Ch. 38 | Fierce Warrior

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"Oh, my, she missed," Rongie commented.

"I think she's incompetent," Sneak added, and Hexia slapped her.

"Don't doubt your sister!" Hexia yelled out, before eagerly looking down, almost falling off the island. "I'm sure it was a ploy and she'll stand up just fine! Elena's a cruel fighter, that's for sure!"

Elena breathed in and out, barely standing straight, as if she desperately tried going against Hexia's words. She let out a high-pitched scream and ran at Anna, swinging her legs back and forth.

Anna took one step to the left, and Elena hit a rock that stood behind her. "Didn't you see? There was a boulder."

"Pff!" Elena spat out some of the tiny rubble in her mouth, and her gaze immediately averted to Anna, each second passing fueling her with even more anger, which opposed the calm and ridiculous smile on Anna's face, a sight rarely seen.

Morio desperately moved his eyes, which only met the edge of the island. Without being able to quench his curiosity, his gaze instead shifted to Ambrosia back again, noticing that the part of their Guardian Demon still rested in the palm of their clenched fist, even though it was frozen and unresponsive.

A small spark travelled through the linen, tinting it a fiery, faint, red shade, then, it sneaked in through the thousands of possibilities and dimly lit up the small orb that waited at its end.

Elena kept screaming, and Anna kept moving, sometimes her steps were slower, and at other times she even had to jump up and above the struggling fairy, who couldn't land a single hit.

At one point, when Elena crashed into yet another boulder, Anna started clapping her hands and pursing her lips, which further ignited the flame that kept bursting out from beneath her eye sockets. Yet, that never brought anything to the flipped table.

"She is incompetent." Rongie nodded, whispering.

"Sisters." Hexia stood up. "Keep watch of the candles." she extended her hand, the same sharp nails appearing at the end of her fingers, now glowing with a sparkling, dark blue aura.

"Told ya," Sneak muttered, and it now was Supra who slapped the two fairies. Hexia jumped down into the fight, and the three kept curiously watching, opening their mouths in shock at the same time, while Ambrosia's weapon kept gleaming.

Anna finally found an unfortunate opportunity to bring the Rhapsody Rope into the battle, pulling on the stalactite from above, right as Hexia ran forward. With one swift move, it crashed down, stopping her movements, and further demotivating the fairy from striking. Yet, Elena was already embarrassed enough that she wasn't going to stop at simple obstacles.

The woman jumped up, and Elena followed, as the two chased each other around the boulders of the cave. The birthday girl seldom tripped, before she decided to float instead of running, but that didn't stop her from crashing into the formations dripping down from above.

Hexia moved in from the side, sneakily extending both arms, as a piercing, shining, green crystal shot out from both palms, followed by a yell.

Anna leapt, her foot resting on the edge of the grandeur formation that Hexia created, and her smile immediately met the fairy's shocked eyes.

"Thanks!" she uttered, and Hexia groaned, letting go.

The crystals crashed on the ground, but that gave Anna enough momentum to jump up, swing up with her rope, and use her legs to kick Hexia's face in.

The Paladian-Morian stood in the middle of the two creatures, placing the long rope on her shoulder and glancing at both, from time to time.

"Fairies," Anna repeated. "You always appear so smart and devious, so sly and crafty. Some people even have respect for the only things that manage to fool humans into thinking that witches blessed them with their presence in the harshest of moments. But that doesn't happen." Anna waddled over to Elena, who lay on the ground, barely moving her limbs. She raised her head, furrowed brows clashing against the fainting yellow of her eyes. Her tongue was stuck to the rocky ground.

"Y-You...!" Elena bellowed, her gaze shifting to Hexia.

"I've seen a witch beforehand. Plenty, actually. You're doing a worse job than you might've ever imagined." Anna whispered into her ear. "Fairies are awfully stupid!" she yelled out. "Like Shin, you have to be a real idiot to get fooled by someone like you!" Anna laughed out, and Morio would furrow his eyebrows if his mind wasn't occupied with something else.

"Are we stupid?" Supra asked.

"I'm not," Rongie answered.

"I'm not either!" Sneak added.

"I guess we're blessed then, sisters." Supra nodded, her nose moving, suddenly catching a smell out of the damp cave air. "Oh, something's burning!"

"It's the candles, obviously!" Rongie continued, turning around, facing a massive fire in the shape of the Tributal. "Wow. Look at how great our wax was."

"We sure are amazing." Sneak pondered. "High-five?"

All of a sudden, Ambrosia's weapon, now fully engulfed in flames, sneaked out from the fires, its blunt end reaching Supra's face and knocking her out. The two other sisters observed as she gracefully plummeted to the ground, hitting the rocks and carving out a shape.

"I don't think that should've happened." Rongie raised her hand.

"Right?" Sneak asked, and the two quickly stood up, changing the tone dramatically. They stared in anger, sharpened their nails, and Ambrosia walked forward, safely out of the ignited flame. A smile immediately visited their face, as they kept swinging their Guardian Demon back and forth.

"If your head is burning, all your hair will be turned into ash, and I'd rather that not happen to me. But, someone once said, fight fire with fire. This isn't wax." they mentioned, brushing off the excess white particles from their forearm. "But sugary coating. That goes on cakes, not on candles."

Morio's eyes widened, as the blaze created by Ambrosia crashed down, the coating burning into the island and spreading toward the statue that the Morian was nestled in.

