whimpering flame.

"Guys?! Tau, my dear, how are you?!" Aqua's worried voice echoed the room just as she entered, and Taurus had to refrain herself from groaning out loud in frustration of having her hot moment with Cancer ruined.

"Aqua, you don't have to lunge at the poor door and trespass its own territory." Was Virgo's jesting reply as he stood beside Aqua to explore the room with his own eyes. When he saw the couple curled into a ball with the blanket shrouded around them, he surprisingly sighed in relief, "Thank the gods that nothing happened here. It would have been an embarrassing sight to behold."

"Oh for the sweet mother of— stop with your nonsensical musings and do something!" Aquarius exclaimed, her eyes widened in worry. She was holding his biceps as though she was trying to tell how dire the situation is, "They could be injured, hypothermic, worst, dead!"

"We are fine, Aqua." Taurus finally gritted out in frustration and anger, pushing herself more in the arms of Cancer. "We are not injured, hypothermic, and dead. We are very much alive here, thanks for asking."

Virgo couldn't stop the quirk of his lips, only muttering a small 'ow,' when Aqua pinched his arm in annoyance.

"Why do you sound annoyed? You were the one asking for help! Geez!" Aqua huffed, crossing her arms.

"She's probably annoyed that we interrupted something." Virgo coolly replied, smirking.

Taurus blushed at that and hid her face even though they cannot see her. As much as Taurus wanted to deny that claim, she knew too well how right he is. Definitely.

"Interrupted?" Aqua was now confused, before dawning over something, "Oh. OH!"

But before she could say anything, Cancer quickly interfered as he unlatched himself from Taurus, the cold now embracing her once heated body with icy nips as he stood up, dusting himself as he did so, "We need to move while the weather is fine."

"Yeah, we should." Aqua nodded, her eyes shifting to Virgo then at Cancer and Taurus before going back to Virgo again. Virgo just gave her a wink as they head out the now cold cabin.

Cancer lifted Taurus up, making sure that she was decent enough to stand by her own before releasing her. As they were heading out the cabin, Taurus couldn't stop but feel the sinking feeling in her stomach. She felt disappointed to the point that she was too occupied at her thoughts to notice that Cancer noticed her change of moods.

The chestnut haired girl felt her boyfriend's arm snake her waist as he pulled her near him. Virgo and Aqua wasn't too far with the car they used, and by the looks of it, they were laughing over something they couldn't hear from their location. Cancer decided to take that opportunity to whisper at his disappointed girlfriend's ear.

"Later," He says, but with a teasing lilt this time that Taurus couldn't help but swoon at. Her body was now brimming with energy, her heart beating faster in anticipation, and she could feel butterflies in her belly. She could feel him smirking, his voice full of sensual promises and velvety sins, "I'll warm you up and satisfy you in any way I can."


Me: *bursts out laughing* Dammit. I so enjoy making everyone embarrassed. Worst, this is now my favorite even though I'm embarrassed and amused at the way how I wrote it. Kill me now hahaha! *slams my head with a thick book, a blush crawling down my cheeks*

fem!Taurus: *blushing horribly*

male!Cancer: *silently flustered*

Me: Please don't make me ship you two. Please don't. I had enough of shipping people together. I already had this tendency to ship random people in online! I can't have myself shipping Zodiac signs too (even tho I do but please)! *groans* Please!

male!Cancer: *clears his throat* Well, this is it, huh? Do I get to go home?

Me: Nopeee! *grins* I enjoy having you here! I should definitely invite the other Zodiacs to hold the chapters.

fem!Taurus: I...I'll just use the bathroom for a sec. *hurries out*

Me: *shouting at Taurus* Oh, and you can't jump out the window. There are no windows there, and if you try breaking down the wall, you can't! And if you do, you owe me 10 dollars!

fem!Taurus: *cusses in the bathroom*

male!Caner: ...That's against the law..

Me: Meh. *shrugs* I'm the author, and this is imagination. No one can sue me.

Astra: *appears* Unless someone does that is.

Me: *screams in shock and accidentally hits him with the thick book*

Astra: Ow! Wtf?! *groans in pain*

Me: It's your fault, jerk! *helps him tho*

My Plans:
    ⁃    Drabble: Alphabet series
    ⁃    Random Stories: Real experiences with the other signs
    ⁃    Reaction to specific ships and OTPs

male!Cancer: She's still not accepting requests. She wants to make something for her own entertainment for now. She also has to finish the second part of Fate, a request that's not yet finished. She hopes you would understand. Thank you for your kind consideration.


See ya!

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