"Protect!" Rongie uttered, running forward, but one quick move from Ambrosia and the other end of their Guardian Demon met Rongie's stomach, pushing the fairy off the edge with a tight and inaudible scream. She landed right atop Supra, with something seemingly dissolving into the thick cave air.

The same thing could be said about Elena's body. When Anna stood atop, something seemed to flow right out of her wounds.

Sneak looked back. "Jeez. What's your problem?" she asked, clenching her jaw, and sprinting forward. Ambrosia put their hand above their mouth, muttering something before sticking their hand out, their fingers almost sending a spark towards the fairy.

Sneak suddenly stopped, with a dazed expression. "I should jump off too."

"You really should." Ambrosia nodded, and Sneak followed their order. The Tributal quickly crouched down, breathing in and out. "Simple spells and actions work so well against them. They really are stupid."

"Yeah, totally!" Morio said, stepping out of the flames with a valorous grin, and Ambrosia gave him a mean look.

Two seconds passed.

"I'M NOT STUPID!" Morio yelled.

"Hm." Ambrosia chuckled a little, standing up. "Surely."

"Would a dummy ever understand your words? Fighting fire with fire!"

"Don't know what's complicated about that," Ambrosia replied.

"A lot can be interpreted! But I did as you said and followed through nicely." Morio folded his arms, closing his eyes. "Is something still burning? You need to put a leash on your abilities if so." he signalled with his fingers.

Ambrosia politely pointed to the top of his head, with a small flame atop the one strand of hair that stood. Morio screamed out, pushing his hands onto the blaze, trying to extinguish it with sheer willpower and pressure, but that wasn't enough to satiate his panic.

Ambrosia wanted to congratulate the Morian earlier for keeping composure in Kakinoki but now started to doubt their own words, seeing as he struggled with such a minute thing, walking around, spouting shouts and screams. Even Anna looked up, frustrated.

But, unbeknownst to her, it was at that exact moment when Hexia and Elena stood up and dashed towards the woman, fueled with one singular distraction. Maybe it was the particles dissolving into the air, but either way, they clung to a last hope.

"M-Morio!" Ambrosia stuck their hand out, and Morio tilted over the edge, before falling. His earlier screams turned into screeches of pure, adrenaline-filled, fear. It was now both worlds that decided to taunt him, the cruellest death one would imagine. His mind quickly rushed to that possibility, but those notions were quickly diminished, as his hand unconsciously landed on Gloria's grip. He pulled the sword out, gritting his shaking teeth.

Elena shouted, her sister joined in, and Anna quickly looked to the sides, her eyes shrinking. She immediately pulled on her rope and struck at the ground in the front, sending a small shockwave, while, unfortunately for Anna, Hexia managed to sneak in a hit, leaving three bloody marks on her back and wrapping her sharp arm around Anna's neck.

"Not so stupid now, huh?!" Hexia raised her voice, putting as much pressure as she possibly could, creating thick crystals around Anna's neck. "I'll carve a way for you to follow so you'll pay us the respect we deserve!"

"On my birthday too!" Elena added, raising her fist.

Anna struggled, pushing and pushing, but nothing came out from all that pressure. Dark turned into white, before moving towards an unsure blur.

She breathed out.

"But what about that blessing of yours, Shin?" she quickly asked herself, without uttering a word. "Why did you give me a second chance, then?"

Morio zapped through the air, before clashing with Hexia, slicing through her hand and pushing her away from Anna. She tumbled, in pure, unfiltered shock, while Morio got back to himself, coughing out. "Is the flame still there?" he quickly asked, turning to Anna, who sighed in exhaustion.

Hexia's terrified eyes met the unwilling glances of Anna, and the Morian didn't even have it in him to turn and face his opponent. "You... this isn't over..!" she muttered, before collapsing and fainting.

Elena raised her head, ready to strike, but Ambrosia's blunt end landed on her head, cementing her fate into the ground. "Oops," they muttered.

"It's still there," Anna answered.

"WATER! WATER!" Morio screamed, putting both hands on his head. "GIVE ME SOME WATER!"

"That's Bancho's ability!" Ambrosia solemnly informed.

"Damn it!" Anna shouted, taking Morio's Guardian Demon out of his hands and slicing off that one strand of hair, as it landed on the ground behind him.

Morio patted his own head, feeling around. "Oh," he said, a bit embarrassed. "Haha." he laughed, taking a few steps back, his heart pounding at the sight of Anna's angered face.

A few seconds passed, and the Morian, as if activated, started running far away from Anna-Pom.

"Pf." she breathed out, brushing sweat off her forehead. "Fairies are stupid, but I might've found a new runner-up," she said, quietly. "DON'T RUN OFF!" she added, and Morio's scream echoed, further spiralling his fear.

"He's still a kid," Ambrosia said.

"A kid that's supposedly the only one that can defeat Shi Hon. Yeah," Anna replied. "Surely."

"That doesn't make him older or more mature." Ambrosia continued. "He's still just Morio."

"The Morio that can shape out the path humanity's supposed to take. There are some things I'd rather not believe in."

"He saved your life just now."

Anna-Pom closed her eyes and hesitantly followed the path Morio trod.

"Was it Morio or you that saved me?" Anna looked up, thinking. "What am I supposed to believe in?"

Ambrosia waddled over to Elena, taking an empty flask out of her dissolving body.

Anna raised a brow.

"As opposed to witches, fairies dissolve with salty water. I coated my weapon's ends and gave the other half to Elena. It slowed everything down tremendously, with her attacks as well."

"Great job, then," Anna growled.

"Something to believe in," Ambrosia added, with a larger beam. "Someone's help could be that one thing."

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